M Inutes of the Annual General Meeting of Healthwatch Essex

M Inutes of the Annual General Meeting of Healthwatch Essex

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Healthwatch Essex

Meeting held at: Chapter House, Cathedral Walk, Chelmsford, CM1 1NX, on 7 January 2016.

A list of all members in attendance is appended to these minutes.

  1. Welcome

The Chairman warmly welcomed everyone to the third AGM of Healthwatch Essex (HWE), noting that in the presence of members of the Strategic Body, the meeting was quorate. There would be plenty of time for questions and comments throughout the meeting.

  1. Apologies

Apologies were received from the following Strategic Body members:

Andrew Gardner, Lucy Taylor, Wendy Burt, Ann Nutt.

  1. Minutes of the last meeting were agreed.
  2. The Chief Executive Officer was invited to present his Annual Report. Concluding thoughts were
  • HWE has met its objectives & more
  • Has started to make a difference to the people of Essex
  • Working relationships with partners across the piece were very good
  • Thanks were given to HWE staff, Strategic Body members & Ambassadors

Questions or comments were invited.

James Clarke, Action for Family Carers

Thanked & commended HWE for taking seriously the previously raised advisory motion on the subject of carers.

Q. What role has HWE taken in following up on the Carers report?

A. TN responded that he recognises that although HWE has statutory powers in this instance, there is moral force in play around progressing this agenda. More does need to be done around this important area.

OC explained that responses to the report are still being gathered. When all are received a summary will be published. Further work does come out of reports and she cited the cancer study as an example where CHUFT has asked that we be involved in training.

Specifically on carers YW is working on a carers project with Cllr Brown having responsibility for this at ECC.

MF has encountered Healthwatch organisations around the country and that HWE is highly regarded particularly for the level of influence exerted.

John Stuart, Ambassador

Q. Can you explain what is meant by ‘paid work’ that HWE plans to take on in the coming year?

A. TN said it was important to be realistic about the future around funding and so we must look at generating income. Having previously been approached by partners who wished HWE to carry out specific projects outside of our grant agreement with ECC, we have watched these contracts going to commercial companies. However, it must be emphasised this must be done without compromising our independence by being open & transparent when this type of work is being carried out and ensuring our standard practice is not compromised.

Cathy Turland, HW Redbridge

Q1. Has the uptake of LD Health checks increased?

Q2. Is there any update on the contract negotiations for next year?

A1. DA replied that yes, the uptake has increased to 50%. Essex figures were very low against national levels.

A2. TN outlined the funding route and gave credit to ECC for the approach taken to setting up HWE. Their patience is now paying dividends. Discussions are currently underway with ECC officers on next year’s agreement.

David Anderson, HWE Ambassador

Q1. How do the general public get to know about HWE?

Q2. He is a governor at a hospital, if he moves to another hospital he will have to step down from his HWE role. Why and are we not missing out on being able to work with skilled, experienced people?

A1. TN - It is unrealistic to expect a large percentage of the population to be aware of HWE. We have invested heavily in advertising on buses, radio, in newspapers and digital media. Market research found that one third of people interviewed knew the brand which is very high. Our focus now is being where it matters e.g. known to professionals like practice managers, pharmacists, dentists, social workers. MF added that this is a national challenge that Healthwatch England need to rise to.

A2. This is a national mandate due to potential conflict of interest so has to be taken up at national level.

Majzoud Ali

He is impressed with the regular column in the Essex Chronicle.

Q1. Following the LD health check work are there plans to look at premature death rates for other groups such as mental health or deprived areas?

Q2. How was Essex selected for the Success Regime?

A1. The LD work was in response to the CIPOLD inquiry. There is scope to look at other areas of this type of work. Essex is a very diverse county with large differences in mortality rates between, for example, the districts of Uttlesford and Tendring.

A2. Essex was selected by the government because of the issues around finance and quality which are seen as poor.

Sheila Beech

Q. A lot of people start searching for information at their doctor’s surgery. Do you have leaflets there?

A. Yes, in libraries too. We are now taking a more engagement approach and will be talking to practice managers rather than just send leaftlets & posters which can get lost amongst the hundreds of others.

Janet Crane, Carer

Q. From personal experience communications at Broomfield hospital is poor. How can this be improved?

A. OC responded that this was being looked at under the hospital discharge study. It is is growing issue with 1 in 4 beds being occupied by someone with dementia who may not be able to communicate well.

Paul Osman

Thanked the chair for giving time to let people ask questions.

Katie Warren, Where is the Care

Katie is concerned to hear that HW England isn’t doing enough to publicise the work being done. She also asked that HWE do more public meetings and whatever else was required to let people know about us and to hear their experiences.

MA responded that he too gets frustrated but HWE has engagement with citizens at its heart and will continue to do so. This will be reflected in new governance which will be agreed at the next SB meeting in March. The agenda for health and social care is huge and we need to have a range of appropriate activities along with working in partnership with suitable organisations to ensure the best impact.

MA thanked members of the public for their interest and TN for the look back over 2014-15 and forward to 2016.

  1. Resolutionto reappoint auditors

Agreed by members of the Strategic Body

  1. Resolution to approve the Financial Statements, 2014-15

Agreed by members of the Strategic Body.

  1. Previously notified advisory motions

No advisory motions had been received but an e-mail had been sent in asking could better feedback be provided about the responses received from commissioners and service providers to the issues we bring to your attention?

TN reiterated this as a priority for the coming year along with systematic measurement of impact.

The meeting closed at 6.30pm.

Signed: ………………………………………………………………….


Healthwatch Essex is a company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales, company number 8360699. It is also a registered charity, number 1158356. The registered office for Healthwatch Essex Ltd is RCCE House, Threshelfords Business Park, Inworth Road, Feering, Essex CO5 9SE.