Must Distinguish Between a Major and Minor Doctrine

Must Distinguish Between a Major and Minor Doctrine

But…must not be unnecessarily divisive…can you think of examples?

Must distinguish between a major and minor doctrine.

Major doctrine: A doctrine that either affects many other doctrines or will have a significant impact on how one lives

“In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, in all things charity.”

b. Neat to be true(how should we respond? Verses?)

- which Scripture is being misinterpreted?

-Num 23:19: God cannot lie. “A” cannot be “A” and not “A”. God is consistent and so is his word

Yet…the Bible is full of paradoxes and mystery and God’s greatness is unsearchable Psa145:3

Paradox: aseemingly contradictory statement that may nonetheless be true

“mystery is the lifeblood of theology”-Herman Bavinck

(IOW…we begin with mystery…we don’t end there when our ideas run out. I pray you can learn to be comfortable with mystery)

-Theology will leave you with a lot of tension

c. Intellectual (how should we respond? Verses?)

- Matt 22:37: love God with all your mind

-2 Pet 3:18: Grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ

- Rom 11:33: Theology ought to inspire awe and worship!

Yet, there is a very real danger of our knowledge not benefiting us

  • 1 Cor 13:2
  • 2 Pet 1:8

- not knocking knowledge, it is condemning knowledge with no fruit

How should we study theology if the means/goal is not just knowledge?

- Pray/ depend upon Spirit (Open my eyes Psa 119:18)

- Humbly (God opposes proud 1 Pet5:5)

- With help (God gave teachers 1 Cor 12:28)

- With the goal of rejoicing, praise, and wonder

(Psa 139:17, Rom 11:32, Psa 119:103)

* For more information see Wayne Grudem’s ”Systematic Theology” Chapter 1

Systematic Theology- #1. Introduction

Are you a theologian (a person who engages in the study of God?)

-Everyone is a theologian

-We all have ideas about God, what moral actions He approves us, how His church should run. We live these beliefs out in the way we speak and act on a daily basis.

-The real question is “are you a good or bad theologian?”

What are some negative connotations associated with theology? Do you have any?

-Conclusions too neat to be true

-Too dogmatic, divisive

-Too much head, not enough heart

I. What is Systematic Theology?

Systematic Theology: Any study seeking to find what the whole Bible teaches us today about a particular topic.

The subject-matter of systematic theology is God.

The primary source of systematic theology is Scripture.

The product of systematic theology is doctrine.

(Dogma is a similar term used by the Roman Catholic & Lutheran churches to refer to doctrines with official church endorsement)

II. The Bible calls us to do Systematic Theology

  • Matt 28:18-20

-teach ALL that Christ commanded…not just SOME

  • Acts 20:27

- Paul proclaimed the WHOLE COUNSEL of God.

  • Titus 2:1

- called to teach sound doctrine

Can you think of false teaching today that ignores parts of Scripture?

- Health & Wealth preaching (ignores suffering passages)

- Jehovah’s Witnesses (ignore passages that point to Jesus deity)

Practical Example: Trinity

  • Deut 6:4 / 2 Pet 1:1 / Acts 5:3-4 / 1 Cor 8:6

- could wrongly conclude that there in only 1 person or there are 3 Gods

Illustration: Puzzle analogy

One puzzle piece = 1 verse

All Unassembled puzzle pieces = all the Bible verses on a topic

Assembled puzzle = Doctrine

The process of assembling the puzzle = Theology

a. Beauty that exists in the completed puzzle that does not exist in individual pieces

b. We CANNOT put the entire puzzle together, but we CAN put many of the pieces together and see a clearer picture

c. This in turns helps us interpret other verses

d. Sometimes a verse will force us to readjust our puzzle

IV. Relation to Other Disciplines

What is the only source worthy to be part of the foundation?

Scripture (Sola Scriptura)

V. I don’t like theology b/c it is too…

a. Divisive (how should we respond? Verses?)

- our unity is in the truth

- Gal 1:8: We have unity in the gospel

- Eph 4:3-6: that we have the same God and faith is what unites us

Can we have unity with someone who believes Mormon teaching?

- No, not the same Lord, not the same Father, not the same gospel

Disciplines that USE theology

Disciplines that ADVISE theology

What danger exists when we move philosophy or church history from an advisory role over to the foundation? Examples?

Roman Catholicism’s view of church history as inspired...introduce errors such as Immaculate Conception.

Philosophical arguments which end up denying things clearly taught in Scripture (Christ cannot have the same nature as the Father because of His submission to the Father)