Ех. L What Does He/She Do to Learn It Better?

Ех. L What Does He/She Do to Learn It Better?

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Ех. l What does he/she do to learn it better?

Мy nаmе is Sveta. I need English for myjob because I’m а manager in an international соmpаny. I have а very busy life, so I don’t have time for English c1asses, but 1 read books and watch the news in Eng1ish. Every day I get upat six o’clock to read the newspaper in English. It’s hard work but it he1ps.

I’m Alex, and I’m а student at an ordinary schoo1.

Мy English wasn’t good enough, but two years ago I metNick who is Eng1ish. We metin Moscow and became good friends. Nick doesn’t speak any Russian so I’m learning English to write to him. I do all myhomework and don’t miss English 1essons anymore. I a1so read books in English. This year I’m going to visit Nick in Eng1and. That’s mybiggest motivation.

I’m Mary. I need English to travel round the world. I want to see EW places and meetEW people. But you can't really trave1 if you don't understand the people around you. Everybody speaks English, so I’m 1eaning it too. I have my own system.When I hear or read аEW word, I write it down and make а lot of EW sentences with it. I also try to use it as often as I сап. Мy system helps mе rememberEW words easily.

Ех. l What does he/she do to learn it better?

Мy nаmе is Sveta. I need English for myjob because I’m а manager in an international соmpаny. I have а very busy life, so I don’t have time for English c1asses, but 1 read books and watch the news in Eng1ish. Every day I get upat six o’clock to read the newspaper in English. It’s hard work but it he1ps.

I’m Alex, and I’m а student at an ordinary schoo1.

Мy English wasn’t good enough, but two years ago I metNick who is Eng1ish. We metin Moscow and became good friends. Nick doesn’t speak any Russian so I’m learning English to write to him. I do all myhomework and don’t miss English 1essons anymore. I a1so read books in English. This year I’m going to visit Nick in Eng1and. That’s mybiggest motivation.

I’m Mary. I need English to travel round the world. I want to see new places and meetnew people. But you can’t really trave1 if you don’t understand the people around you. Everybody speaks English, so I’m 1eaning it too. I have my own system. When I hear or read а new word, I write it down and make а lot of new sentences with it. I also try to use it as often as I сап. Мy system helps mе remembernew words easily.

Ех. l What does he/she do to learn it better?

Мy nаmе is Sveta. I need English for myjob because I’m а manager in an international соmpаny. I have а very busy life, so I don’t have time for English c1asses, but 1 read books and watch the news in Eng1ish. Every day I get upat six o’clock to read the newspaper in English. It’s hard work but it he1ps.

I’m Alex, and I’m а student at an ordinary schoo1.

Мy English wasn’t good enough, but two years ago I metNick who is Eng1ish. We metin Moscow and became good friends. Nick doesn’t speak any Russian so I’m learning English to write to him. I do all myhomework and don’t miss English 1essons anymore. I a1so read books in English. This year I’m going to visit Nick in Eng1and. That’s mybiggest motivation.

I’m Mary. I need English to travel round the world. I want to see new places and meetnew people. But you can’t really trave1 if you don’t understand the people around you. Everybody speaks English, so I’m 1eaning it too. I have my own system. When I hear or read а new word, I write it down and make а lot of new sentences with it. I also try to use it as often as I сап. Мy system helps mе remembernew words easily.