Matthew 23:37-39: “O Yerushalayim, Yerushalayim, killing the prophets and stoning those who are sent to her! How often I wished to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you would not! Behold! Your house is left to you laid waste, for I say to you that from now on you shall by no means see Me until you say, `Blessed is He who comes in the Name of Yahuweh.’ ” (Psalm 118:26)

Luke 19:41-44: “And when He came near, He saw the city and wept over it, saying `if you only knew even today the things for your peace! But, now they are hidden from your eyes. Because days will come upon you when your enemies will build a rampart around you, and surround you, and press you from all sides and dash you to the ground and your children with you. And they shall not leave in you one stone upon another because you did not know the time of your visitation.”

Isaiah 62:1, 6-7: “For Zion’s sake I will not be silent and for Yerushalayim’s sake I will not rest until her righteousness goes forth as brightness and her deliverance as a lamp that burns…I have set watchmen on your walls O Yerushalayim, day and night, continually, who are not silent. You who remember Yahuweh give yourselves no rest, and give Him no rest, until He establishes, until He makes Yerushalayim a praise in the earth.”

Messiah wept over Jerusalem--pronounced “Yerushalayim” in Hebrew.

The word “wept” in Greek, Strong’s Concordance dictionary #2799, isklaíō, meaning “to weep aloud, expressing uncontainable, audible grief.”

When was the last time you wept like that for what was on His heart? His people are on His heart, but also those lost ones who have not yet found Him! Is that my question to you? NO, it is His? It is His question from His broken heart. Very few of His people care what He thinks, or how He feels. Very few have any care for the suffering of His people.

The passage in Matthew 23, above, follows His brutal irate railing on the Pharisees, puppets of Rome who didn’t care about His people. And, they were constantly plotting His death. HereMessiah Yahushua prophesiedabout the 70 CE destruction of Jerusalem by Titus. It happened just as He said it would. Today, in the Archeological Park, which includes the Ophel of King Solomon at the south end of the Temple Mount, you can see the stones of the second Temple thrown down by the Romans.

The Jews fled then, into all the world. But, they are soon to flee again because of a very similar invasion against Jerusalem and Israel as a whole. They know to flee to Petra – across “the wings of the great eagle” in the topography of the Dead Sea. That is described in Revelation 12. But, probably none of them have read Revelation 12. They are going by the Tenach, past history, and common sense. They know just where to go, and when. They know that when Jerusalem is surrounded by the armies of the nations, they must flee. I’ve heard them say it. Ezekiel 9 is also soon to happen. Those six coming through the north gate to slaughter on today’s Temple Mount, is the Arab entrance from the Arab Quarter.

Once again, the judgment of Yahuweh will fall upon His people in modern Israel, which was established without reference to, or regard for, Him. Today’s Israelis are 70% secular, or belong to a pagan religion, even witchcraft. He has to purge His people.

But, at the same time, most of the House of Judah and the House of Ephraim, outside HIs Land,are in America. He will nearly simultaneously judge America (Jeremiah 50-51, Isaiah 13, 18, 47; Revelation 18) Even now America’s destruction has been set up, and its takeover is happening.

I got back from Israel September 30th. Within a few days, I began doing research, consolidating information I had gathered in Jerusalem on this trip, and writing my report, “The Historical Quantum Leap Towards the Finish Line – During My Israeli Adventure -September 9-30, 2015“/October 5, 2015.

Beginning October 1st, an increased wave of violence began in the Old City, East Jerusalem, and spread outside to modern Jerusalem, then began blanketing areas of the whole country.(“Judea” is Biblical land south of Jerusalem. “Samaria” is the Biblical heartland of Israel. “Galil” is the ancient name for the Galilee, and “Bashan” is the ancient name for today’s Golan Heights)

How do I feel about Israel? When it comes to Israel, I have intense passion for His people and His land! It is home to me. I’ve experienced some of the trouble during my many times in the Old City, the City of David, the Kidron Valley, and on the Temple Mount, from at least 2005, including last year during Passover and Sukkot, and this Yom Teruah to Sukkot. Seeing police and IDF soldiers amassing in the streets, on roof tops with guns pointed down, and helicopters flying overhead, is not new to me. Being pelted with rocks thrown by children on the Temple Mount and in the Kidron Valley is not new to me either.

Israel has been home to me since 1999. Yes, I had an apartment for 8 years in Aqaba, Jordan, living there from 1999-2007, but I came into Israel for all the festivals and in between, too. Jordan was/is not my homeland – Israel is. I’ve stayed in Jerusalem conservatively around 100 times, 99% of the time in the Old City at the Jaffa Gate.

From 2007, I lived about 1/2 of the last eight yearsin Tiberias on the Sea of Galilee – Lake Kinneret -- in the Galil. Israel is more home to me than anywhere else on earth!

I went through, from their beginnings, two wars while living in Aqaba, 1/4th mile from the Israeli border at Eilat--the Afghanistan war and Gulf War II.

In 2004, I went to Gaza on a day-tour with CFOIC (Christian Friends of Israeli Communities). At the end of the tour of several little villages in the Gush Katif area, we had a succah party in a new settlement with 14 young families by the Mediterranean Sea, called “Song of the Sea” in English. It was precious. In July 2005, I looked with numbing horror at the news in the U.S., showing the IDF pulling out of those precious people – the 1st pullout of the devastating pull out in August 2005. In August, via live coverage by Arutz Sheva news, I watched the forcible pulling out the rest of the Jews from Gush Katif. I saw some of the same people I had been with at Sukkot with CFOIC, pleading with the IDF not to do it. I knew that many dressed as IDF were actually UN peacekeeping forces from Turkey, and U.S. soldiers. Before the pullout, I stood next to a huge Turkish ship in the port of Aqaba, before they went to the port of Eilat. I took pictures. It was very traumatizing for me to see people I had met months before pleading with the military not to do it. I wanted to be there so badly to stand with the people! This is why I go to the Wall to be with the people, and to the “Tomb of David.” I am an Ephraimite who loves Judah!

During one of the 13 tours I took with CFOIC, we went back and visited homes of Jews who had been pulled out, hearing their stories. My heart is with them still. Most lost everything – their homes, their thriving businesses – basically their former lives.

I appreciate CFOIC very much. On every tour, we got to visit in the settlements of either Samaria or Judea, so that we got to meet the people where they live.

Every day since October 3rd, I have been keeping up daily with the escalation of violence. Seeing videos of places I know well has been very hard on me.My spirit is with His people! I have friends there too, in the north, who are very dear to me.

People tell me “I love Israel” or“I pray for Israel.” I thank them. I know they are sincere. But, few get personally involved. Most don’t even have a map of Israel so they know where places are when they hear or read about what is happening. When you really love something, or someone, you get very involved! You show your love by getting involved in daily contact in some way, in sharingtheir needs, showing emotional caring, sharing your love for them with others,and praying with empathy. You feel deeply with your entire being. Love is not passive! It is very active! You submit, or give yourself, to what you really love. Words are cheap, and Western culture is infamously shallow and cheap. I’ve heard Messianic people, both Jews and Ephraimites, say they have no desire to go to Israel. Something is horribly wrong! He is restoring a remnant of all the tribes back to the homeland now, in preparation for the coming of Yahushua. The massive number of prophecies of restoration of His servants in the latter days is beginning. It will come to its fruition when He returns at the resurrection of the set-apart ones. His Kingdom will be ruled from the Temple Mount, where He will reign as priest and king. It is Messiah who will have the third Temple rebuilt (Zechariah 6:12-15; Ezekiel 40-46) Messiah will live in the City of David. (Psalm 76:1-2) The City of David, the real Mount Zion just above the Kidron Valley, directly south of the Temple Mount, is the most important tiny little hill in the entire world! He calls it “the apple of My eye.”

If you long to go to Israel, go… Follow your heart! Do what you can to helpyourself, then see what He can do with what you don’t have! I’ve lived by this rule of following what He put into my spirit since the late 1980s. He’s never disappointed me! There is no such thing as a closed door if Abba is in control. This thinking is what got Brother Andrew into many closed countries with Bibles. I worked with his “Open Doors” three times into mainland China over 1994 and 1995. I applied to go because an African pastor-friend encouraged me, saying “You can’t have your heart in China, and your body in Fort Worth – Follow your heart!” I worked with Africans in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania over seven years. Even though living in mud huts, it is amazing how much they accomplished for the Kingdom of Yahuweh. It is all a matter of your passion!

In my last article “The Mind-Set of the Overcomer”/October 9, 2015, I wrote about Kaboo, the little penniless slave boy who wanted to learn about the Holy Spirit so intensely that he signed on to work on a ship with a very rough crew bound for America, where he was told he could learn. His adventures in faith are amazing beyond what most of us have ever seen today. Read about it in March of Faith. Simple child-like faith, following what Abba puts in our spirit, will bring miracles upon miracles. I know – that’s my life!

In China, I visited Hang Foo Camp in Hong Kong. I listened to its founder, Jackie Pullinger, speak there under a tent one Sunday morning. What a miracle she is. She wrote Chasing the Dragon. I recommend you read it. Jackiesaid that what happened in the Garden of Eden was that Adam and Eve lost their passion for walking with God, and so turned to their own reasoning--and lost it all. How wonderful that we have the account of Enoch who walked with Elohim and went right into His Presence. We have a similar privilege in our daily lives, through the portal of our re-born spirit. Did you know that? [Refer to: “Beyond This Dimension - Through Your Own Portal/May 30, 2015]

As a young girl in her 20s, Jackie became a new believer. She lived in England. She attended a home Bible study, led by a young man. She asked him how she would know the will of God for her life. He told her that all he could think of was that she should buy a ticket on a ship going around the world, and when God said to get off, she was to get off. How would you react to that!She did it! When the ship came into the port of Hong Kong, Abba told her to get off. He led her to an area where drug smuggling and murder were so common that the police wouldn’t even go in. Being filled with His Spirit, the miracles began. Through Him, she transformed that whole area. Is your faith that rooted in Elohim that you’d follow Him into such a place? I also worked with her in helping to open up another port of entry into Mainland China from Macau--before the British gave Hong Kong back to China, and the Portuguese gave Macau back to China later on.

But, most important: How do Yahuweh and Yahushua feel about what is happening in Their Land to Their people?Do you allow Them to share Their feelings with you? Are you aligned to Their thoughts and feelings? Do you share in the “fellowship of Messiah’s sufferings?” Are you passionately studying Their Word, taught by Yahuweh’s Spirit, so that He can show you what is really happening, and what is to come? You have that privilege. Did you know that? It’s called “knowing Elohim.”

I check with, Times of Israel, Israel Breaking News, and keep in touch with my friends in Israel who are seeing events leading to war all around them.

A dear friend told me about a stabbing incident in Afula on October 5th. Afula is about 25 minutes ride from Tiberias. She shared about one of her precious little ones who was nearby at the time.This young man will be going into the IDF soon. Do you pray for the IDF soldiers, the police, special force troops, and the IAF? Get involved!

My friend is passionate about the Word, and sensitive to the Spirit. She feels that things will come “suddenly” upon Israel. I do, too. Russia sits on the north border, not far from the border of Israel’s north. I am keeping a close watch on it, to do with the gathering together of the Ezekiel 38scenario for the massive invasion of Israel. Recently Israel made Putin angry when they bombed a facility of Assad’s government because they fired rockets into Israel’s Golan Heights – Bashan.

We also know that Russia and China are bombing in Syria, and planning to attack the U.S. also. End-time Babylon (America) and Israel are interlocked in history--via the Mazzini/Pike Plan Part II, which is leading to Part III. [Read “Launching the Chaos”/February 2011 to learn about this plan from 1871 that has been perfectly worked out with World War I, and World War II.]

In early 2011, President Obama began methodically setting the stage for Part III, and World War III, destabilizing the Middle East, and preparing for the final part of that infamous plan of Albert Pike and Giuseppe Mazzini (Scottish Rite Mason and Jesuit Illuminati), in which out of the chaos will come order – the New World Order. America has done the orchestrating of setting up Israel and the Arab nations surrounding her, and within her, to bring about World War III. But, this Plan goes back to 1871.

Once it begins, it will not end until Messiah comes at the “controversy of Zion.” The time of the judgment on the nations has arrived.

His coming at the seventh trumpet with all of His set-apart ones will end all war.

(Revelation 11:15-18, Zechariah 14:1-5; Jude 1:14-15; Revelation 19; Isaiah 34; Isaiah 63:1-6; I Corinthians 15:51-58; I Thessalonians 4:13-18, as a few examples)

Are you passionate about the coming of Messiah? Is His coming your “blessed hope?” What are you doing to prepare for it, to prepare your family for it, to prepare your neighbors for it, and to help prepare the world for it?

Love means getting involved! Yahushua laid down His life for us; should we not lay down our lives for others that He loves? We all know John 3:16, but that’s in I John 3:16! “By this we have known love, because He laid down His life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers.”

I John 3:14: “We know that we have passed from death unto life because we love the brethren.” Love takes action. Love has passion. If we say we love Him, we must also take up our execution stake to follow Him (Luke 14:25-33; Matthew 10:34-39)

If you love Him, you love His Land, you love His people!

What was so hard for me to see after returning this time--after my usual suffering at leaving Israel--was learning that on October 3rd evening, Netanyahu had to order the Old City closed down for a while due to violence and the murders of Jews. I almost always stay in the Old City at the Jaffa Gate area. Only Arab residents, shop keepers, and school children could enter. Police patrolled the streets. Religious Jews and tourists were in also there. Netanyahu was in New York addressing the U.N. around this time, and made his speech clear.