Please keep this information sheet for future reference

After School Enrichment (formerly “Hobby Hour”) is a student enrichment and fun program, with classes taught by either Hillside parents, Hillside teachers or private organizations. All children at Hillside are invited to participate. Classes are located at HillsideSchool; begin at 2:45p.m. and end at 3:45p.m. (note: the same NEW times as the winter session)

This session’s dates for After School Enrichment are:

Wednesday, April 21, 28, May 5, 12

Thursday, April 22, 29, May 6, 13

HOW DO CHILDREN GET TO CLASSES? Each teacher gets a list of children who are participating and which class they will attend. Each child participating receives a tag indicating the class name and room number. The children are escorted to the lower gym for attendance and then to their appropriate Enrichment classes.

HOW IS DISMISSAL HANDLED? Pick up will be PROMPTLY at 3:45 p.m. Arriving on time to pick up your child is essential. If your child attends the YMCA extended day program and would like to participate in After School Enrichment, we will bring him/her to the program after the enrichment class. It is the parents’ responsibility to make arrangements for pick-up at 3:45p.m. Children will exit from the Kindergarten doors only. There will be no crossing guards at the usual locations. Any child who will be walking home after the program must provide a note to the class instructor from their parents giving permission.

WHAT IS THE COST? The cost per class varies. The cost per class is the cost for the instructor and supplies. Do not send money now.

HOW DOES MY CHILD REGISTER? Due to limited class size, participants will be chosen by lottery. Availability of classes is subject to student interest. FILL OUT THE REGISTRATION FORM AND RETURN IT TO SCHOOL NO LATER THANFriday, March 26th, 2010. Indicate the Childs 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice of class/date. Please understand that making only one choice on the registration form does not guarantee a spot in that class. Once the participants have been chosen, a confirmation notice will be sent home indicating his/her class and date and all appropriate fees. Each child is limited to one class on one day.

NOTE TO PARENTS: Instructors have the right to dismiss disruptive students from class once the parents have been notified. Your cooperation is essential for this program to run smoothly. Thank you and a special thanks to Kim DePalma and Sara Grabelle who organize the classes and instructors, as well as to all of those who volunteer to help make this program a success.