
Graham Meech

Mike Pollard

Tony Adams

Shirley Robbins

Hitesh Tailor

Matt Campbell

Rod Patterson

Nick Wood

Graeme McRobert

Neil Moring

Apologies received from:

Graham Dodsworth

Thomas Watts

Brendan Bennett

Malcolm Pollard

Scott Weaver

Ashlin Joseph

Paul Dugdale

F Ahmed

Dan Hood

Matt Thomas

Mark Weaver

Sean Adams

Mike Meech

The meeting was opened by Club Chairman, Graham Meech, at 8.10 pm.

1. Minutes of 2012 AGM

The minutes of the 2012 AGM were read by those present, agreed and signed as a true record.

2. Matters arising from minutes of 2012 AGM

Those present felt that the use of Leckford's pitch for the 2nd XI team in 2013 had been a success. Thomas Watts to send a letter of thanks to Leckford in due course.

3. Chairman's comments

Graham Meech reiterated his comments made at the recent presentation evening that he had personally been delighted with the Club's success in 2013, particularly with running two Saturday league sides. He wanted to place on record his personal thanks to everyone who had supported the Club and to the Committee Members who had supported him in his first year as Chairman.

4. 1st Team Captain's report

Mike Pollard presented his report on the 2013 season – attached.

5. 2nd Team Captain's report

Graeme McRobert presented his report on the 2013 season – attached.

6. Sunday Captain's report

No report was given.

7. Midweek Captain's report

Nick Wood gave a verbal report. 2013 had been a short season of just 12 games – 9 league and 3 cup matches. Of the 9 league matches, only 7 were actually played with 5 wins and 2 losses. The team were successful in reaching the quarter finals of the cup. For 2014, NW will contact the league with a suggestion to change the day that matches are played as it can be difficult to field sides for matches on consecutive days. Overall, however, NW felt that it was getting easier for the Club to field a side and there had been 20 players to choose from in 2013. It was encouraging to see 2 new players who proved to be good future prospects. NW intended to enter the league again in 2014

8. Colts report

Graeme McRobert gave a verbal report. It had been a successful season overall. 2013 saw the introduction of the U15 squad and, despite not having a full squad in this age group, the Club had managed to fulfill all its match commitments. Although they lost every match, the players enjoyed their cricket which was the key aim. The U13 squad had a fantastic season reaching the plate final, ultimately finishing runners up and almost finishing top of the league. The U11 squad won and lost an equal amount of matches and the U9's had a mixed season, with a lot of new players joining the Club and new to cricket. Overall, a very positive season. It was also noted that for the first time ever, two matches had been played at home at the same time.

9. Treasurer's report

Tony Adams presented a verbal financial report.

The Colts had started the year with an opening balance of £534 and finished the summer season with a balance of £147. There had been some expenditure on kit and various tournaments. There were still some invoices to be paid (trophies from presentation evening). The Club was confident that any deficit would be recouped with membership fees in the New Year and winter indoor match fees.

The Adults saw an operational profit of £316 in the year and £470 profit from the 500 Club fund-raiser.

Overall, the Club was in pretty good financial shape. It was hoped that funds could be raised for a new electronic scoreboard to replace the current scoreboard. Two possible avenues for grant funding had been pursued but without success. A meeting was scheduled for later in November with the IBM Hursley Club to consider the way forward.

Future costs were identified as coaching courses/Parent Coach Support Worker courses and a new set of stumps would probably be required in 2014 with both Saturday teams playing all matches at home.

It was also hoped that some artificial covering could be laid in the nets to cover the patch of grass in between the bowling run up and batting crease.

Tony Adams proposed that each adult member be charged a £25 fee to play for IBM Hursley Adult weekend teams. This would need to be payable by 31st May for those who commit to playing for the season and, for those who pay less regularly, would become payable if they play in 3 or more matches. This was agreed.

Finally, it was hoped that the Club would be able to pursue “scratch cards” for fund-raising purposes in 2014.

10. Secretary's report

No report was given.

11. Election of Officers

Individuals were proposed and seconded and therefore appointed as follows:-

(a) Chairman – Graham Meech

(b) 1st XI Team Captain – Matt Campbell

(c) 1st XI Team Vice Captain – Nick Wood

(d) 2nd XI Team Captain - Tony Adams

(e) 2nd XI Team Vice Captain – Graeme McRobert

(f) Sunday Captain – Paul Dugdale

(g) Midweek Captain – Hitesh Tailor

(h) Treasurer – Tony Adams

(i) Secretary – Thomas Watts. It was recorded that the League had commended TW as one of the most efficient Secretaries. To support him, Shirley Robbins had agreed to act as minute-taker at Committee meetings. This was agreed.

(j) Fixtures Secretary – Nick Wood

(k) Club Captain – this was a new role for 2014. The role of the Club Captain would be to represent players, to bring their views to the attention of the Committee, and arbitrate in matters of team selection. Mike Pollard was elected.

For the coming year, the it was agreed that the composition of the Committee would be Chairman, Club Captain, 4 Team Captains and Vice Captains, Secretary, Treasurer, Colts Secretary, Fixtures Secretary (12 Officers in total).

12. Any other business

(i)Timing of the AGM.

A member had raised a question regarding the timing of the AGM and why it was not held at the beginning of the season. Graham Meech agreed to respond that it was required in November in order to put the numerous actions into place in preparation for the following season.

(ii)Quota of Colts to play in Adult matches.

Following discussion, it was agreed that the Club's approach would be that in principle, the Club would attempt to play a minimum of 3 Colts in adult matches, unless there were extenuating circumstances. The Club's drive continued to be to play as many Colts as possible in adult cricket and selection committees were asked to bear this in mind. Sunday friendlies were still regarded by the Club as an essential developmental training ground for Colts moving into adult cricket.

(iii)Cricket Tour in 2014

Brendan Bennett expressed interest in arranging a Tour in 2014. BB to be invited to next Committee meeting for this to be discussed.

(iv)Colts Tournament in 2014

Brendan Bennett raised the possibility of a Colts tournament to be held at IBM in 2014. BB to be invited to next Committee meeting for this to be discussed.

(v)Indoor nets

Mike Pollard had already checked that HCS were available on Sunday evenings as in 2013. Dates and times etc to be discussed at next Committee meeting.

(vi)New Players in 2014

Matt Campbell stressed that the priority in 2014 would be to retain existing players but the Club would also approach some new players.

Date of next meeting arranged for Wednesday 27th November at 8pm in IBM Clubhouse.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 10.13 pm.

Minutes taken by Shirley Robbins

2013 Season

1st XI IBM Hursley CC Report


  1. Addition of a few players required to enable the 1st XI to achieve back to back promotions.
  2. Practice night introduced utilising bowling machine.
  3. With a 2nd team now in place a selection panel to be put in place to ensure players selected on merit.
  4. Continued flexibility with batting order.
  5. Further investment in wicket to continue improvement.
  6. Identify people happy to roll the pitch during the week.
  7. 2nd team used to bring talented Juniors into competitive cricket.
  8. Look at Sunday fixture list to get rid of unreliable teams to enable further matches for juniors.
  9. Vice Skipper to be appointed.
  10. Winter training to be set up based on availability of players able to attend.


  1. Played 15, Won 12, Tied 1, Lost 2
  2. Achieved goal by winning the league and gaining promotion to County 4 North South
  3. Overall a very successful season for the club.
  4. 22 Players were used in total during the season
  5. Availability of players actually not as good as last year with 4 more players used on a Saturday.
  6. We had 5 core players that played week in week out in M.Pollard, M.Weaver, N.Wood, F.Ahmed, M.Thomas
  7. Flexible batting order depending on situation.
  8. Scored over 200 4 times in 9 matches when batted first
  9. Fifteen 50’s were scored across the season from 6 different players.
  10. No 100’s were scored but one players scored 99
  11. Fielding was poor with many drop catches
  12. Bowling was very strong with four players taking 20 wickets plus wickets.
  13. We had leading wicket taker in the league with Nick Wood taking 34 wickets.
  14. We recruited a number of new players which strengthened both the 1st team and the 2nd team.
  15. Good team spirit throughout the season.


  1. Addition of at least 3 quality players to enhance the squad further and allow club to push for promotion in 2014.
  2. Practice night introduced utilising bowling machine.
  3. Warm up before the games, working on fielding in particularly as this has to improve as cannot afford to keep dropping the amount of catches we are.
  4. Further investment in wicket to continue improvement, ground staff to go on Course during winter.
  5. Identify people happy to roll the pitch during the week.
  6. Regular watering of the wicket, liaising with ground staff on this.

Mike Pollard

IBM Hursley Club Captain

IBM Hursley Cricket Club 2nd XI – Captain’s report 2013

The team had a fantastic first season turning in 5 victories, 1 tie and 6 losses ending with a 5th place finish in the table. One of those victories was against Verwood 2nd XI who finished top of the table

and were undefeated throughout the season until they came up against us in the last match of the season. The cherry on the top has been the offer of a promotion to Regional Division 3 for 2014.

The team started off the season very strongly with a victory in the first match followed by a tie. A loss and a victory then preceded a run of 5 losses before a strong finish of 3 victories to end the season. I think the major contributing factor to the run of losses was the fact that 5 different captains were used and, given that the team was in its first season, it was very difficult for each captain to know how best to play each team. Besides myself, Jack Baines, Vel Sakhtivel, Brendan

Bennet, Tony Adams, Richard Saville and Tony Portelli all had a turn to direct the team. By the end of the season however, there was definitely some order creeping into the selection and how the team was played. I feel pretty confident that we could have challenged for a top 3 position in the table if there had been more stability to the captaincy.

Any doubts about our ability to get a team out for every fixture proved unfounded as we succeeded in getting 11 players for every match that was played. There were 1 or 2 fixtures where it was pretty tight and we were willing to let anyone who had heard of cricket into the team but we never had to actually get to that level. We did, however, field our two super-vets on multiple occasions. Malc Pollard turned out for us in 2 matches and Mike Gillies turned out for 1 game as well. One fixture was played with 10 men after a communications issue left Jeff Yarney unaware that he was selected to play but that was subsequently sorted out. We did suffer a little from injuries with Tony Adams and Tom Watts both injuring themselves in the first game of the season. Malc Pollard also injured himself in the first match he played and Jeff Yarney missed the last few matches through injury.

The highlight of the season was the manner in which the colts took to playing adult cricket. In total we had Alex Cocking, David Cousens, Cain Johnson, Kaush Kundu, Jayesh Nagpal, Matthew Robbins and Dominic Saville turn out for the team. All of them acquitted themselves really well and there were some really outstanding performances. What was really pleasing as well was the participation of the fathers with Andy Cocking, Krishnan Kundu, Mahesh Nagpal, Iain Robbins and Richard Saville also turning out for the team.

The batting was a little fragile at times, particularly in the middle order but six batsman managed to notch up fifties across 8 matches this season. Nobody went on to score a century. The 6 batsmen were Tony Adams (Whitchurch 64, Wherwell 56), Graeme McRobert (M&T 84, Winterslow 73), Tony Portelli (Winterslow 69*, Verwood 57), Krishnan Kundu (Hungerford 57), Hitesh Tailor (Langley Manor 82), Ashlin Joseph (Totton & Eling 63).

Bowling was a strength for the team and all the matches had a surplus of bowlers to call on. The colts carried the bulk of the workload and bowled extremely well throughout the season. While the colts bowled very consistently and were good at restricting the run rate, they often lacked the firepower to really trouble the opposition top order batsmen. The attack definitely had more venom with the new ball when the likes of Jack Baines and Neil Moring were included in the lineup. There were a number of 3 wicket hauls but 2 bowlers managed to pick up 5 wickets in an innings. They were Ashlin Joseph (Hungerford 5-41) and David Mackriell (Centurions 5-18). For me the highlight of the year was asking Matthew Robbins to bowl legspin against Totton & Eling where he delivered a

superb result taking 4 for 35. He is definitely someone to look out for next season.

All round the fielding was adequate although this seems to always be an area of improvement for teams at this level. The outstanding performance in the field came from the consistency of our regular wicketkeeper Robbie Chandler. I think it should also be mentioned that Mike Gillies kept

wicket in the one game that he played and did not let a single bye through which is quite remarkable for someone in their 70s. Malc Pollard also deserves a mention in that he increased his tally of catches.

Last but not least, the support that the second team received from family members was fantastic. We were very lucky to have the services of a scorer in most of the matches we played. George McRobert scored the first 2 matches and Shirley Robbins took over from there scoring nearly every

other match. There were plenty of people that helped with drinks and tidying up the pavilion on the home matches and all the players were extremely grateful for that. Overall the season has been very

successful and I think it is safe to say enjoyed by all who participated. I think this team will perform even better next year and it is good to see people excited about coming along to play for us next year.

2013 Captain – Graeme McRobert