Literacy in the foundation subjects

Classification of success criteria

By December 2002, all year 7 pupils will be able to orally compare their own class’ ‘colour blending project’ with the work of two other classes, using technical vocabulary and evaluative language to ‘analyse and comment on how ideas and meanings are conveyed in their own and others' work’. (art and design department) / As a result of revisiting Y7 ICT work on:
  • using data and information sources;
  • organising and investigating;
  • refining and presenting information.
Sets 1 and 2 in Y8 will able to ‘select a range of skills and sources of evidence, and use them effectively in their investigations’ thus improving their achievement in the enquiry aspect of geography.
All year 9 pupils will make at least 1 level of progress in ‘speaking and listening’ between September 2002 and May 2003 and 70% of pupils will have made at least 2 levels of progress during this time. (MFL department) / Improvements in the quality of learning and pupil behaviour are apparent in school improvement lesson observations when compared with last year’s SMT. report (D & T Department)
The new lesson planning template is used consistently by all colleagues teaching geography in planning all Year 7 lessons. Though it may not necessarily be ‘filled in’ for most lessons the planning would be apparent to an observer. / A lesson proforma which includes ‘starter activity, ‘plenary’, ‘learning objectives’, success criteria’ and ‘thinking skills’ planning sections (minimum) is devised collaboratively by all teachers of Key Stage 3 history. (by December 2002)
Department to have written success criteria in pupil speak for the ‘African Mask Project’ and agreed a process which enables pupils to use the assessment criteria to ‘peer’ and ‘self’ assess their work. (Pilot Spring term 2003, review and evaluate Summer 2003) / Learning objectives will be made clear to pupils for each individual D & T lesson and progress against the success criteria will be checked during the plenary. All pupils, if asked, could tell an observer what they are supposed to be learning.
Strategies for supporting pupil reflection as part of the lesson plenary to be developed and trialled by the two specialist history teachers – by February 2002. These will form the basis of training for all teachers of history – by July 2002. / All members of the music department will have participated in training on teaching thinking lead by the FS Consultant and will collaboratively plan activities for year 9 unit ‘Music and media’ to be taught Spring term 2003.
Focus Y7 boys. To improve outcomes to the assessment task ‘Come and live in my town’ (publicity leaflet) so that boys are able to ‘express a personal view, adding persuasive emphasis’ and ‘develop ideas and lines of thinking in continuous text’. (Geography department) / Pupils are more independent in completing their work and respond to challenge with engagement. Improved attainment, as a result of this, will be measured using the P scales for geography and English. (Special School focusing on geography)
A teaching and learning focus will be built into all departmental meetings from September 2002. / Improved engagement of girls (particularly Bangladeshi) in invasion games, results in them being able to apply the skills learned strategically to a game situation. (PE department)