Co-Sponsored with the Ledyard Parks and Recreation Department

Boys and Girls – 1st through 9th grades

Name______Birth Date____/____/____


School ______Grade ___ Emergency Phone______

E-Mail Address______

Make Checks Payable to: Ledyard Youth Basketball League (LYBL)

Sex: Female Male Indicate League Preference: Girls Mixed

FEE: $55 $100 for 2 or more children

Cash_____Check _____ # of children_____ Date_____/_____/_____


DEADLINE: 5TH & 6TH Grade Girls – Saturday, November 7th

DEADLINE: Saturday, November 21– Gales Ferry School

You must register during the time your age group meets.

Mail-In Registration: Ledyard Parks and Recreation

4 Blonders Blvd

Ledyard, CT 06339



The Ledyard Youth Basketball League is co-sponsored with The Ledyard Parks and Recreation Department. As with any physical activity, there are risks involved that each participant must assume.


In consideration for the privilege of participating in The Ledyard Youth Basketball League, the undersigned (signature of parent or legal guardian) hereby agrees that:

1.I fully assume all risks associated with utilization of and participation in The Ledyard Youth Basketball League, even if due to the negligence of the Town of Ledyard and The Ledyard Youth Basketball League. its agents, servants or employees.

2.I hereby release, and agree that I will not sue, the Town of Ledyard, The Ledyard Youth Basketball League or its agents, servants and employees, and all of its departments, boards, commissions and agencies, including the Ledyard Parks and Recreation Department, its staff members, Parks and Recreation Commission members, and The Ledyard Youth Basketball League from all liability should an injury to my child occur during participation in The Ledyard Youth Basketball League, even if caused by the negligence of the Town of Ledyard, The Ledyard Youth Basketball League, its agents, servants or employees.

3.I, for my child, myself and my heirs, assigns, successors, executors, administrators, and legal representatives, agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Town of Ledyard, its agents, servants and employees, and all of its departments, boards, commissions and agencies, including the Ledyard Parks and Recreation Department, its staff members, Ledyard Parks and Recreation Commission members and The Ledyard Youth Basketball League from any and all claims, suits or demands by anyone arising from my use of or participation in The Ledyard Youth Basketball League, even if caused by the negligence of the Town of Ledyard, The Ledyard Youth Basketball League, its agents, servants or employees.

The Ledyard Parks and Recreation Department and The Ledyard Youth Basketball League may also videotape or take photographs of participants enrolled in The Ledyard Youth Basketball League. These photos and/or videos may be used for promotional purposes.

I certify by my signature that I have read this document carefully, understand the risks involved with The Ledyard Youth Basketball League participation and wish to continue with my child’s participation.


Print Name


Signature of Parent/GuardianDate



BITTY BASKETBALL – Boys & Girls in GRADES 1st & 2nd

There are no Evaluations for this age group. The first practice will be:

Tuesday, December 1st from 5:00 – 6:00pm at the Gales Ferry School.


Please note the following information, since there have been some changes from last year.

COACHES - We are looking for Volunteer Coaches and Commissioners for all age groups.

Please contact President Todd Davies at:

BITTY BASKETBALL – 1st & 2nd Grades – This is a new Mixed League for boys and girls. There are no evaluations for this group. They will make teams during the first few practices.

JUNIOR GIRLS – 5TH & 6TH Grades. The girls will participate the Southeastern CT Regional Girls Basketball League with the towns of Groton, Montville, Norwich, New London and the Sub Base. Games will rotate each week at the different town facilities. The Junior Girls also have the option of playing in the Mixed League, either for the entire season or when their season is completed. If they want to play in the Mixed Junior League, they must be evaluated during those scheduled evaluation dates and time.

SENIOR GIRLS – 7TH – 9TH Grades. We would like to put a team into the Southeastern CT Regional Basketball League with the towns of Groton, Montville, Norwich, New London and the Sub Base. Evaluation dates will be determined.

MIXED JUNIOR LEAGUE - 5th & 6th Grades – All players must be evaluated. No players shall enter the League post evaluation.

MIXED SENIOR LEAGUE – 7th – 9th Grade - All players must be evaluated. No players shall enter the League post evaluation. Players may opt-out (with a full refund) of the League if they are chosen to play for the Middle School Teams. No parent requests for team choice will be honored in this age group. Evaluation dates will be determined.