
MapStreet Name andLocation Grid

B5Abbot Lane: s. off Mercer Road,from Landings Way(N)

D6Activity Drive: off Landings Way (S)before WestcrossRd

A11Adams Point: e. off Marsh Haven Lane,from DelegalRoad

D5Ale House Retreat: s. off WickershamDrive, near s. end of Bartram Road(S)

B10-11 Amberly Court: w. off Landings Way (S),near RookeryRoad

C7Anderson Court: w. off Tidewater Way, s.of Square

F7Angler’s Court: s. off WatersideRoad

D8Arrow Wood Lane: w. off e. loop ofLog LandingRoad

E8Back River Circle: w. off w. loop ofLog LandingRoad

C4Baillon Court: n. off Willeford Drive,from Bartram Road(S)

D5Bank Street: east off Lake Street inThe Village

B4Barnwell Lane: w. off Landings Way (N),near Wiley BottomRoad

A2-C5 Bartram Road: first road insideNorth SecurityGate

B11Baywood Lane: s. off Rookery Road, froms. end of Landings Way(S)

B8Beck’s Retreat: s. off Southerland Roadfrom

n. end of Yam GandyRoad

D7Belle Isle Lane: w. off Westcross Road,from Landings Way(S)

C7Bellemeade Court: w. off Tidewater Way, s.of Square

C3Belton Lane: e. off Bartram Road (N),near NorthGate

C2Benedictine Retreat: w. off Bartram Road(N),

n. of LillibridgeCrossing

E8Bent Tree Circle: e. off w. loop ofLog LandingRoad

C8Bishopwood Court: w. off PeregrineCrossing,

w. from Landings Way(S)

C7-8Black Hawk Trail: e. off Landings Way (S)& return, opp. SorrelwoodCircle

A5Blackbeard Lane: n. off Mercer Road,from Landings Way(N)

B8Blackgum Lane: w. off Landings Way(S), near PeregrineCrossing

B6-C6Bloomsbury Place: e. off Tidewater Way, to SpringfieldCross

B5Blount Lane: e. from Landings Way(N), between Romerly and MercerRoads

B8Blue Darter Lane: n. off n. end of YamGandy Road

B7-C7Bluff Oak Retreat: e. off Black HawkTrail, from Landings Way(S)

B7Boar’s Nest Lane: w. off BrandenberryRoad, near TidewaterWay

B12Bosun’s Circle: w. off Marina Drive,near SouthMarina

A2Bowline Court: w. off Priest LandingDrive, near n. end of BartramRoad

B7-8Brandenberry Road: s. off Tidewater Way,to Yam GandyRoad

B5Bray Lane: w. off Landings Way (N),between Romerly Road and Gray GhostLane

E7Breakfast Court: n. off Pepper BushCircle

A2Breckenridge Lane: e. off PriestLanding Drive, near Bartram Road(N)

E7Brickthorn Court: w. off Westcross Road(W), near OakridgeClub

B7Bright Cove Lane: e. off n. end ofMorning MarshRoad

E6Brightside Lane: e. off Westcross Road (W),near OakridgeGate

B3Brisbane Court: s. off Marsh Tower Lane,from Priest LandingDrive

B3-4Brooks Lane: w. off Landings Way (N), near“The Settlement”

E8Broomsedge Lane: e. off w. loop of LogLanding Road

D7Buckhead Lane: w. off Franklin Creek Road(S), from Landings Way(S)

C8Buckthorn Lane: w. off Landings Way (S), s.of Westcross Road(E)

D8Butterback Lane: w. off s. end of FranklinCreek Road

D8Button Bush Lane: w. off e. loop of LogLanding Road

B2-3Button Lane: e. off Priest Landing Drive, nears. end of MonasteryRoad

E8Cabbage Crossing: s. off Westcross Road toLog LandingRoad

C4Caisson Crossing: w. off Bartram Road (S),near WickershamDrive

E7Calico Crab Retreat: w. off Westcross Road(W), near OakridgeClub

B7Callavance Court: w. off Tidewater Way,near BrandenberryRoad

B6-7Camberwell Place: s. off e. side ofTidewater RoadLoop

B5Cameron Lane: e. off Landings Way (N),near MiddletonRoad

B7Candlewicke Lane: e. off n. end ofBrandenberry Road

C4Cane Patch Lane: e. off Bartram Road (S), s.of NorthGate

B4Cannon Lane: e. off Wiley Bottom Road(N)

B10Canticle Lane: e. off Landings Way (S), nears. end of Yam GandyRoad

B3Captain Dunbar Lane: w. off PriestLanding Drive, near s. end of MonasteryRoad

A2Captain Ferguson Lane: e. off PriestLanding Drive, near n. end of MonasteryRoad

B2Captain Jim Lane: w. off Priest LandingDrive, near n. end of MonasteryRoad

B5Captain Kirk Lane: e. off Landings Way(N), between Mercer Road and RomerlyRoad

F5-6Captain’s Crossing: w. at end of LongIsland Road

D6Carlow Lane: w. off Deer Run, fromLandings Way (N), near MainGate

D7Castlebrook Retreat: e. off Westcross Road(E)

E7Cattail Court: e. off Westcross Road (W), s.of OakridgeClub

B6Causton Place: n. off north side ofTidewater Way(loop)

D5Cavan Lane: w. off Deer Run, fromLandings Way (N), near MainGate

D3-E3Cedar Marsh Retreat: w. off ShellwindDrive

A4-B4Chatuachee Crossing: e. off Landings Way(N), opposite PensyreRetreat

E7Chelmsford Lane: e. off Westcross Road (W),n. of OakridgeClub

B5Christie Lane: w. off Landings Way(N), opposite MiddletonRoad

D8Clairborn Retreat: e. off Franklin CreekRoad (S)

E6-F6Clamshell Lane: n. off Long IslandRoad

C3Clayton Court: e. off Bartram Road (S),near NorthGate

B4Clifton Lane: e. off Landings Way (N),opposite Village GreenCircle

C3-4Cloverwood Court: s. off ShellwindDrive

E7Coggeshall Court: e. off Westcross Road (W),s. of OakridgeClub

C5Cotesby Lane: w. off Bartram Road (S), nearn. end of WickershamDrive

C7Cotesworth Place: w. off Tidewater Way,just south of TidewaterSquare

B9-10Cottenham Circle: w. off s. end of YamGandy Road

B9Cotton Crossing: intersects Landings Way(S), with east and westcul-de-sacs

B9Cottonwood: off Landings Way, entranceto PlantationClub

A9Coventry Close: s. off s. end of Yam GandyRoad

D7Covey Point Lane: w. off Westcross Road,from Landings Way(S)

B7Cranes Nest Court: w. off s. portion ofTidewater Way(loop)

D2Crape Myrtle Court: w. off Gray HeronRetreat, from n. end of Deer CreekDrive

B10Crazy Possum Lane: e. off s. end of YamGandy Road

C7-D8Creek Marsh Lane: w. off PeregrineCrossing

A10-Cricket Court: e. off Pelham Road,from

B10Landings Way(S)

E8-F7Crooked Creek Lane: n. off w. loop ofLog LandingRoad

A11Crosstide Lane: e. off s. end of DelegalRoad, from Landings Way(S)

C7Crown Cove Lane: e. off PeregrineCrossing

D4Curlew Lane: w. off ShellwindDrive

B2Cuthbert Lane: e. off Bartram Road (N),near Pettigrew Drive(N)

B3-4Dame Kathryn Drive: off Landings Way(N), opposite Priest LandingDrive

E9Daybreak Lane: in Moon River Landing,off WaterwayDrive

D2-3Deer Creek Drive: n. off ShellwindDrive

D2Deer Creek Lane: e. off Deer CreekDrive

C6-D6 Deer Run: w. off Landings Way (N), nearMain Gate

B2Deerpath Lane: w. off Pettigrew Drive (N),from Bartram Road(N)

B4Delamotte Lane: w. off Landings Way (N),near

n. end of RomerlyRoad

B10-11 Delegal Road: e. off Landings Way (S),forming largeloop

B12Delegal’s Retreat: off MarinaDrive

B2-C2Deveaux Lane: e. off Bartram Road (N),opposite LillibridgeCrossing

D6-F5Diamond Causeway: main highwayto/from town from MainGate

B4Dobell Lane: e. off Landings Way (N),between RomerlyRoads

E9Dream Maker Circle: in Moon RiverLanding, off Waterway Drive

A11Dunsmuir Lane: w. off s. end of RookeryRoad, from Landings Way(S)

D3Elcy Lane: e. off ShellwindDrive

B7Fair Hope Lane: w. off Morning MarshRoad, from Yam GandyRoad

A2Fat Friar’s Retreat: e. off Monastery Road,from Priest LandingDrive

C4Fen Court: e. off n. end of Willeford Drive,from Bartram Road(S)

B2-C2Fiddler Crab Lane: w. off Bartram Road(N), between PettigrewDrives

B8Fire Thorn Lane: e. off Landings Way (S),near

n. end of Yam GandyRoad

C4-5Fletcher Lane: w. off n. end ofWickersham Drive, from Bartram Road(S)

D6Flowing Wells Lane: n. off TarrowRidgeRoad

B11Flying Jib Lane: e. off Landings Way (S), s.of RookeryRoad

B11Fore Royal Circle: w. off Landings Way(S), near n. end of RookeryRoad

B10Fox Meadow Circle: w. off s. end of YamGandy Road

F7Foxglove Lane: s. off WatersideRoad

D6Franklin Court: n. off n. end of FranklinCreek Road

D6Franklin Creek Road, North: n. offActivity Drive

D6-8Franklin Creek Road, South: s. offActivity Drive

D7Franklin Wood Lane: w. off FranklinCreek Road, near Westcross Road(E)

C5Galphin Lane: e. off Bartram Road (S), nears. end of WickershamDrive

F6Ghost Crab Court: w. off N. Hasleiter’sRetreat

C5Goddard Lane: w. off Bartram Road (S), nearS. end of WickershamDrive

E6Goldeneye Lane: n.e. off TarrowRidgeRoad

B3-C3Goose Quill Lane: e. off Bartram Road(N), opposite LillibridgeCrossing

B9Gossamer Lane: s. off Cotton Crossing (E),from Landings Way(S)

B5Gray Ghost Lane: w. off Landings Way(N), opposite MercerRoad

D1-2Gray Heron Retreat: n. off n. end of DeerCreek Drive

E6Greatcoat Lane: w. off Long IslandRoad

D3-E3Grebe Lane: w. off ShellwindDrive

D6-Green Island Road: south offDiamond


E6Greenhow Lane: w. off Long IslandRoad

B8Greensbourne Lane: e. off BrandenberryRoad, near Yam GandyRoad

B8Greyhen Lane: w. off Brandenberry Road,near Yam GandyRoad

D8Gumtree Lane: w. off e. loop of LogLanding Road

A11-Half Penny Circle: e. off n. end ofRookery

B11Road, from Landings Way(S)

B8Halfmoon Court: w. off Southerland Road,from

n. end of Yam GandyRoad

A10Hammock View Lane: e. off MiddleMarsh Retreat, from n. end of DelegalRoad

B6Hampton Place: s. off Little Comfort Road,from Tidewater Wayloop

A1Harbor View Court: e. off Priest LandingDrive, near the NorthMarina

C5Hardwicke Lane: n. off Wickersham Drive,from Bartram Road(S)

B6Harvest Lane: e. off n. side of TidewaterRoad Loop

F6-7Hasleiter’s Retreat: w. at end of WatersideRoad

B2Hathaway Lane: e. off Priest LandingDrive, between MonasteryRoads

A4Hawkins Lane: e. off Romerly Road,from Landings Way(N)

D8Hawksbeard Lane: w. off Franklin CreekRoad,

s. of Westcross Road(E)

B3Hazel Glen Lane: s. off Pettigrew Drive,from Bartram Road(N)

B9Heartwood Court:off Landings Way (S),from Cottonwood

B9Heatherstone Lane: e. off Landings Way (S),s. of Plantation GolfClub

A8HeathmuirWay: e. off Yam GandyRoad, between SoutherlandRoads

B8Hedgewood Lane: e. off Brandenberry Road,near Yam GandyRoad

B6Hemingway Circle: e. off HemingwayDrive, from Wiley Bottom Road(S)

B6-C6Hemingway Drive: e. off Wiley Bottom Road(S), from Landings Way(N)

B5Henry Clay Court: w. off Wiley BottomRoad (N)

B5Hetherington Lane: e. off Wiley BottomRoad (N)

C6-7Hibernia Road: n. off n. end of TidewaterWay (loop)

B6Hickory Head Place: s. off ModenaRoad

D6-7Highgate Lane: w. off Franklin Creek Road,from Landings Way(S)

A9-B9Hobcaw Lane: n. off s. end of Yam GandyRoad

B5Holemark Lane: w. off Landings Way (N), nears. end of RomerlyRoad

C4Hopkey Court: e. off Willeford Drive,from Bartram Road(S)

B10Hopscotch Lane: n. off n. end of DelegalRoad

B6Hoptree Cross: e. off s. Tidewater Way (loop)to Little ComfortRoad

A4-B4Howley Lane: e. off n. end of Romerly Roadfrom Landings Way(N)

B5Hunting Lane: e. off Landings Way (N), nears. end of RomerlyRoad

C7Huntingwood Retreat: e. off Landings Way(S),

s. of Westcross Road(E)

D3Hyacinth Lane: s. off ShellwindDrive

A8-B8Inigo Jones Lane: w. off n. end of YamGandy Road, between SoutherlandRoads

B2Isham Lane: e. off Bartram Road (N),opposite BenedictineRetreat

D3-E1Islanders’ Retreat: w. off Shellwind Drive,opposite and s. of KittiwakeLane

D3Islewood Lane: s. off ShellwindDrive

B3Jekyll Lane: w. off Priest Landing Drive, nears. end of MonasteryRoad

C8Jessamine Lane: w. off Black Hawk Trail,from Landings Way(S)

C3-4Joshua’s Retreat: e. off Bartram Road (S),near NorthGate

A2Keelson Lane: w. off Priest Landing Drive,near

n. end of Bartram Road(N)

B5Kelsall Lane: w. off Landings Way (N),opposite MiddletonRoad

D4Kertrel Lane: w. off ShellwindDrive

D3Kittiwake Lane: e. off ShellwindDrive

A2Lachlan Lane: e. off n. end of MonasteryRoad, from Priest LandingDrive

D5-E7Lake Street: entrance to The Village attraffic light

B9Lakewood Court: n. off Lakewood Retreatw. from Yam GandyRoad

B9-A9Lakewood Retreat: w. off Yam GandyRoad, opposite SandsfieldWay

B10-11 Lampwick Lane: s. off s. end of PelhamRoad, from Landings Way(S)

A6-7Land Bridge Lane: e. off Little ComfortRoad, from TidewaterWay

C3-6Landings Way (North): runs north andsouth from the Main Gate as the mainroad

B11-Landings Way (South): runs north andsouth

C6from the Main Gate as the mainroad

A2Lanyard Court: w. off Priest LandingDrive, near NorthMarina

B8Larkspur Lane: w. off Brandenberry Road,near Yam GandyRoad

A8Laurel Hill Lane: e. off Yam GandyRoad, between SoutherlandRoad

E8Leatherwood Lane: e. off CabbageCrossing, from Westcross Road(W)

C6Liberty Place: n. off HiberniaRoad

C2-3Lillibridge Crossing: w. off Bartram Road(N), near PettigrewDrive

A6-B7Little Comfort Road: n. off the north halfof Tidewater Way(loop)

B4Little Lane: n. off n. end of Romerly Road,from Landings Way(N)

A11Loblolly Lane: w. off Rookery Road, nearSouth PointCross

A10Lockwood Lane: w. off n. end of DelegalRoad

E8-F8Log Landing Road: s. off Westcross Road(W), forming aloop

E6-F6Long Island Road: w. off Westcross Road(W), near OakridgeGate

C7Long Water Lane: e. off PeregrineCrossing

B6Longfellow Lane: s. off Hemingway Circle,from HemingwayDrive

B4Longstreet Lane: e. off Landings Way(N), between RomerlyRoads

D6Low Country Lane: w. off Westcross Road(W), near OakridgeGate

A4Mackay Lane: e. off n. end of RomerlyRoad

A3Mad Anthony Lane: e. off n. end ofMonastery Road, from Priest LandingDrive

A5-B5Mad Turkey Crossing: e. off s. end ofRomerly Road, from Landings Way(N)

A5-B6Magnolia Crossing: e. off Mercer Road,from Landings Way(N)

B11Mainsail Crossing: w. off Landings Way (S), s.of RookeryRoad

C2-3Maintenance Way: off McWhorter, nearfire station

B5-C5Marburg Lane: e. off Wiley Bottom Road(S)

B5Margrave Lane: e. off Landings Way(N), between Middleton and MercerRoads

B12Marina Drive: s. off Landings Way (S), circleto Delegal CreekMarina

A2Marmaduke Lane: e. off Monastery Road,from Priest LandingDrive

D8Marsh Bird Lane: e. off Franklin Creek Road,s. of ButterbackLane

A8Marsh Elder Lane: e. off Yam GandyRoad, between SoutherlandRoads

A11Marsh Haven Lane: e. off Delegal Road,near South PointCross

C8Marsh Island Lane: w. off PeregrineCrossing

C4Marsh Rabbit Lane: e. off Bartram Road (S),s. of North SecurityGate

A3-B3Marsh Tower Lane: e. off s. end ofPriest LandingDrive

E2Marshbridge Lane: w. off Islanders’Retreat from Shellwind Drive

D7Mayhaw Lane: w. off Westcross Road,from Landings Way(S)

C4McEachern Court: w. off Willeford Drive,from Bartram Road(S)

B4McKee Lane: e. off n. end of WileyBottom Road

D1-6McWhorter Drive: north off DiamondCauseway D5Meeting Street: e. off Lake Street in TheVillage B5-6Mercer Road: e. off Landings Way (N), witha

loop, near RomerlyRoad

A10Middle Marsh Retreat: e. off the northernsec- tion of DelegalRoad

B5Middleton Road: e. off Landings Way (N),to MercerRoad

A2-B2Milledge Lane: e. off Priest Landing Drive,near

n. end of MonasteryRoad

B11Mizzenmast Lane: e. off Landings Way (S), s.of RookeryRoad

B6Modena Road: s. off the northern loopof TidewaterWay

A2-B3Monastery Road: intersects PriestLanding Drive, with e.semicircle

D4-E4Moonbill Lane: e. off ShellwindDrive

E7Moonglade Lane: w. off Westcross Road(W), across from OakridgeClub

E3Moonrise Circle: e. off Islanders’ Retreatfrom ShellwindDrive

B7-8Morning Marsh Road: n. off Yam GandyRoad, connecting with BrandenberryRoad

C7Morning Mist Lane: w. off Black HawkTrail, from Landings Way(S)

A9Moss Hammock Lane: e. off Yam GandyRoad, near CoventryClose

B2Musgrove Lane: w. off Priest LandingDrive

B4Nathanael Lane: e. off Landings Way (N),near

n. end of RomerlyRoad

A7-B7Night Heron Lane: e. off Morning MarshRoad, from BrandenberryRoad

B3Noble Jones Lane: e. off Priest LandingDrive, near s. end of MonasteryRoad

E3Oak Glade Court: w. off Islanders’ Retreatfrom ShellwindDr., s. of Palm GladeCt.

D2Oak Shadow Court: w. off Deer CreekDrive

E6Odingsell Lane: e. off Long IslandRoad

B3Ogeechee Ferry Lane: e. off PettigrewDrive, from Bartram Road(N)

D7Old Compton Court: w. off s. end ofFranklin CreekRoad

D8Old Hickory Lane: w. off s. end ofFranklin Creek Road, s. of WestcrossRoad

B9Old South Lane: w. off Landings Way (S), s.of CottonCrossing

E6Orangedale Lane: e. off Westcross Road(W), near OakridgeGate

C4Orton Court: w. off Bartram Road (S), nearn. end of WickershamDrive

B8Osprey Court: w. off Southerland Road, fromn. end of Yam GandyRoad

D6Ovenbird Lane: w. off TarrowRidgeRoad

A8Oyster Reef Road: e. off Yam GandyRoad, between SoutherlandRoads

C8Oysterwood Lane: w. off Landings Way (S),s. of SorrelwoodCross

E8Painted Bunting Lane: w. off s. loop ofLog LandingRoad

E6Paisley Court: w. off TarrowRidgeRoad

E3Palm Glade Court: w. off Islanders’Retreat from ShellwindDr., n. of Oak GladeCt.

B3-4Palmer’s Draw: access to MarshwoodClub, near NorthGate

B3Parsons Lane: w. off Pettigrew Drive,from Bartram Road(N)

B10Pelham Road: e. off Landings Way (S), s. ofn. end of DelegalRoad

C5Pennefeather Lane: n. off s. end ofWickersham Drive, from Bartram Road(S)

B10Pennyroyal Lane: n. off s. end of PelhamRoad

A10Pennystone Retreat: n. off n. end ofDelegal Road

B4Pensyre Retreat: w. off Landings Way(N), opposite ChatuacheeCrossing

E7-8Pepper Bush Circle: n. off Westcross Road (W), nearbridge

B9-C7Peregrine Crossing: w. off Landings Way(S), near Yam GandyRoad

C3Perriwinkle Lane: w. off Bartram Road (S),near NorthGate

B2-C3Pettigrew Drive: e. off Bartram Road(N), forming asemicircle

E6-7Pine Shadow Court: e. off TarrowRidgeRoad E6-7Pineheart Lane: TarrowRidgeRoad E7Pineside Lane: s. off TarrowRidge Road(S),

from Westcross Road (N)end

B2Pipemaker Lane: w. off Priest LandingDrive, between MonasteryRoads

D7Planters Lane: w. off Westcross Road (E),from Landings Way(S)

E8Pond Pine Court: s. off Westcross Road (W),e. of CabbageCrossing

A8Poor Clare’s Lane: w. off Yam GandyRoad, between SoutherlandRoads

D8Potters Lane: w. off Franklin Creek Road (S),s. of Westcross Road(E)

D6-7Preachers Place: w. off TarrowRidgeRoad

A7-B7Prescott Lane: e. off Little Comfort Road,from Tidewater Wayloop

B9Prestbury Lane: e. off Landings Way (S), n.of CottonCrossing

C5Priber Lane: e. off Bartram Road (S),between WickershamDrives

B10Prickly Pear Lane: s. off s. end of YamGandy Road

A1-B3Priest Landing Drive: n. off Landings Way(N), near NorthGate

A2Priory Road: e. off Priest Landing Drive,near NorthMarina

A10-Quahog Lane: e. off s. end of Yam GandyRoad


E6Raindance Court: n. off TarrowRidge Road(S), from Westcross Road (N)end.

A10Raintree Lane: w. off DelegalRoad

C4Ramshorn Court: e. off Willeford Drive, from Bartram Road(S)

B4Rebecca Lane: w. off Wiley Bottom Road(N)

B7Red Bird Lane: w. off Morning MarshRoad, from BrandenberryRoad

B2Ribault Lane: w. off Priest LandingDrive, between MonasteryRoads

D7Riding Lane: w. off n. end of FranklinCreek Road

B8-C8River Birch Lane: w. off Landings Way(S), near Yam GandyRoad

E6River Otter Lane: s. off Long IslandRoad

E9-F9Riverwatch Lane: in Moon River Landing,off WaterwayDrive

B4Robert Reid Court: w. off Wiley BottomRoad (N)

A4-B5Romerly Road: intersects Landings Way(N), with an eastsemicircle

A11-Rookery Road: e. off Landings Way (S), tos.

B12end of DelegalRoad

F6Royal Tern Court: e. off N. Hasleiter’sRetreat

B11Sailmaker Lane: e. off Landings Way (S), s.of RookeryRoad

B5Salette Lane: e. off Mercer Road, acrossfrom MiddletonRoad

A11Salt Meadow Court: n. off Marsh HavenLane, from DelegalRoad

D8Saltwater Court: e. off Green IslandRoad

D8Saltwater Way: e. off Green IslandRoad

E8Salt Wind Circle: w. off w. loop of LogLanding Road

B8Sanderling Court: w. off SoutherlandRoad, from Yam GandyRoad

A9SandsfieldWay: e. off Yam Gandy road, s. ofs. end of SoutherlandRoad

A7-B7Sandy Run Lane: e. off Morning MarshRoad, from BrandenberryRoad

A4Savy Lane: e. off Romerly Road, fromLandings Way(N)

C4Schroeder Court: e. off s. end ofWilleford Drive, from Bartram Road(S)

B9Scotch Bonnet Court: e. from LandingsWay

(S), near Yam GandyRoad

F7Sea Dog Court: e. off N. Hasleiter’sRetreat

D2-3Sea Eagle Court: w. off Deer CreekDrive

D2Sea Lavender Lane: e. off Gray HeronRetreat

s. end, from n. end of Deer CreekDrive

E7-F7Sea Oats Lane: n. off WatersideRoad

F7Seafarer’s Circle: w. off S. Hasleiter’sRetreat

F7Seaside Lane: n. off WatersideRoad

A12Seawatch Drive: s. off s. loop of DelegalRoad D3Sedgewater Retreat: s. off ShellwindDrive A4-B4Senauki Lane: e. off Landings Way (N), n.of

n. end of RomerlyRoad

C8-D8Shadow Brook Lane: w. off PeregrineCrossing

B7Shady Oak Lane: n. off s. end ofTidewater Wayloop

B5Shaftesbury Lane: e. off Wiley BottomRoad (N)

C7Shagbark Lane: w. off Landings Way (S), s.of WestcrossRoad

F7She-Crab Circle: w. off S. Hasleiter’sRetreat

E6Shearwater Court: n. off SparnelRoad

C3-D5 Shellwind Drive: runs from the Village Gateto Northeast GateDrive

A6-B6Shellworth Crossing: e. off LittleComfort Road from TidewaterWay

A9Silver Bluff Way: e. off Yam GandyRoad

D5Skidaway Village Walk: e. off Lake Streetin TheVillage

E8Skimmar Circle: e. off w. loop of LogLanding Road

D8Skipjack Lane: w. off s. end of FranklinCreek Road, s. of WestcrossRoad

B11Sky Sail Circle: w. off Landings Way (S),near

s. end of DelegalRoad

B8-C8Sleepy Terrapin Lane: e. off LandingsWay (S), n. of Yam GandyRoad

C7Sorghum Lane: w. off Black Hawk Trail,from Landings Way(S)

C8Sorrelwood Cross: w. off Landings Way (S),to PeregrineCrossing

A2Sound View Lane: n.e. off Priory, from Priest Landing, near northmarina

D8Sounding Point Retreat: e. from s. endof Franklin Creek Roadloop

A11South Point Cross: w. from Delegal Roadto RookeryRoad

A8-B8Southerland Road: w. off Yam GandyRoad, forming asemicircle

E8Sparkleberry Lane: e. off CabbageCrossing from Westcross Road(W)

E6-7Sparnel Road: w. off Westcross Road (W),near OakridgeGate

A10Spartina Lane: w. off Delegal Road n. ofSouth PointCross

E1Spring Marsh Circle: n. end ofIslanders’ Retreat from Shellwind Drive,w.

E1Spring Marsh Lane: e. off SpringMarsh Circle, at n. end of Islanders’Retreat

E7Springpine Lane: w. off TarrowRidgeRoad

B6-C7Springfield Cross: runs across the loop portionof TidewaterWay

B7Springfield Place: e. off Springfield Cross,from TidewaterWay

C7Springfield Retreat: w. off Springfield Cross,from TidewaterWay

B12Starbridge Court: s. off s. loop of DelegalRoad

D3-4Stargrass Retreat: n. off ShellwindDrive

B11Staysail Lane: e. off Landings Way (S),near RookeryRoad

E9Strawberry Lane: in Moon River Landing,off WaterwayDrive

B3-C3Stone Hewer Lane: e. off Bartram Road (N),near NorthGate

E4-5Sundew Road:off Shellwind Drive, north ofDeer Creek Villagegate