Minister: Rev James S. Dewar

476 Lanark Road,

Juniper Green,

Edinburgh, EH14 5BQ.

Tel: 0131 453 3494


May 2017

The Kirk Session, in looking to make plans for the future, is keen to talk with you about the best way to use your time, energy, gifts and skills for the good of the congregation and the local community. We would like you to complete this form and return it in the next couple of weeks, so that we can see what current activities you engage in with church; anything you might like to give up; and anything new you might like to investigate. There is a reply page included with this letter; please fill it in and return it to the minister by 31st May, contact details are at the head of this letter and on the reply page. We can also make this available digitally.

Data Protection

Under new Data protection legislation, we are bound to ask every member of the congregation for permission to hold significant pieces of data about you. Your membership of a religious body such as the church is seen as sensitive data, so we need to have your permission to hold your address and contact details. There is a box on the reply page for you to give us the most up-to-date information, such as address, phone number and e-mail address. Signing this form will give us your permission to hold this information which will of course remain confidential. There is no obligation to provide all or any information but it will facilitate future communication. Please do make the effort to reply. If there is no response, we will treat that as deemed consent to hold the information that we currently have.

My Current Involvement

In the box provided on the reply page, please list the activities or groups with which you are currently involved in the life of the church. Put one in each box; if you have none simply write ‘None’. If you would like to give up any of these activities, put an ‘X’ in the small box next to it.

Any Future involvement

Is there anything new you would like to investigate? Perhaps, in looking to give up some activities above, you would like to find out more about another area of church life. Perhaps you have some time that you would like to give to the church and/or the community and you would like to investigate with us how you might do that. There is a list of some church activities overleaf. Again, please write in the box provided on the reply page.

What happens next?

We will be holding an event in the near future, at which we will be giving you the opportunity to take this conversation further with people who lead areas of church life. We will also be giving you the opportunity to tell us how you would like to see some key areas of church life develop in the future.

What would you like to see in worship?

What prayer and Bible reading opportunities would you like?

What can we do to develop relationships?

What can we do to serve the community more effectively?

What can we do to share the gospel?

Come along and take part in that conversation; we are shaping the future and we’d love you to be a huge part of that future!

Involvement opportunities within the congregation

Worship TeamPastoral Care Teams

Door Duty and Welcome TeamsFlower Team

Choir and Music GroupBereavement Support Team

Messy ChurchKids’ Church Community Action – see ‘beyond’ list Young Teens’ Group Open Door Café Soup and Roll Lunch

Thursday Morning ServiceCrèche Team

Lorimer House ServiceGreen StrollersWalking group

Church Wednesday – Prayer and Bible StudyNurture Team

Prayer TeamPrayers for Healing

Guild of FriendshipPrayer E-mail Network

Communications including Web Site, Church Notice Boards, Intimations, Village Notice Board, Flyers, Newspaper

Sound and AV TeamChurch News Team

Finance Team incl. StewardshipCatering Team

Property Team incl Security, Halls Letting, Insurance

Cleaning Teams/Contractors, and Gardening Team

Beyond the congregation

Bethany Trust Salvation Army Food BanksFresh Start

Care Van/Winter ShelterCambodian Hope Organization

Es-Team (Scripture Union)Christian AidBlythswood Care ShoeboxesTearfund

Shaping the Future

Your reply slip – please return by 31st May:

Data Protection:

Phone number:
E-mail address

I give the Kirk Session permission to hold my personal details


My Current Involvement

These are the activities in which I am currently involved in the life of the church.

Any future involvement

I would like to know more about:

Please return this page to:

Rev James Dewar, 476 Lanark Road, Juniper Green, EH14 5BQ


Building Christ’s Church in the Community

EdinburghJunipergreenparishchurch of scotland – registered charity sc005197