Minutes of PPG Meeting Held on the 18th March 2014at Allerton Road Medical Centre


Hurley Staff

Dr Murray Ellender (Partner)

DrLeelaJayal (LMD)

Dr Ruth Hallgarten (LMD)

Sara Ibrahim (POM)


Mark Ashworth (Partner)

Mabli Jones (Director of Operations & Organisational Development)

Sioux Thorn (Regional manager)


MrShaer, Mr J Silkin


Sara opened the meeting by thanking the patients for coming.

Last meeting minutes were discussed

Sara informed the patients that unfortunately the GP was recruited to start with us in February had pulled out and so the Practice are re-recruiting. Until the position is filled, Locums are being used to see patients with on the day needs in order to free up some routine appointments with DrHallgarten and DrJayapal.

Patient survey:

The Patient survey results were discussed. A copy of the results was given to all attendees. Patients agreed with the findings in general and emphasised the need for more routine appointments.

Actions Agreed:

•Practice will continue in recruiting male GP for 4 sessions a week

•Practice will look into creating more routine appointments in order to reduce waiting times for routine appointments

The Appointment System

The appointment system was discussed. The Practice has decided to remove triage for a trial period of 3 months. During this time, emergency on the day needs will be met by Nurse Donna (Nurse Practitioner) and Doctors but without the need for patients to be called first. Patients welcomed that idea and agreed to provide feedback at next PPG meeting.


Sara announced the Practice had a Pre-registration visit by the CQC which went well. This means that the Practice is CQC registered. There will be however another visit soon


Patients were made aware that there are a high number of patients who do not attend their appointments. Last month there were 34 appointments missed which amounts to more than 5 and a half hours of clinical time which could have been allocated to patient care. Each appointment costs £45, this amounts to £1530 wasted.

Any other business

Patients raised concerns about the phone system. Patients were advised that the phone system contract ends in May and the Practice will be looking into changing the system then. In the meantime, adjustments can be made to make the most of the current system.

MrSilkin raised concerns that these meetings are not very well attended. It was explained that there have been posters, leaflets and slips in reception, clinical rooms and at the chemists advertising the meeting. We also attached slips to patient prescriptions and personally invited patients to attend. All the regular PPG members were invited by phone. Different ways of inviting patients will be thought about and suggest to Sara at a later date.