Model Application on Plain Paper

(fill up the parts with a grey background)

The Rector

LUISS Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli

c/o AcademicPersonnel Office

Viale Pola 12

00198 Rome (Italy)

Subject: / Application for candidacy
(candidate’s surname and name)
for competition bearing code / DEF-RIC-10/2017
(vacancy code)
The undersigned
(candidate’s surname and name) / (sex M/F)
born in / on
(city or foreign country of birth) / (date birth dd/mm/yyyy)
for admission to the comparative evaluation procedure announced by LUISS Libera UniversitàInternazionaledegliStudiSociali Guido Carli for the awarding of one full-time private-sector fixed-term contract of dependent employment as a researcher pursuant to article 24, paragraph 3, subparagraph a), for three-year term, for research, teaching and student services,
for the / 13/A1 - Economics academic recruitment field; SECS-P/01 - Economicsacademic discipline
(initials and name of the academic recruitment field and academic discipline)
at the Department of / Economics and Finance
bearing competition code / DEF-RIC-10/2017

To that end I declare under my own responsibility that:

a. / I am resident in
(city of residence ) / (province) / (post code)
(street name) / (number)
country of residence (fill in only if other than Italy)
b. / I hold the following citizenship:
c. / I elect a contact address for the purposes of the competition at (fill in only if different from residence):
(city) / (province) / (post code)
(street) / (number)
country (if other than Italy)
d. / my tax number is:
(solely for Italian residents)
e. / my e-mail addresselected for the purposes of the competition is:
(for receiving correspondence from LUISS Guido Carli for the purposes of the competition)
f. / my telephone number is:
including international prefix (for being contacted by LUISS Guido Carli for the purposes of the competition)
undertaking to timely communicate any and all changes;
g. / I hold the following university qualifications:
(degree, research doctorate)
h. / I am capable of teaching courses and writing research reports also in English, fulfil all of the requisites specified in article 2 of the competition announcement and do not fall within the scope of any of the exclusions referred to in that same article 2;
i. / I do not hold any other position or if I do I will give it up if I am awarded the contract;
j. / I have no criminal record;
k. / I enjoy my civil and political rights in my country of residence or origin.

I attach the following to this application:

1. / academic and professional curriculum vitae;
2. / self-certification through which the candidate states his or her actual qualifications and publications (annex c); In this self-cerification the candidate must make a list of publications and works, numbered for importance, who intends to submit for comparative evaluation.
3. / publications and/or works (maximum n. 12), including research doctorate thesis,that I intend to submit for comparative evaluation for a total of: ______and qualifications that I intend to submit for comparative evaluation
4. / research doctorate thesis;
5. / self-certification through which the candidate specifies in details his or her contribution to each of the works written and/or published together with other authors (annex c);
6. / photocopy of a valid identity document.
7. / a Pendrive (or other digital support) containing the documents listedatnumbers 1), 2), 5), 6) of this annex in either PDF or Microsoft Word format and,if available, also the documents listedat numbers 3) and 4) of this annex. The Pendrive, duly labelled with the candidate’s first name and surname and the competition number, must be placed inan envelope. Inside the envelope the pendrive itself must be contained inside an appropriate protective sachet to ensure that it does not get damaged.
(place) / (date dd/mm/yyyy)
(legible signature)

Pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 196 of 30 June 2003 as amended you are informed that the processing of your personal data by LUISS Guido Carli is done electronically and manually by LUISS Guido Carli faculty and employees or by other persons appointed by the University to handle this comparative evaluation for the purposes of managing this comparative evaluation procedure, publicising the relevant acts and possibly awarding the contract. The giving of the data is optional but essential for the selection procedure.

Your rights under article 7 of Legislative Decree No. 196/2003 may be exercised by contacting the data processor Mr. Francesco Spanò, Head of Human Resources at LUISS Guido Carli.

Your signature authorises LUISS Guido Carli to process your personal data for the above purposes.

(place) / (date dd/mm/yyyy)
(legible signature)

Annex B

Model Envelope Label

(surname and name)
(street name ) / (number)
(post code) / (city) / (province) / (foreign country)
Subject: application to participate in the comparative evaluation for one position as a fixed-term researcher pursuant to article 24, paragraph 3, subparagraph a), of Law No. 240/2010:
-in the 13/A1 – Economics academic recruitment field
-in the SECS-P/01 - Economicsacademic discipline
-at the Department of Economics and Finance;
-bearing competition code DEF-RIC-10/2017.
Al Magnifico Rettore
della LUISS Libera Università Internazionale
degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli
c/o Settore Personale Docente
Viale Pola 12
00198 Roma (Italy)