
November 5, 2013

Harrisonburg Community Activities Center.

Present: Jeff Campbell, Vice President, Rich Ruozzi, President, Mike Guinn Treasurer.

Guests Present: SVTC members Corrine Makarewich, and Joe Rudmin, who took the minutes.

Minutes: Joe read minutes from the September 17, 2013 meeting, and they were approved.

Old Business

Breast Cancer 5k: MJ did not like the service of Bad to the Bone from Charlottesville, because they charged $3 per runner, and had no finish line clock. R. Ruozzi tried to register at, and six times in jammed his PC. C. Makarewich said that she has researched online registration, and found three sites commonly used: RaceIt, Active, and SportsSignup. On some sites the race pays a fee, and on some sites the registrant pays a fee.

New Business

Funds: Mike Guinn reported that as of Oct. 31, 2013, the SVTC treasury has $4457.07. The Clay Sellers 5k donated $100, and the Grand Caverns 5k donated $125, and the Harrisonburg 4 Miler donated $200. The Massanutten 5k has donated nothing yet for Joe Rudmin’s timing. The large clock needs batteries. The $500 watch with printer needed an $80 repair. C. Makarewich says that she has one at Thomas Harrison that she can borrow.

SVTC Turkey Run: Butch Proctor said that the price of turkeys has doubled since last year, when they cost $176.88 total. They are now $35 each. The SVTC will buy them. R. Ruozzi requested donations of additional prizes, such as lazer cubes and soap stone boxes. R. Ruozzi asked J. Rudmin to bring his laptop with timing program, as backup. The pavilion in the park is reserved, and the Bridgewater police will cover crossing College Street. R. Ruozzi will bring a case of water. C. Makarewich will bring bagels. J. Rudmin will bring 36 bananas and 15 apples or oranges. J. Campbell will ride a bike to lead the front runner. B. Proctor will ride a bike to trail the rear runner. M. Guinn will bring cones and finish line materials in his van. R. Ruozzi offers $75 for a group of at least 4 volunteers to man the course.

SVTC Ten Miler: J. Rudmin turned in a quote for 250 full color, glossy, 2-sided flyers from Campbell Printing on Cantrell Avenue in Harrisonburg, and to ask about a discount for reusing a template. R. Ruozzi asked J. Rudmin to get a quote from the Copy Center at JMU. R. Ruozzi says that we need a new race director for the SVTC Ten Miler.

SVTC Indoor Track Meets: In door track meets will be held at EMU Jan 27 and Feb. 27.