Jonna Schengel & Thea Trimble, Co-Chairs

Jonna Schengel & Thea Trimble, Co-Chairs

InstitutionalProgram Review Committee

Jonna Schengel & Thea Trimble, Co-Chairs

Meeting Minutes–Tuesday,December 6, 2016 HR 133; 4:10 pm – 4:50 pm


Members present: Thea Trimble, Jonna Schengel, James McDonnell, Nick Terry, Jessica Morrison, Dali Ozturk

Absent: Catherine McGuire, Ashen Baig, Brenden Stevens (student representative)

  1. Call to Order: Thea called the meeting to order at 4:15p.m.
  1. Minutes: Minutes from 11.1.16 were approved with one correction per Dali. Corrected version will be uploaded to IPRC website.
  1. PR Survey: Dali emailed the committee the 2016 PR Survey results. 129 people responded, which was a few less than last year. 41.86% of those who responded were not involved in writing the program review. Responses will be summarized in a PR Survey and Audit Report. Highlights are the training is helpful but request more specific training topics; request for more SAO and how to report outcomes and assessment. Training requests fell into 4 distinct areas: 1)Trac Dat/Logistics 2) PR Overview/purpose/best practices 3) Budget/Resource Allocation 4)Outcomes and Assessment Reporting/Data. The fall training, which was new this year, was the most popular session and several requests to repeat more training in the fall.

Lengthy discussion regarding how to classify ACTIONS as completed or not, if everything has been done except the reporting on the results/outcomes. Need to coordinate a meeting the TracDat work group to see if Trac Dat can turn off the Resource Request so that actions that have been funded are not pulled forward. This would reduce the long list of ACTIONS that keep getting pulled forward, even after the resourced have been allocated. More details about Survey results in PR Survey report, which will be developed at the next meeting.

  1. PR Audit: Total 15 PR audits have been performed; there are a few still to be completed; Jonna will send out reminder email. Dali will run final Audit report the week of Dec. 12-16, 2016. Dali presented preliminary audit findings. Committee will wait for final Audit report to be distributed through email and discussed at the Jan/Feb meeting.

Audit Report and Survey results with recommendations for each area will be developed at the Feb meeting and shared campus wide.

  1. PR Unit – Process for change: 2017 Request to change Program Review Unit designation timeline was reviewed. Jonna will alert Instructional Council of the process through email. Jessica will remind Dean’s Council of upcoming dates. The PR Unit Change form will be sent in early January as well as on Convocation, Jan 17, 2017 with a deadline will by Feb 15th. IPRC will review all requests for PR change at the Feb. 21, 2017 meeting. It was noted the new PR Unit list will need to be presented to Academic Senate and District Governance Senate.
  1. Next meeting: Next IPRC meeting is scheduled for Feb. 17, which is convocation.

Meeting was dismissed at 5:15 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Jonna Schengel, IPRC Co-Chair

Notes from 2016 PR Survey Results

  1. 129 respondents; a few less than last year, but many more than previous year; leveling out
  2. 41.86% were not involved in the writing portion
  3. Numerous requests for more help and training
  4. Areas of training needed included SAO/Outcomes and Assessment
  5. Four areas of training: Trac Dat/Logistics, PR Practices/Overview, Budget/Resource Allocation, Outcomes and Assessment
  6. Fall training was most popular and asked to be repeated; good feedback from that session
  7. Probably offer 2 in spring and 2 in fall; as some people write their PR in summer
  8. Add a intro letter about purpose of PR, developmental goals, not judgmental process.
  9. Refer users to Audit tool and move to front of manual, so they can see how it is audited
  10. Recommend training for Deans on how to use Audit rubric/assist in improving the PR reports- such as “how to read and help edit a PR”; “guidelines for evaluating”
  11. Need to reduce ACTIONS; ACTIONS are pulled forward until Discontinued; therefore, even if an ACTION has been completed and funded, it still comes forward because reporting out on effective use of resources has not been complete; need to find out if Trac Dat can have a completed ACTION that will still allow for a report on effectiveness. Can Trac Dat turn off Resource Request once an item has been funded? Need to explore this topic with Trac Dat WG.
  12. Need to add to manual instructions to use Chrome, which is better with Trac Dat.
  13. Remind people that requests for less than $500 should be addressed with Dean and not entered into PR.
  14. Need for overview of PR training and holistic view of continuous, ongoing improvement.
  15. Need for more training on how to report outcomes/SLO for Academic areas and SAO for Service Areas; still some confusion about how to connect PR and SLO reports. Both in Trac Dat, but aren’t really connected easily.
  16. Need for DATA analysis training
  17. Will break up training into different topics – attend area needed; not one big session