Knowledge Rating Scale

Vocabulary Word / I’ve never heard this word before. / I’ve heard this word, but I don’t know what it means. / I know this word…it has something to do with… / I know the meaning of this word.

Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary Word / Definition / Part of Speech / Synonym / Antonym
capability / a talent or ability / noun / potential / inability
eliminate / to get rid of; do away with / verb / remove / keep
idle / not doing anything; at rest / adjective / inactive / active
justify / to give a good reason for; show to be right / verb / explain
progress / movement toward goal / noun / advancement / retreat


Word / Example
capability / One requirement for the job was the capability of lifting 50 pounds. Since she is an avid weight lifter and able to lift over 100 pounds, the employer thought she was right for the job.
Have you ever had to have a certain capability for a job?
eliminate / After yoga class, my high stress level was eliminated. I became completely relaxed and all of my stress went away.
What is something you want to eliminate in your life?
idle / When a car is sitting still, one may say that it is idle. The car is sitting in place and not moving. When a building is no longer in use, it becomes an idle building.
Can you think of other things that can be idle?
justify / I must have a good reason to buy new clothes. After I buy groceries and pay my bills, there is not much money left over for other things. I must justify the money that I spend.
How do you justify money you spend?
progress / His report card measured his progress for the school year. He started out with low grades then progressed to making A’s and B’s.
What is something that you can progress in?

Fill in the Blank

capability / eliminate / idle / justify / progress

1.  She could never ______what she had done because in her heart she knew it was wrong.

2.  Sitting beside the interstate was a(n) ______car with a flat tire.

3.  I need a new phone because mine does not have the ______to text.

4.  The exterminator was able to ______our bug problem.

5.  After working hard renovating his kitchen, he started seeing ______.

Sentence Completion

1.  I have the capability of ______.

2.  Something I would love to eliminate is ______.

3.  I like to spend my idle time ______.

4.  I can easily justify ______.

5.  I feel I made progress when ______.

Yes, No, Why?

1.  Can you be idle and still make progress?

2.  Can a coach justify eliminating athletes that do not have the capability of making good grades?

Read and Respond

A Safe Place to Sleep (Six Way Paragraphs Introductory Level: 3rd Edition, page 8; ISBN 0-8442-2124-4)

1.  When hiking the Appalachian Trail, should your tent have the capability of keeping out the rain?

2.  Is it possible to spend a lot of idle time while making good progress on the trail?

3.  How can the hikers eliminate some of the weight in their back packs?

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