Park View Primary School

New Road, Cambuslang, G72 7PU. Tel: 0141 641 1677

HT Update March 2014


If you would like to order any uniform items, please contact Mrs. Brunton in the School Office or download an order form from our website.

The children’s presentation is excellent, and is continually praised by visitors to the school and members of the community!

If you have any uniform items which are no longer the correct size for your child, we would welcome donations. These are always handy if a child has a mishap in school and needs to get changed. Thank you.

Please complete the consultation slip attached to this letter re. uniform proposals. Thank you.

After School Clubs

The P1-P3 Cooking Club has now started and the children are looking forward to learning lots of new skills which they will be able to use at home. We applied for a grant to help fund the resourcing of the club and we are waiting to hear if we have been successful. We would ask parents/carers to donate 50p per session to help us to cover the cost of the ingredients each week.

Our Dance/Cheer Team will be performing at the Dance Festival Rutherglen Town Hall on Monday 24th March 6pm – 8pm. We hope that lots of parents and pupils will be able to come along to support our team. Ticket prices will be confirmed by SLC in the near future and we will post the information on our website/ twitter feed as soon as it is available.


P7 Park View pupils will be invited to join P7 children from Spittal PS and James Aiton PS on a residential trip to Barcapale in October 2014. A Parent Information session will be held in Stonelaw HS on Tuesday25th March 6-7pm.

Head Lice

This continues to be an ongoing issue and is causing many families a great deal of distress. In order to prevent the continued spread of head lice, we strongly advise all parents to visit their local pharmacy to obtain the most appropriateadvice and prevention and/or treatment products. Many of these are free of charge. Your co-operation is greatly appreciated by all concerned.

Egg Day

On Tuesday 1st of April, all children are invited to bring a hard boiled egg to school, which will be decorated in class. The children can bring in any materials from home which they wish to use. We will also provide craft materials, donated by our Parent Partnership. The eggs will be on display at Parents’ Evening and parents/carers can vote for their favourite creation in each class. The Parent Partnership have kindly provided prizes for ALL the children who take part, from the proceeds of the Christmas Fayre.

Parent Helpers

Our Parent Helper programme has now started and staff and pupils greatly appreciate the extra support in school. Thank you to everyone who offered to help. If you would like to join our rota, please contact Mrs. Brunton in the School Office.

‘Find Out More About....French’

Thank you to everyone who came along to support our French afternoon. It was a huge success and the children really enjoyed demonstrating their learning . The French Cafe was a wonderful addition. Many thanks to the Pupil Council, Miss Watson and Mrs. Brunton for all of of their hard work in the Cafe and behind the scenes!

Diary Dates

24th MarchDance Festival at 6pm in Rutherglen Town Hall

25th MarchBarcaple Info session in Stonelaw HS.

1st April Egg Day

1st April Parents’ Evening ( please note that original date has been changed)

3rd AprilEaster Celebration in Flemington Church at 11:15am.

3rd AprilParent Partnership Meeting at 7pm.

4th AprilPupil Council Talent Show – photographs will be put on website for parents/carers to view.

4th AprilSchool closes for the Easter Holiday at 2:30pm.

Pupil Assessment Folios

The children’s Assessment Folios will be available to view during our Parents’ Evening on Tuesday 1st of April 2014. Please take the time to look through the examples of your child’s work and comment on their progress using the sheet provided.

Curriculum Development

  • During the February Inset, staff looked at how best to plan learning and teaching in all aspects of Literacy. The resulting format has ensured that all key skills are covered and that the children’s progression through each level can be easily tracked.
  • Earlier this month, all of our teachers worked together to develop a shared marking code. This now means that our approach to giving written feedback to children is consistent across the school and it is hoped that this will make it easier for the children to recognise their strengths and areas for further development.
  • P1 and P2/3 now have a planning sheet for French which details all the phrases that they will cover over the course of Early and First level. This will be extended as French is embedded throughout the school. Please encourage your children to share their learning with you. We will send home a list of key vocabulary that you can practise together.

Summer Fayre

Our Parent Partnership are hoping to organise a Summer Fayre to raise funds for the school. Details were sent out on Monday 10th of March. If you are able to help out before or during the event, please let the Parent Partnership know. Your help will be greatly appreciated. The next meeting is on Thursday 3rd April at 7pm.

School Photographs

The photographer will be in school to take class, individual and family photographs on Friday 28th of March 2014. Please ensure that the children wear full school uniform on this day, rather than polo shirts/sweatshirts. Thank you.

Whole School Trip

We have booked a whole school outing to M&Ds on Friday 20th of June 2014! The Parent Partnership has contributed £600 towards the cost of the trip. This money was raised at the Christmas Fayre. The children will bring home a 50/50 envelope today to help raise additional funds. Please put £1 in the envelope and send it in to school by Friday 14th March. The winner will be drawn at random and will receive 50% of the money sent in. The school will put the rest towards the trip in order to keep the cost of the trip as low as possible for families. More details about the outing will be available in Term 4.

Website and Twitter Account

Please remember that you can access lots of information about the school on our website at and on Twitter at @ParkViewUpdate

Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs. M. Speirs

Park View Primary

School Uniform Consultation

Please tick your preference and return by Friday 14th March 2014

Summer Dress

I would prefer that the female pupils in Park View did not wear a summer dress in Term 4

and wore the official school uniform.

I would like the female pupils in Park View to have the option to wear a green checked

summer dress in Term 4.

I would like the female pupils in Park View to have the option to wear a blue checked

summer dress in Term 4.

School Jumpers/ Cardigans – Piping

I would be interested inpurchasing Park View jumpers/ cardigans which

have piping around the v-neck, in a similar shade to the school badge.

I would not be interested in purchasing school jumpers/ cardigans which have

piping around the v neck, in a similar shade to the school badge.

School Jumpers/Cardigans

I am happy with the quality of the knitwear on sale and

am not interested in purchasing a slightly more expensive garment with the school logo.

I am unhappy with the quality of the knitwear on sale this session and

I am interested in purchasing a slightly more expensive garment with the school logo.


Thank you for your views. We will confirm the majority decisions as soon as possible.