Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Arts University

Hyderabad – 500 028

Registration Form for B.Arch. – III Semester (R10) Examination


(Read instructions carefully before filling the application)




Month & Year of Examination
Name:as per SSC Certificate
Father’s Name

(Tick [ a ] in the appropriate box)

Sex: Male Female

Centre for Examination:

(College Name) (Place)

Subjects for which registration is required:

1.  AR3.1 Architectural Design – II

2.  AR3.2 Architectural Drawing & Graphics - III

3.  AR3.3 Building Construction - III

4.  AR3.4 Structural Mechanics - III

5.  AR3.5 History of Architecture - II

6.  AR 3.6 Building Services-I

7.  AR 3.7 Climatology

Details of Fee Paid:

Bank Challan No. / Date / Amount(Rs.) / Place & Bank

Certified that the above information is CORRECT and FILLED by ME

Signature of the Candidate


This is to certify that ………………………………………………………………………………… is/was a student of this college during the year …………………his/her character is good and the facts mentioned by him/her in the application have been verified and found to be correct. He/She has registered for all the subjects mentioned above in the current semester.

Signature of the Principal with Seal


Principal Remarks if any:

Prescribed Fees.

For Whole Examination : Rs. 1250/-

For Theory and practical subject : Rs. 400/-

Memorandum of Marks & Cost of Application : Rs.50/-

Note: No application is accepted unless the candidate pays the prescribed fees along with the fees for marks memorandum within the stipulated time.


·  Candidates are instructed to be very careful about the entries to be made. All entries should be in candidate’s own hand writing and the candidate will be held responsible for any incorrect entry that he/she makes.

·  The University reserves the right to cancel the admission of the candidate at any stage when it is detected that he/her admission to the examination or the college is against rules.

·  Any false or incorrect statement in the application will render the candidate liable to disciplinary action.

·  A Bank challan drawn on any scheduled bank for the examination fees including fees for memorandum of marks payable to the Registrar, JNAFA University, at Hyderabad should be enclosed to the application.

·  The application should be submitted through the Principal/Head of respective college/unit.



Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Arts University

Hyderabad – 500 028

B. Arch – III Semester (R10) Examination



1.  Name of the Candidate: ………………………………………………………………

2.  Father’s Name: ……………………………………………………………………….

3.  Month and year of Examination: ……………………………………………………..

4.  Regular/Supplementary: ……………………………………………………………..

Details of Subjects Registered: [Tick ( a ) the appropriate box]

1. AR3.1 Architectural Design – II 2. AR3.2 Architectural Drawing & Graphics - III

3. AR3.3 Building Construction - III 4. AR3.4 Structural Mechanics - III

5. AR3.5 History of Architecture – II 6. AR3.6 Building Services-I

7. AR 3.7 Climatology

Asst. Registrar (Exams) Principal Controller of Examinations




Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Arts University

Hyderabad – 500 028

B. Arch – III Semester (R10) Examination



1.  Name of the Candidate: ………………………………………………………………

2.  Father’s Name: ……………………………………………………………………….

3.  Month and year of Examination: ……………………………………………………..

4.  Regular/Supplementary: ……………………………………………………………..

Details of Subjects Registered: [Tick (a ) the appropriate box]

1. AR3.1 Architectural Design – II 2. AR3.2 Architectural Drawing & Graphics - III

3. AR3.3 Building Construction - III 4. AR3.4 Structural Mechanics - III

5. AR3.5 History of Architecture – II 6. AR3.6 Building Services-I

7. AR 3.7 Climatology

Asst. Registrar (Exams) Principal Controller of Examinations

Note: Read instruction carefully

Instructions to the candidates

The University reserves the right to cancel the admission of the candidate at any stage when it is detected that his/her admission to the examination or the college is against rules.

Candidates should take their seats at least five minutes before the distribution of the question papers. Candidates coming half an hour after the commencement of examination will not be admitted. Candidates suffering from any contagious disease will not be permitted to enter the Examination hall.

Candidates are prohibited from bringing to the examination hall any books, notebooks or loose sheets of paper. If they do so, they are liable for expulsion. Candidates are not allowed to use any book or books nor are they allowed to keep with them a book or part thereof, or paper of any kind. Candidates are also prohibited from bringing their own mathematical tables into the examination hall. These will be supplied to the candidates by the chief superintendent upon request when answering papers in Mathematics and science subjects. Mathematical instruments will however be allowed to be brought in. They are also prohibited from talking to each other, copying from other’s or allowing others to copy from them, or talking or giving any other kind of assistance of taking to or communication with a person outside the examination hall. If a candidate is found violating these rules and/or committing any other malpractice and/or behaving in an undisciplined manner or causing nuisance or disturbance to the other candidates, he will at once be expelled from the examination hall. He will not be allowed to sit for the remaining papers and he will be liable to be rusticated. Candidates are permitted to bring Electronic Calculators into the examination hall.

Candidates are requested to bring along with them everyday their hall tickets. They should bring with them the Identity card issued by the college and should be presented for inspection whenever demanded. Otherwise they are liable to be sent out of the examination hall.