MEPI Local Grants ProgramProject Narrative

The Project Narrative providesdetailedinformation about yourproposed project. Your responses to the questions below will be used to determine if your application will be considered for funding as a MEPI Local Grant.Your responses should provide a clear and concise description of your project. The Project narrative document must not exceed a total of seven (10) pages. If selected for funding, you will have the opportunity to work with the grants management staff of one of the U.S. Department of State’s MEPI Regional Offices to create a more detailed statement of work.

Organization Name:


Brief Summary:

Please provide a one-paragraph description of your project and what it hopes to achieve?

Project Details:

What is the title of your project? (Example: Civic Engagement of Youth in country name)? (max 500 characters)

Please list the cities where your organization proposes to perform its proposed activities. (max 1000 characters)

What is the issue/problem you want to address? And how will this project address the issue/problem? (max 1000 characters)

Which key MEPI priorities does this project address?

Goal and Objectives:

What are the main goals/objectives of the project?

Objective 1 : (specific result that the project aims to achieve) / Indicator: (Indicators are ways to measure "how much" or "how many" or "to what extent" or "what size")
Definition: (Description of metric used to measure progress towards meeting the target)
Target: (A specific, measurable,attainable, time-boundoutcome that contributes to
the achievement of the objective)
Data source: (Source of data to be used to measure the progress of the indicator (i.e pre-post training, social media, reports, etc))
Objective 2 : if applicable.

What is the anticipatedimpact of this project? (max 1000 characters)

Main Activities:

What are the steps and actions that you will take to achieve the main objectives above?

(Activities should flow together in a logical sequence and/or chronological order).

Objective #1:
Activity Number / Description of the Proposed Activity to be Performed / Anticipated Completion Date (Month Year)
Objective #2: (if applicable)
Activity Number / Description of the Proposed Activity to be Performed / Anticipated Completion Date (Month Year)

Who are the direct beneficiaries of your project? (max 1000 characters)

How long will it take to implement this project? (max 500 characters)


All materials produced under a MEPI award, including training materials, materials for recipients or materials to communicate or promote with foreign audiences a program, event, project, or some other activity under this agreement, must be marked appropriately with the standard U.S. flag in a size and prominence equal to (or greater than) any other logo or identity. Sub-recipients and subsequent tier sub-award agreements are also subject to the marking requirements.

The following are potential exceptions:

  • Where a clear identification with the U.S. government or the U.S. flag would create a demonstrable security threat to the U.S. government, its personnel, partners, the program participants or beneficiaries, or the program or venue of the activity.
  • Where a clear identification with the U.S. government or the U.S. flag would undermine the objectives of the activity.

Will you be able to comply with the branding requirements for your project if it were to be funded under the MEPI Local Grants Program?

If not, what would be the reason(s) for requesting a waiver?

Organization and Partner Information:

Describe your organization’s missionand purpose.(max 1000 characters)

In what year was your organization established (YYYY)?

Is your organization registered under applicable law in your country?

Yes / No

Do you have partner organizations working with you on this project?

Yes / No

If yes, please list the name(s) of your partner organizations and how they will assist on this project.

Does your organization have a DUNs number?

Yes / No

If yes, please list your DUNS number below.

Does your organization have a NCAGE number?

Yes / No

If yes, please list your NCAGE number below.

Does your organization have a SAM Registration?

Yes / No

Has your organization received or applied for MEPI funding in the past?

Yes / No

Has your organization received or is it expected to receive financial assistance from other donors?

Yes / No

If yes, please name the donors and the amount of financial assistance received, and briefly describe funded projects.

Has your organization been convicted of a felony criminal violation under a U.S. Federal law within the preceding 24 months?

Yes / No


MEPI Local Grant Application – Project Narrative October 31, 2016, Vs 1.2