
It is very important that your child is in class every day. Each day is a step to the next with new activities and lessons that should not be missed. If your child is absent, it is hard for him/her to catch up and benefit as if he/she was present in class. Therefore, please plan family vacations and doctor/dentist appointments to take place during weekends and/or school calendar holidays as much as possible. Contrary to vacation, please keep your child home in the case of illness. We definitely do not want other students to catch an unwanted virus!

If your child is absent, please fill out and return an absence slip immediately upon return to school. You must fill out an absence slip for each time your child is absent. You can pick up absence slips from the office. I greatly appreciate your time and effort with this!

Please refer to the school’s parent handbook for specific absence and tardy policies. Three unexcused tardiesmay result in disciplinary action. Let’s work together to make sure none of our fourth graders are guilty of this!

Here is the URL for an absence slip:


We do not participate in sweet birthdays here at BV. Instead I encourage this to be a time of not only receiving, but also giving. If a child would like they can donate a Birthday Book to our class library. This book should be a favorite of your child’s, something they love to read. They will be given an opportunity to present the book to the class and let the class know what makes it such an amazing book. If your child would like to bring in something to give to the other students please make sure it is individually wrapped and there is enough for everyone. Some suggestions are pencils, stickers, erasers, etc.… It is not mandatory to participate in class birthdays, just something to make the day fun and special to each birthday child.


Homework is an extension of the learning experience your child has during the instructional day. Homework is designed to aid students in achieving classroom and school goals. It also prepares students for upcoming lessons and tests, teaches responsibility, and helps students develop positive study habits.

Parental Support

Homework is an opportunity for you to demonstrate to your child that education is important. Help your child recognize that homework should be his/her top priority! Please provide necessary supplies and a quiet environment for him/her to work. When possible, set aside a regular time every day for homework, as well as provide praise and support. I recommend homework time take place immediately after school.

How much? When?

Students will bring homework assignments, including the school communication envelope (every Thursday) and other school information, to and from school in a red folder. Daily homework minutes are consistent with the school policy; 10 minutes increase per grade level. Therefore, 4th grade students should have no more than 40 minutes of homework a night. In addition, students are required to read at least 20 minutes every night and log it on their Reading Log. This will be required for homework credit.

Incomplete Homework Assignments and Absences

It is your child’s responsibility to complete and turn in daily homework assignments with his/her name on it. I collect homework daily. I do not accept late homework. If absent, your child will be able to pick up all missed homework (and class work) the day he/she returns to school, or you may pick it up in the office at the end of the day your child is absent. Just be sure to let me know if you choose to pick it up. He/she will have one extra day for each day absent to make up the assignments. if your child is going to be absent for an extended period of time please give me ample time to get a homework packet together.

Homework Pass aka the Golden Ticket

Periodically your child will receive a homework pass. This can only be used on one nightly assignment. No homework pass is to be used on a project, final writing assignment or test. I do encourage all students to review what is being assigned since it will likely be a test on the material at some period of time.


Assessment is based on a variety of goals. I believe that high standards should be set for every student, designed to their learning style and personal abilities. To is no “one size fits all” way to assess students. That being said, I will be assessing throughout the year with a variety of different ways: homework, tests, quizzes, projects, participation, effort on assignments, class discussions, as well as group work.

Grading Policy

Above Proficient4 (100%) Working above 4th grade standards

Proficient3Working at 4th grade standards

Basic2 Working towards 4th grade standards

Below Basic1Working below 4th grade standards

Sometimes check marks will be given on assignments, such as homework and in class work. These scores are important too! They can boost grades and lower them as well. These assignments will be graded on a scale with the check marks shown above.

How can you assess your child’s progress?

Please review and initial your child’s agenda nightly. This will show me that your child has done his/her homework and is ready for class the next day. This will also show me that you are aware of any upcoming tests, projects, or special events.

You may also subscribe to my online homework calendar through the BV website if you have not already done so. With your subscription you will receive nightly emails to see what you child is expected to work on nightly. I also list dates for upcoming events and exams that will help you and your child prepare for the weeks activities.

You are required to sign and return every quiz, test and project grade. These will be send home in the weekly Thursday envelope. Also, other information pertaining to school activities as well as book orders will be send home in this envelope. There is an area to sign the envelope each week; please do so. This shows me that all school information and tests are being shown to you.

Please feel free to set up an appointment at any time if you have any questions or concerns. I am happy to meet with you. To set up an appointment please email me at I will return emails from 8 am thru 5 pm daily.

Discipline Policy

We are off to a great start for the 2015-2016 school year! The students are enthusiastic and eager to tackle fourth grade. With your encouragement, your child will be a part of many exciting and rewarding experiences this year. I always encourage students to put forth their best effort as a team and as an individual. Since lifelong success depends in part on self-discipline and working with others, I have developed two programs:

  1. Lily’s Pad- Students will work together as a class to help Lily jump from pad to pad. The goal is to get the students to rely on each other and to work together to achieve success as a class. When they reach the final pad there will be a class reward i.e. pizza party or homework passes.
  2. Community Circle– students will work on their individual growth that affords every student the opportunity to make good choices, and to learn from their mistakes through communication. Your child deserves the most positive education climate possible for his/her growth. Together, we can make a difference in this process.

RULES (All rules are student generated, this is an example)

  1. Follow directions
  2. Raise hand before speaking
  3. Use time productively and stay on task
  4. Respect others
  5. Words and actions are positive
  6. Always be silent in the hallways (this applies to all classes)


  1. Class rewards of students’ choice
  2. Monthly certificates
  3. Lots of verbal praise
  4. Positive notes/stickers/prizes
  5. Positive phone calls home
  6. Caught Being Good!
  7. Raffle Ticket


  1. Warning
  2. Back to desk away from group
  3. Parent contact
  4. Principal’s office

Please review this discipline program with your child and keep for your reference.

“A reader is not one who can read, but rather one who does read”

~ Who Stole the Wizard of Oz?Avi

Reading Program

Reading Strategies

Students will be participating in a multitude of reading activities throughout the year to help promote fluency, comprehension skill building, inference, and cross connections. The reading program at BV in my class strongly follows the philosophies and strategies of CAFÉ. The students will participate in a wide variety of mini lessons that promotes understanding of a multitude of reading strategies that will help them grow throughout the year.

Accelerated Reader

At BV we are also excited to announce the use of Accelerated Reader. It is a widely respected program and is utilized by many districts. So what is Accelerated Reader (AR)?

“AR is a technology-based educational company with a primary focus on accelerating K12 learning—plain and simple. Our long line of nationally acclaimedproductsand professional development offerings make classrooms and schools better places to teach and learn. Students who use our products learn faster. Teachers who use our products teach more effectively. Administrators who use our products meet state standards and Common Core State Standards. Let the learning begin.”-Accelerated Reader Website

AR materials are available at further review and understanding. Please feel free to ask any questions if necessary to gain more clarity about this program

Core Literature

Over the course of the year, students will read a minimum of 9 books. Some of these books will be read together as a class, and some will be read independently at home. This is supplemental yet complimentary to our Language Arts curriculum, where students will read a variety of literature within themes and choose books of their own to read independently.

Nightly Reading

Students are required to read 20 minutes minimum nightly. They may read any appropriate reading material of their choice. This may be a comic book, graphic novel, a magazine, etc. They may also read to a sibling or parent aloud. All reading will be recorded through an online-based reading log Reading Rewards. Here is the URL:

I will be checking to review student progress. This is meant to be a requirement for your child, not you. It is very student friendly. Here each child can make book recommendations to their classmates as well as earn badges for reaching goals. Parents do not intervene or monitor unless a child does not read. I will be monitoring student progress.

Math Program

We are very excited to have Pearson Realizehelp enhance our curriculum and to help students make further connections at home to help promote success. Pearson Realize offers you the opportunity to look inside your child's day-to-day learning.

How to access the Web site:

  1. Access your Internet browser - (For your reference, Pearson Realize Internet and System Requirements can be found at:
  2. Enter the URL (site address) --
  3. Use your child’s assigned username and password to login.

You will be amazed at how motivated and excited your child will be to share in the interactive learning experiences while studying at home. Watch as your child "teaches" you how to access the resources we utilize in the classroom.
If you ever run into technical difficulties, there is a Pearson Realize online help connection to serve you. You can reach them at

Quizzes and Tests

Tests will be taken at the completion of each topic. All tests are differentiated to help each child meet their fullest potential regardless of ability or learning style. Many tests will be taken on line in real time. Prior to the test students are assigned practice tests on line through the Pearson Realize site. Please make sure you’re your child has access to the internet in order to be able to complete all internet based assignments. There may also be periodic quizzes to help promote further understanding and give me greater access to what their needs are as learners.

Khan Academy

This is an online resource to also help your child access further practice with math. It is completely free and you are able to tailor the program to your child’s needs. I am a huge proponent of any resource that will help your child access greater success in the classroom and build more confidence with his or her own abilities.

Language Arts

Our class will be designating at least two hours daily to language arts. This includes the following programs: reading (as reviewed), grammar, vocabulary, writing conventions, writing, focusing on three specific genres: (narrative, opinion, and informational), poetry, and drama. Some of the programs that are utilized are:

WordlyWise 3000 for vocabulary

No Red Ink

This program is available on line and focuses on grammar comprehension


Edmodo is and educational website that takes the ideas of social network and refines it to make it appropriate and applicable for the classroom. Here students share ideas, helpful tips, and questions about novels or other subjects of study and will receive help from classmates.

BV utilizes the Writing Workshop model, developed by Lucy Calkins, to teach the strategies and methods to be successful writer. Please refer to the writing-pacing guide to help understand what your child is working on in class. All writing is completed in class from generating ideas to final draft. To read more about the program I have provided the URL.

Science and Social Studies

In 4th grade we continue to study California history. Our time line is from early Native American tribes, to the settlements and missions built by Spaniards, to later the separation of California from Mexico, and the Gold Rush or 1849. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to learn how California became settled and the impact that these periods of history have left on our state.

Science is very exciting this year. We are now using the Next Generation Science Standards, otherwise referred to as the NGSS. Fourth grade students will be exploring many new standards as well as reviewing older more familiar topics. Here is a link to read more:

We will also be bringing STEM into our elementary classes this year. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. STEM encourages students to incorporate all of these subjects across all subjects of study throughout the day. It is not only learning what they are, but how science, technology, engineering, and mathematics are apart of our every day lives.