Filter your mail box

How to create sub-categories?

·  Open your mail box

·  Create first a subfolder to your INBOX: put your cursor on Inbox and right click your mouse. Click on New folder.

·  When this is created Click on tools (left top of your screen)

·  You will set a rule to have an incoming mail automatically moved to the subfolder you just created.

·  Click on e-mail rules. Click on new rule. Follow the instructions.

·  You can choose to have an email from someone moved to a specific subfolder or an email with a specific subject.

·  When you click on next you will receive additional options: example: move mail where my name is in the cc box (you could create a separate subfolder called cc-box)

Search for PowerPoints only

If you need to make an urgent PowerPoint (ppt) on whatever subject you can search for ppt presentations under advanced Google search:

·  Go to

·  Click right of the google search bar on advanced search

·  Insert your key search words under “all these words”

·  Under file type click on .ppt

·  Google gets you a list of .ppt presentation which you have to safe on your computer if you want to copy paste some slides

Search for books in your domain of specialisation

·  Go to

·  Click on top left of your google home page on MORE

·  Click on Google book search: example search for agriculture Africa innovation

Search for Images

You can search the internet for [only] images:

·  Go to

·  Click on top left of your google home page on IMAGES

·  Search for example NERICA Monty Jones

Choose your language inter-face or have pieces of text translated

·  Go to

·  Click right of the google search bar on preferences to choose for an Interface with Google in French or Arabic

·  Click right of the google search bar on language tools to have a piece of text translated (you will have to verify the translation because translation technology is not perfect)

E-mail alert

More and more websites are offering the possibility to subscribe to an e-mail alert.

·  Some agricultural research websites offer an e-mail alert for their latest news.

·  But more and more agricultural information sites only use RSS newsfeeds[1].

·  AgriFeeds browses and filters news and events from several agricultural information sources.

Google Alerts

Google Alerts are email updates of the latest results (web, news, etc.) based on your choice of query or topic. You receive f.i. a weekly mail with:

·  News on your favorite research topics on a weekly basis. Example: using the keywords Africa Biofuels Research

·  The latest of an event. Example: CGIAR Beijing

·  The latest news about a specific organization: FARA

How do I get this E-mail alert?

·  Go to and sign in with your personal E-mail and a pass word

·  Once you have signed in Google sends you an e-mail to confirm.

·  On the Google home page you click on more or for an overview of the Google services

·  Click on Alerts

Custom Search

·  Go to and have a search on some key words. Ex: Africa Biofuels Research.

·  Other than generic search engines, like Google and Yahoo, ‘’ indexes a specific choice of electronic related resources, selected by librarians, researchers and practitioners working in participating international development institutions.

These are some of the tools the RAILS programme of FARA (regional agricultural information and learning system) wants to promote for agricultural research in Africa.

Following Power Points can be send to you on request:

·  Introduction to Google: how to create a personalized Google page on and how to create your own news feeds on your personalized Google page

·  Introduction to blogs

·  The use of a Google Agenda

Other tools used by FARA:

Web log or blog:

Share videos:

Share photos: Flickr

Share [power point] slides: SlideShare

LAST BUT NOT LEAST: the knowledge sharing toolkit of CGIAR:


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[1] RSS: Really Simple Syndication, Rich Site Summary: form of web syndication used by news websites and weblogs.