Installation/Maintenance of Wordpress and Linux server

Christopher J. Pace

Server IP address:

Server Domain Name:

Root password: Dfiodfd8f78udf

Services: Web (Wordpress websites)

Wordpress Documentation

In order to install Wordpress, you must first meet the requirements of the Wordpress environment. Wordpress requires a common environment called a LAMP environment (LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP). Although you can use any OS, Linux is the most common Operating System chosen for a LAMP environment. The requirements for a LAMP environment are simple. First, you must install the MySQL server. Next, you should install the PHP scripting language, configured with support for MySQL. Last, you must install Apache, and insert the PHP module into the Apache configuration.

Installing MySQL

MySQL is available directly from the OpenBSD repository on You can use pkg_add to install MySQL, using the version number reported from:

For instance, to install MySQL (latest), issue the following command:


Pkg_add will also satisfy any dependencies of MySQL. Once MySQL has been installed, follow the instructions to set the root password for the MySQL database. The root password that I set was the same as the root password for your server.

Installing PHP with MySQL support

Next, you must install PHP with support for MySQL. To do this, find the package named “php-mysql” from the OpenBSD repository. For instance, this command will install PHP-MySQL:


If there is a package conflict (such as an existing version of PHP already installed), remove the conflicting package by typing:

pkg_remove php4-4.4.1

Next, edit the /var/www/conf/httpd.conf file, and add the following line in the modules section:

LoadModule php4_module /usr/local/lib/php/

It is extremely important to copy that line exactly, as any deviance will result in a failure to start Apache.

Lastly, you need to restart Apache. To do this, type the following command:

/usr/sbin/apachectl restart

Now, you should have a working LAMP configuration. If you want more information on setting up a LAMP environment, please read the following tutorial that I wrote:

Now, we need to cover installing Wordpress. For the initial installation, instructions can be followed from the below link:

You should now have a working Wordpress installation.

Site Specific Issues- copying Wordpress to another site

To copy Wordpress to another website, several steps are required. You must first copy the source directory, then you must create the database for the new site (and “install” Wordpress), and lastly you must enable wildcard DNS lookups.

To copy the source files to another site, issue the following command (assuming that your working, or current directory is /var/www:

cp -R wordpress sitename

Where sitename is the name of the site that you want to copy Wordpress to. For instance, if we were to copy the Wordpress site to the site, we would issue the following command:

cp -R wordpress

Next, you need to create a new database for the new site. To do this, issue the following commands:

mysql -u root -p

MySQL will then ask you for your root password, which is DFhudf8. Next, you will enter the following commands in the MySQL console:



Next, you need to edit the file sitename/wordpress/wp-config.php. You will need to edit the third line in this file, from scienceindex, to the name of your database, which is in this case sample. This line should look like this now:

define('DB_NAME', 'sample'); // The name of the database

Now, you should be able to pull up the URL, which will create the database tables, and assign the administrator password. The admin password is randomly generated, so you will need to document it immediately!

Now, you must enable wildcard DNS lookups in your BIND configuration, and you must also enable your site to function with wildcard DNS lookups with Apache (since Apache is currently setup just to allow To do this, edit the following files:


For instance, in our example, we will edit /var/named/master/ You then need to insert a line at the bottom of this file, which will read:

* IN A

Next, you must restart BIND. To do this, type the following command:

ps -waux | grep "named"

In this example, I received the following output:

_syslogd 26381 0.0 0.1 292 548 ?? S 6Apr06 0:02.63 syslogd -a /var/named/dev/log -a /var/empty/dev/log

root 16904 0.0 0.1 1548 564 ?? Is 1:12AM 0:00.01 named: [priv] (named)

named 2823 0.0 0.6 2368 2724 ?? S 1:12AM 0:03.01 /usr/sbin/named

Next, we will need to “kill” these processes, and re-launch BIND. To do this, locate the process ID field numbers, in this case 16904 and 2823, and then enter the following command:

kill -9 number

Once those two processes have been stopped, start BIND by typing:


Lastly, edit the Apache virtual host file located in /var/www/conf/vhosts.txt. Add the following line after your sitename virtual host entry:

ServerAlias *

For instance, our site virtual host will now look like this:



DocumentRoot /var/www/


ErrorLog logs/

CustomLog logs/ combined

Options +Includes

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/var/www/"

ServerAlias *


Now, you can restart Apache. Restart Apache by entering the following command:

/usr/sbin/apachectl restart

Lastly, you may enable your plugins, and everything should work perfectly.


Your password for's admin account:


Your password for's admin account:


MySQL root password:
