Minutes of the Celbridge Area Committee on Friday, 13th July 2001, held in St. Mary’s, Naas

Present:G. Conway,

E. Stagg

K. Walsh

Also present:Ms P. Hickey, Acting County Secretary

Mr. Des O’Connor, SEE

Eilish Murray, A.E.

Helen Dowling, A/SO

Mr. Jimmy Lynch, Co. Engineer

Damien Mc Nulty, Engineer Road Design

Karen Keane, Asst. S.O.



The minutes of 8th June were adopted on the proposal of Councillor Geraldine Conway and seconded by Councillor Kate Walsh.


Matters arising from the Minutes

Traffic Calming

Deputy Stagg noted that the traffic calming plan for St. Patrick’s Park in Celbridge has to come back to the members for approval before it goes ahead. He also referred to the plans for Scoil na Mainstreac, this too has to come back to the members. Mr. Damien Mc Nulty pointed out that the Council are waiting to take the road in charge in Ballygoran Estate and work will commence then on traffic calming. Deputy Stagg stated that there has been some tension in the Ballygoran Estate of late and that it had previously been agreed to carry out traffic calming measures before the estate is taken in charge. Deputy Stagg stated that the Manager had given his word that this would be carried out. Councillor Conway then asked that confirmation be sought for the next meeting of the Celbridge Area Committee as to when Ballygoran Estate is going to be taken charge.

Celbridge Town Improvement Works

Deputy Stagg stated that the £500,000 that was earmarked for a car park in Celbridge is now not required that this money be used to finish off the improvement works on the main street in Celbridge. Deputy Stagg indicated that the Manager had said that this money would be available and asked as to whether this money can now be put to use for the aforementioned works. Deputy Stagg then referred to the £260,000 being given to Kildare County Council from the Department of the Environment and Local Government in relation to improvement works in Celbridge and whether this money included refuse bins. Mr. Des O’Connor, SEE, undertook to clarify this. Councillor Conway then asked whether the £260,000 was going to be used for removing the overhead wires in Celbridge and Mr. Des O’Connor, SEE, stated that this would take a large part of the money to carry out.

Filling of the Bog at Kilwogan

Councillor Geraldine Conway stated that at the last meeting Stephen Deegan, Environmental Engineer, was to visit the site at Kilwogan Bog and to see if there was any breach of planning conditions. Ms Phil Hickey, Acting County Secretary, stated that if there’s a breach of planning conditions in relation to the filling of the bog then a warning notice can be served immediately. It was noted that this item be kept under review.

Flooding report on Kearneystown.

Deputy Stagg asked what the position was in relation to a report to be circulated to the members from the Consultant’s undertaking a study on this. Mr. Des O’Connor stated that the consultants are J. P. Berry & Co. and that it was hoped to have a report available for the residents and for the members in September or October. Deputy Stagg stated that this work was to commence in January 2001 and asked that it would be moved along as quickly as possible.

Tourism signs erected at Straffan

Deputy Stagg again stated that these signs be removed as they are very ugly and do nothing to enhance the tourism capabilities of Straffan village. Mr. Des O’Connor, SEE, stated that they were funded by KELT and not Kildare County Council and that as such Kildare County Council would not be able to remove them. All members of the Committee were in agreement that this item be referred to the relevant section within the Council to get in touch with KELT to see if there was any possibility that they could be re-designed and improved. Councillor Kate Walsh also indicated that the tourism signs in Celbridge too are very ugly and that they also be removed, or if not redesigned. All members of the Celbridge Area Committee were in agreement with this.

The Tony River

Councillor Geraldine Conway asked that the Tony River be cleaned in July as stated before at previous meetings. Councillor Conway asked that if the grid in the middle of the green in Dara Court be removed as it was very unsightly to which Ms Eilish Murray, A.E., stated that for safety reasons this grid had to be left where it was. Ms Murray stated that she will investigate this further to see if anything can be done.


Planning Files

00/664 – Crannach Tourist Park – Report from Ms. A. Aspell, SSO, stated that a material contravention of the Kildare County Development Plan 1999 has been passed by the members of the Council in order to allow this development proceed. The planner initially assigned to deal with this application is no longer with us and therefore it has been re-assigned to another planner who is compiling the appropriate conditions for this development.

99/1830 – Janis Securities – A report stated that some remaining issues are being clarified with the applicant. The file will be listed on the agenda for the County Council in July or September.

01/958 – S.O.F.A. Properties – A planning application was received from S.O.F.A. Properties on 30th May 2001 for construction of local shop and petrol service station with staff accommodation over at Clane Road, Celbridge. A copy of the site location map was attached for the members information purposes. A decision on this planning file is due on 29th July 2001.

01/800 – Martin and Francis Harding – two storey TV rooms, a kitchen and two bedroom extension to front and side of 45 Beatty Grove, Celbridge. This application is due for decision on 18th August 2001. Deputy Stagg stated that in relation to planing application 01/800 that if it is built as proposed it will overshadow three adjoining gardens. He asked that a planner attend the meeting of 23rd July to discuss same.


Consultants Report on the upgrading of the Maynooth Road, Celbridge

The consultants in attendance on the Ove Arup project were Mr. Paul Coughlan and Mr. Tim Corcoran. They attended the meeting to give a review of the traffic management issues in Celbridge. The agenda was as following:

An Introduction

Celbridge Town Traffic Study

Review of traffic signals

Other forms of traffic control

The short term improvements possible

Medium to long term solutions

They stated that the original report was compiled in 1998. Traffic signals were installed at the end of 1999 early 2000 but were turned off again as they were seen not to be working in the proper manner. On foot of this a review of the traffic signals was commenced and a new traffic count survey was carried out in April of 2000. A difference was noticeable from the survey that had been previously carried out in 1997. The differences noticed were as follows:

Increase in the Clane Road traffic

Traffic going straight across to the Hazelhatch Road had increased by 71%

A reduction in the left hand traffic turning down the Dublin Road by 21%

An increase in traffic coming up the Newtown Road by 26%.

It was found that in the morning time the main street junction worked well as long as the traffic restrictions were adhered to i.e. the yellow line prohibition of double parking. In the evening time neither of the junctions worked. The consultants went on to say the other traffic control options available were mini roundabouts, traffic signals and priority junctions. They stated that the mini roundabouts were not really an option the traffic signals had not worked previously as they do not give control and the priority junctions would not really work either. Two of the short term improvements that were considered by the Consultants were as follows:

1)the use of Gleeson’s land to improve the operation of the junction, but however, this land has been sold and so could not go ahead.

2)The second short term improvement will be the use of the Boylan’s road i.e. closing the Primrose Hill Road at Gleeson’s as it is very narrow anyway.
They state that pedestrian access would be incorporated into this and that the scheme could be supplemented by a new river crossing at Castletown. Councillor Kate Walsh stated that a river crossing would divide the community in two halves and is the need for a second bridge warranted. Deputy Stagg stated that this could be reviewed when a ring road is complete. In using the Boylan’s Road senario it is stated that the east bound right turn movement at the Dublin Road junction would have to be removed i.e. at Boylan Road and then that this would allow the Dublin Road junction traffic move on to the main street in a freer fashion. The Boylan Road senario would also remove the traffic from the narrow section of the Primrose Hill near the bridge. The consultants recommended that the traffic signals be put in place to allow this to happen to which the members were not in agreement. They would agree to a pedestrian crossing however. It was stated that the traffic lights did not get a fair chance when they were used initially as there was a lot of illegal parking at the time and no bye-laws had been in place to deal with this issue. Ove Arup stated that the traffic signals could only be reinstated if the regulations are in place to prohibit such illegal parking. The County Engineer asked the members of the Celbridge Area Committee to allow the consultants use traffic lights in the Boylan Road senario if they feel it warranted i.e. in the interest of proper traffic management. Councillor Walsh asked when the Ove Arup consultants will have the Boylan senario in place? The consultants stated that the Boylan’s Road senario would only be a short term solution and that the building of a new bridge is really what the long term solution would be. The County Engineer asked would it be possible for the consultants to bring a simulation to the Area members of how this Boylan Road junction would operate without traffic lights to see what would happen and the consultants were in agreement that they would bring it back the next day they attended. Deputy Stagg asked what was going to happen now in the interim while the Boylan Road junction is being looked at. The County Engineer stated that it would be possible to install a temporary roundabout but the amount of time and money it would cost would be the same as for the new junction for the Boylan Road. The County Engineer emphasised to the Ove Arup consultants to investigate the need for traffic signals at the new Boylan Road junction for the next day. All members of the Celbridge Area committee thanked the Ove Arup consultants for their attendance but asked that they discuss the traffic signal issue again once the Boylan senario is in place. Mr. Jimmy Lynch, County Engineer, stated that a junction of this magnitude would be too dangerous without the use of controlling traffic signals.


Programme of Work for Straffan for the Ryder Cup

The Ove Arup consultants stated that a meeting had been held with the Ryder Cup Team in relation to traffic management issues and they are still compiling a plan to implement for the control of traffic at this time. Deputy Stagg stated that a bye-pass would be required for Straffan during the Ryder Cup competition. It was agreed that a Ryder Cup meeting would take place on Tuesday, 31st July at 2.00 p.m. in St. Mary’s, Naas. This meeting date to be confirmed by the Chairwoman, Councillor Geraldine Conway.


Deputation from the Killadoon residents Association.

The deputation was made up of Mr. Michael Parker, Chairperson, and Mr. Des O’Dowd. A detailed report was submitted by the deputation to the members of the Celbridge Area Committee in relation to a planning Ref. 01/948 – application for two No.dwelling at lands at Kildoon Park, Clane Road, Celbridge, County Kildare. The report detailed the reasons as to why the residents are in objection to this planning permission being granted. They stated that an earlier permission reference 89/371 stated that the land that the new development is to be built on, was seen to be public open space and was not to be developed in the interest of the proper planning and development of the area. The deputation also made enquiries as to why the Council had not yet taken this estate in charge to which Ms. Phil Hickey, Acting County Secretary, replied the Council did write to the developer in 1995 asking them to finish off the estate paths to be able to carry out the required planting etc. this work has never been completed. The Council will not take it in charge unless they have brought it to the proper standard,which has not happened. Mr. Parker stated the residents of Killadoon pay approximately £100 a year for the upkeep of this public open space and carry out most of the work themselves even though the developer has said that this land in his ownership. Mr. Parker asked that planning permission not be granted to the developer on this open space until he resolves the snag list that he should have carried out in Killadoon Park. Deputy Stagg stated that the application by the developer KSC is valid as the Bacon report has increased densities and that it would be judged on its own merit. Deputy Stagg stated that the Killadoon residents can appeal the decision if it goes in the developer’s favour to an Bord Pleanala. Mr. Parker stated that eighteen out of the twenty one residents in Killadoon Park were opposed to the new development. They also pointed out that the development of the two houses at the entrance to this estate is entirely inappropriate as it is a concealed entrance and will present a significant traffic hazzard for road users and pedestrians alike. Ms. Phil Hickey, Acting County Secretary, stated that the Killadoon Park residents association issues raised be placed on the planning file and to confirm with planning that an acknowledgement goes out to them on this issue. The deputation then ended by thanking Kildare County Council for their time and also thanking them for their help over the last number of years in relation to these issues.


Extinguishment of the Right of Way at Crodaun Forest Park, Celbridge.

Ms. Helen Dowling, Acting Staff Officer, stated that the maps have been circulated in relation to this extinguishment of the right of way and that it has been agreed by the members and is going to be advertised next week in the local papers. There will be a month for submissions Deputy Stagg asked that the Council maintain an area between the Crodaun Forest Park and the roadway and Ms Ailish Murray stated that she will investigate this item further.


Clonagh/Smithstown Group Water Scheme – Taking in charge.

Deputy Stagg proposed that this Group Water Scheme be taken in charge and Councillor Geraldine Conway seconded it.


Consider deputation from the Straffan Development Association

All members of the Celbridge Area Committee were in agreement that the Straffan Development Association be invited to attend the September meeting of the Celbridge Area Committee.


Councillors Questions

Councillor Walsh
Could I have an update on the situation inside Castletown Gates as to the ongoing flooding and the drop in road level?

Mr. Des O’Connor, SEE, stated that this is a matter for Duchas as the problem is inside the gates of Casteltown. There has been a meeting between Duchas and Kildare County Council and Mr.O’Connor gave his undertaking to follow this up and track down the correspondence and any other details to do with this meeting and circulate it to the members.

Deputy Stagg
(a) “Under the Control of Consumption and Possession of Alcohol Bye-Laws for Celbridge, are signs required at the entrances to the Town and what is the procedure?
A report from Ms. C. O’Grady, Staff Officer Corporate Affairs, read as follows, a copy of the Local Government Act 1994, Section 42 was circulated to the members in relation to the publication of Bye-Laws. The report indicated that there is no general requirement to erect signs to indicate that Bye-Laws are in force except under section 5a which relates to the Bye-Laws made for the use, regulation or management of land provided by a local authority. Deputy Stagg asked if it would be possible to place an advert in the local papers stating that it is illegal to drink in public places in the Celbridge area.

(b) What is the status of the Consultant’s examination of the flooding in the Ardclough area and what was the outcome of the meeting on this subject in the Setanta Hotel on Wednesday 30th May, 2001?
This item has been dealt with under matters arising from minutes.
(c) Have the Council taken over the area of land in front of and across the road from Lishandra Estate in Ardclough and what is the Council’s intended use of this land?
Mr. Des O’Connor, S.E.E., stated that some of the locals would like to do this area up but that it is important to bear in mind the possibility of the illegal parking of travellers. Mr. O’Connor stated that if the residents come back with a proposal as to what works they wish to carry out Kildare County Council will look at it in a thorough manner.
(d) What progress has been made in limiting the use of Henry Bridge, Ardclough, (Canal) to max. 5 tonne vehicles?
Mr. Des O’Connor stated that Duchas have stated that this bridge is structurally sound and can deal with all the traffic that is using it at this present time. Mr. O’Connor stated that it would be difficult to enforce a five tonne maximum weight rule but that he will look at this issue further.