Howard Hughes Medical Institute Scholarship

The Howard Hughes Medical Institute is a medical research organization whose principal mission is the conduct of biomedical research. Approximately 300 Hughes investigators conduct medical research in HHMI laboratories at 64 of the nation's leading research centers and universities and at its Janelia Farm Research Campus in Loudoun County, Virginia. Through its complementary grants program, HHMI supports science education in the United States and a select group of researchers abroad.

Scholarship Information

Two scholarships of $7,000 each to pursue careers in science will be awarded to outstanding seniors in each high school of Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS). The scholarships are non-renewable and will be applied to the first year of study at a four-year college or university. Funds will be sent to the college or university the students plan to attend and may be used to pay tuition, room, board, books, laboratory fees, and other college expenses.

Each school will use its established scholarship committee to review the applications and select two recipients and two alternates in rank order. Those should be submitted to the supervisor of guidance services.

The Howard Hughes Medical Institute Scholarship will be a part of the LCPS coordinated scholarship selection process whereby students are awarded the top awards for which they are selected, but all scholarships above $1,000 will be distributed throughout the members of the class and numerous large awards are not limited to a few individuals in the class. Winners will be announced at each school’s awards program. At that time the presenter will provide the student with a form containing the required information about the college or university he or she plans to attend. Funds will be mailed to the student’s account. If a student elects not to enter college, the grant would go to the first alternate selected by the student’s high school.


·  Well-rounded, full-time senior in LCPS with plans to pursue education and a career in a field of science, including science education

·  Demonstrated potential for success in the natural sciences

·  Minimum of 3.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA) with a minimum of 3.5 GPA in science courses taken in high school

·  Advanced Studies Diploma with a minimum of one Advanced Placement science class while in high school

·  Acceptance at an accredited college or university

·  Participation in extracurricular activities, community service, and scholastic endeavors

·  Copy of FAFSA or SAR

·  Financial need will be considered as one factor in the selection process

Howard Hughes Medical Institute Scholarship


Please complete in blue or black ink or type. Additional pages may be attached.

A transcript is available from your guidance office and must be attached to this application.

Applicant's Full Name

Date of Birth Phone

Parent(s) or Guardian(s)


Accepted by (colleges or universities)

Scholastic Honors

Extra-curricular Activities (include number of years and offices held)

Community Activities (include number of years and offices held)

Please reply to the following questions in essays of no more than five hundred words. Please attach your responses.

1. What science class has had the greatest impact on your life and why?

2. Describe your college and science career plans, why you have selected these goals, and how your plans will contribute to the betterment of others.

Submit the completed application and essays and a transcript request to your school counselor by 3 p.m. on April 1, 2014. Winners will be announced during each school’s awards assembly.


I. Student Employment (Includes full or part-time during the last two years):

Employer Type of Work Employed Weekly

From To Earnings

Amount you have saved toward higher education

II. Family Income

Occupation Annual Income




Total Family Income

*Specify by source, such as Social Security, Veteran's benefits, income of other family members, or investment income.

Copy of FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) or SAR (Student Aid Report) must be submitted with this application.

III. Estimated Expenses for one school year:

Tuition & Fees Transportation

Room & Board Clothing

Books & Supplies Laundry

Medical, incl. Insurance Other

Total Estimated Expenses

IV. Expected Financial Resources (per year):

From Family From Other Scholarships

From Earnings From Contributions

*From other Sources

Total Expected Resources

*Specify by source, such as trust funds, insurance, etc.

V. Other Dependents in Family

Name Age If student, name of school




I/We declare the information in this application and financial statement to be true and accurate, to the best of my/our knowledge.


Signature of Student Signature of Parent(s) or Guardian(s)

I authorize the release of transcript to the Scholarship Committee so that he/she may be considered for this scholarship.


Signature of Student Date Signature of Parent if student is Date under 18 years of age