Illinois PBIS Network Tier 1 Internal Coach Job Description

1) Qualifications

  1. Specific knowledge and skills
  2. essential features of school-wide PBIS
  3. problem-solving and school improvement processes
  4. coaching competencies (e.g., establishing and maintaining positive relationships, communicating effectively, facilitating team processes)
  5. Works in the building full-time
  6. Has credibility and fosters positive relationships with other faculty/staff members
  7. Promotes shared decision-making and has the ability to work collaboratively with administrator/decision makers in the building
  8. Demonstrates ability to work effectively in groups
  9. Two to three year commitment to the process
  10. Flexibility to attend team training, network meetings and advanced training opportunities

2) Communication

1.Communicate PBIS activities at faculty meetings

2.Network with other internal coaches, external coaches and sub-region coordinators

3.Communicate with parent/parent liaison/PTA/PTO

4.Share Annual Report with district team (i.e., District Leadership Team, Board of Education)

5.Communicate with district PBIS External Coach around training, technical assistance and other supports needed to implement school wide PBIS.

3) Coordination with Tier1/Universal Team members

  1. Facilitate monthly Tier1/Universal Team meetings (schedule, agenda, process)
  2. Facilitate monitoring of development and implementation of school-wide expectations, teaching and reinforcement practices
  3. Coordinate celebrations/boosters
  4. Facilitate completion and monitoring of Tier1/Universal Team Action Plan
  5. Coordinate building leadership team efforts to integrate PBIS into other school improvement activities

4) Evaluation

  1. Facilitate establishment of data collection systems
  2. Collect and analyze data for problem solving, decision-making and action planning:
  3. PBIS implementation process data; TIC, BoQ, SAS, SSS, PoI
  4. Student outcome data; discipline and academic
  5. Collaborate with TAC for data around PBIS Assessments, PoI, School Profile Tool & SWIS data
  6. Document success of Tier 1 interventions; School Profile Tool, SWIS

4) Technical Assistance

Provide technical assistance to building teams regarding:

  1. Readiness for implementation
  2. Tier1/Universal implementation (data-based decision making, meeting schedules, communication with staff, teaching and acknowledgment systems, new team orientation, school board presentations, action plan)

5) Training

  1. Actively participate in all appropriate team and coaches trainings provided by PBIS Network
  2. Participate in and present at PBIS conferences and forums
  3. Participate in District Internal Coaches Network Meetings and other opportunities provided for internal coaches to support implementation

Internal Coach Job Description Rev. 09/2011, Illinois PBIS Network