Gradelevel/Class: Thelessonisdesignedforamulti-Ageclasscomposedof Ninth/Tenthgraders

Gradelevel/Class: Thelessonisdesignedforamulti-Ageclasscomposedof Ninth/Tenthgraders


Overview:Inthislesson,studentswillparticipateinanactivitydesignedtointroducethemtotheRussianAlphabetcalledCyrillic.AlongwithlearningthealphabeticprinciplesunderlyingtheRussianLanguage,thestudentswillbeginto learn about the city of Barnaul and the way it showcases Russian words on signage. ByparticipatinginthelessonstudentswillcometoadeeperunderstandingofthehistoryofBarnaulandhow the Russian language is showcased within the city.

GradeLevel/Class: Thelessonisdesignedforamulti-ageclasscomposedof ninth/tenthgraders.

Time: Thelessonisdesignedforan80-minuteblockscheduleclass.

Background Information:

Beforeteachingthislesson,theteachershouldfamiliarizehim/herselfwithBarnaul(aRussiancitywithapopulationofmorethan650,000),itshistory(readarticleonAltaiRegionOfficewebsite),andtheCyrillicRussianalphabet(watchthePracticePronunciationofRussian Alphabetvideo).Thelessonisconducivetoscaffolding,providingasuccinctstructuretoguidestudentswhostrugglewithtaskandtimemanagement,throughthemanypartsofthelesson.

NewYorkStateCommonCoreReadingStandardsfor Information:

RlICitestrongand thoroughtextual evidencetosupport analysisofwhatthetextsaysexplicitlyaswellasinferencesdrawnfromthetext.



Rl7Analyzevariousaccounts ofasubject toldindifferentmediums(e.g.,a person'slifestoryinbothprintandmultimedia),determiningwhich



SL I Initiate and participate effectively in a range ofcollaborative discussions (one-on-one,in groups,and teacher-led) with diversepartners on

buildingonothers'ideasand expressingtheirownclearlyandpersuasively.

SL IbWork with peers tosetrules forcollegial discussions anddecision-making,cleargoalsanddeadlines,and individual roles asneeded.

SL Ic.Propel conversations by posing and responding toquestionsthat relate thecurrentdiscussion to broader themes orlarger ideas;actively

incorporateothersintothediscussion;andclarify,verify,orchallengeideas andconclusions.

SLI d.Respondthoughtfullytodiverse perspectives,summarizepoints ofagreementanddisagreement,and,whenwarranted,qualifyorjustify

theirownviewsandunderstandingandmakenewconnectionsinlightoftheevidenceandreasoningpresented .


SL2Integratemultiplesourcesofinformationpresented indiversemediaorformats(e.g., visually,quantitatively,orally)evaluatingthecredibilityandaccuracyofeachsource.

SL4Presentinformation,findings,andsupportingevidenceclearly,concisely,andlogicallysuchthatlisteners canfollowthelineofreasoning

andtheorganization,development,substance, andstyleareappropriateto purpose,audience, andtask.

SL5Makestrategicuseofdigitalmedia(e.g.,textual, graphical,audio,visual,andinteractiveelements)inpresentationstoenhanceunderstandingoffindings,reasoning,andevidenceandto addinterest.

SL6Adaptspeechtoavarietyofcontextsand tasks,demonstratingcommandof formalEnglishwhenindicatedorappropriate.


SLI Demonstratecommand oftheconventionsofstandardEnglish grammarandusagewhenwritingorspeaking.

SL3Applyknowledge oflanguagetounderstand howlanguagefunctionsindifferentcontexts,tomakeeffectivechoicesformeaningorstyle,


SL4 Determineorclaritythe meaningofunknownandmultiple-meaningwordsandphraseschoosingflexiblyfromarange ofstrategies.SL4a.Usecontextasa cluetothemeaningofawordorphrase.


SL4c.Consultgeneralandspecializedreferencematerialsbothprintanddigital,tofindthepronunciation ofawordordetermineorclarity itsprecisemeaning,itspartofspeech,oritsetymology.



  • IntroductiontoBarnaulTheRussianLanguagePowerPoint
  • PracticePronunciationofRussianAlphabet:
  • RussianAlphabetCheatSheet

Lesson Procedures:




TeacherwillopenaccompanyingPowerPointIntroduction ToBarnaulTheRussianLanguagePowerPointanduseslide2tobriefstudentsaboutthelesson.Teacherwillreadaloudthelesson objectivessothatthestudentsknowwhattheyareexpectedtobeabletodobytheendofthelesson.




•DemonstrateknowledgeofhowtousetheRussiankeyboardtotype words;


LessonActivitiesEachofthe5activitieswilltakeapproximately 10minutes





Studentswillparticipateinactivitywheretheyworkwithapartnertowriteouttheir namephoneticallyandthenwriteouttheirnameinthecorrespondingCyrilliccharacters.Whenstudentsaredoneworkingwithpartner,theywilljointeacherandreviewnametranslationsusingGoogleTranslatefromEnglishtoRussian.

4.TeacherwillintroducestudentstotheRussiankeyboardviathewebsite websitethatallowsaQWERTYkeyboardtomimicaRussiankeyboard.StudentswillpracticewritingtheirnamesusingtheRussianonlinekeyboard.StudentswillpracticetransferringinformationfromtheRussiankeyboardtoGoogleTranslatebytypingthewordшколаthencopyingandpastingitintoGoogleTranslate.




StudentswillwriteabriefreflectionontheirsuccessinlearninghowtousetheRussianalphabettoreadandtype.ThestudentswillbeexpectedtogiveanopinionastowhichstrategyworkedbestfortheirpersonalunderstandingoflearninghowtousetheRussianalphabettoreadand type-blendingindividualRussianletterstomakewordsorusinganonlinetranslatortolearnRussianwords.



willusea translatortoreadandsayaloudRussianwordstotellaboutthreestorefrontslocatedinthecityofBarnaul.Iftimepermits,studentswillworkwithapartnerandbrainstormalistofmerchandisethatcouldbesoldinoneofthestorefrontstores.Allworksheetswillbecollectedinordertocheckforcompletionaswellasanunderstandingandtogaugethesuccessofthelesson.Studentswillbegradedoncompletionoftheworksheets,andcorrectidentificationofalphabeticprinciples.


Thelessonhasbeendesignedforaclassofdiverselearners.Studen.tslearninavarietyofdifferentways,andthislessonprovidesstudentswithvisual,written,andoralinformation.Studentswillhavetheopportunitytoworkindividually,inpairs,andtogetherasaclass.Thelessonprovidesstudentswithanopportunitytoworkwithtextand visual imagery.



mentalhealthdifficultiesincludingbutnotlimitedtoADHDandanxiety.Toaccommodatethesestudents,oraldirectionswillbesupplementedbywrittendirections.Thelessonishighlystructuredwithdirectionsandinstructionslistedoneachworksheet.Toassiststudentsduringtransitions,theteacherwillpreparestudentsbytellingthemtheamountoftimeforeachassignmentandsignalthemtomoveon.Whateverworksheetstudentsarecompletingorreadingwillsimultaneouslybedisplayedontheboardbytheprojectortoimprovetaskmanagement.Attheendofclass,studentswithaccommodationswho requirebackupnotes,copiesoforalinstruction,andcompletedworksheetswillreceivethem.Toassiststudentswithspecialneeds,attentionwillbegiventothesuccessofcooperativepairs.Studentswillberearrangedbasedonobservedacademicstrengthsandweakness.

Accommodationsrelevanttotheinstructionthis lesson:

  • Preferentialseatingconducivetoacademicprogress
  • Extraclassperiodstocompleteassignmentsandhomework
  • Positivereinforcementshouldbeimplementedbytheinstructor
  • Studentswhobecomefrustratedmayleavetheclassroomforseveralminutesorcompletetheirworkinanotherclassroomorspacethatpreventsthemfrombecominganxiousordistracted.
  • Teacherwillprovideadditionalstudyguidesandclassnotes
  • Anextrasetofbookswillbeissuedduringclassifavailable.

Google Earth Wor(l)d Search

Overview: In this lesson, students will participate in an activity designed to draw on their knowledge of language to make connections between English and Russian languages. Along with being introduced to Google Earth Software, the students will have an opportunity to digitally explore the city of Barnaul. By participating in the lesson students will become more familiar with the Russian Language and the Russian city of Barnaul.


Thelessonisdesignedforamulti-ageclasscomposedof ninth/tenthgraders.



Background information: Before teaching this lesson, the teacher should familiarize him/herself with the Google Earth Software and its interpretation of the city of Barnaul. The teacher should be able to comfortably locate cities, go to specific locations via coordinates, switch between World and Street view, and navigate a city using a mouse or arrow keys in Street View. Teacher must also acquaint oneself with the following Russian vocabulary: railway station, restaurant, theater, bank, store, pharmacy, supermarket, photo and internet café. Audio translations are easily accessible through Google Translate.

NewYorkStateCommonCoreReadingStandardsfor Information

RlICitestrongand thoroughtextual evidencetosupport analysisofwhatthetextsaysexplicitlyaswellasinferencesdrawnfromthetext.

RI 2 Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text.


RI 5 Analyze in detail how an author’s ideas or claims are developed and refined by particular sentences, paragraphs, or larger portions of a text



SL I Initiate and participate effectively in a range ofcollaborative discussions (one-on-one,in groups,and teacher-led) with diversepartners on

buildingonothers'ideasand expressingtheirownclearlyandpersuasively.

SLIbWork with peers tosetrules forcollegial discussions anddecision-making,cleargoalsanddeadlines,and individual roles asneeded.

SL IcPropel conversations by posing and responding toquestionsthat relate thecurrentdiscussion to broader themes orlarger ideas;actively

incorporateothersintothediscussion;andclarify,verify,orchallengeideas andconclusions.

SL1d.Respondthoughtfullytodiverse perspectives,summarizepoints ofagreementanddisagreement,and,whenwarranted,qualifyorjustify

theirownviewsandunderstandingandmakenewconnectionsinlightoftheevidenceandreasoningpresented .

SLIe.Seektounderstandotherperspectivesandculturesandcommunicateeffectivelywithaudiencesorindividualsfromvariedbackgrounds. SL2Integratemultiplesourcesofinformationpresented indiversemediaorformats(e.g., visually,quantitatively,orally)evaluatingthecredibilityandaccuracyofeachsource.

SL4Presentinformation,findings,andsupportingevidenceclearly,concisely,andlogicallysuchthatlisteners canfollowthelineofreasoning

andtheorganization,development,substance, andstyleareappropriateto purpose,audience, andtask.

SL5Makestrategicuseofdigitalmedia(e.g.,textual, graphical,audio,visual,andinteractiveelements)inpresentationstoenhanceunderstandingoffindings,reasoning,andevidenceandto addinterest.

SL6Adaptspeechtoavarietyofcontextsand tasks,demonstratingcommandof formalEnglishwhenindicatedorappropriate.


LI Demonstratecommand oftheconventionsofstandardEnglish grammarandusagewhenwritingorspeaking.

L3Applyknowledgeof languagetounderstand howlanguagefunctionsindifferentcontexts,tomakeeffectivechoicesformeaningorstyle,


L4 Determineorclaritythe meaningofunknownandmultiple-meaningwordsandphrases,choosingflexiblyfromarange ofstrategies.L4a.Usecontextasa cluetothemeaningofawordorphrase.


L4c.Consultgeneralandspecializedreferencematerialsbothprintanddigital,tofindthepronunciation ofawordordetermineorclarity itsprecisemeaning,itspartofspeech,oritsetymology.


Resources for lesson:

  • Introduction To Google Earth – Barnaul Edition PowerPoint
  • Google Earth Wor(l)d Search Worksheet
  • Russian Alphabet Cheat Sheet

Also Available At:

Technical Resources:

  • Online Russian/Cyrillic Keyboard:
  • Google Translate – English to Russian:
  • Google Translate – Russian To English:
  • Google Earth Software:

Additional Resources:

  • Learn Google Earth:
  • Russian Storefronts + Translations files

Lesson Procedures

The Hook 10 minutes

To engage students in the lesson and activate their prior knowledge the teacher will have a mandatory bell ringer for students to complete during the first ten minutes of class. For this bell ringer, the students will look at news clip talking about cultural spots tourists prefer to visit in Barnaul. Students will be given a couple minutes to look at news clip and then five minutes to write a short paragraph about it. Students will answer the following questions:

What is one hot spot tourists like to visit? What is the significance of the place? Would you like to visit this area or would you prefer a different place to tour?

Stating the Objectives:

Following the 10-minute Hook/Warm Up Activity, teacher will bring the students’ attention to the front of the room and brief the students about the lesson. Teacher will read aloud the lesson objectives so that the students know what they are expected to be able to do by the lesson.

Lesson Activities Each of the activities will take anywhere from 6-10 minutes.

  1. Teacher will invite students to take out their Russian Alphabet Cheat Sheets, and work with a table partner to review the Cyrillic alphabet and each letters’ pronunciation.
  2. Teacher will open accompanying PowerPoint slideshow and demonstrate how to use the basics of Google Earth (location/coordinate search, street view vs world view, street view navigation, coordinate documentation).
  3. Teacher will ask students to consider how Google Earth could be used to help a community. TeacherwilluseThink-Pair-Sharestrategyfor this activity.
  4. Teacher will hand out Google Earth Wor(l)d Search worksheet and read aloud directions. Teacher will check for understanding of directions. The directions instruct the students to independently complete the Phonetic Pronunciation, Definition Educated Guess, and English Translation columns by using their Russian Alphabet Cheat Sheets, knowledge of the English language, and, eventually, the Russian online keyboard and Google Translate.
  5. Upon completion of those columns, students will open Google Earth and search the city of Barnaul.
  6. Students will complete the Google Earth Coordinates column by searching in Street View for stores and signs in Barnaul that contain vocabulary they have defined earlier in the worksheet.
  7. If students finish those columns before the end of the lesson they will complete the Bonus section by finding words they do not know on signs and storefronts in Barnaul. They will then blend and read the Russian words, write down the English translation and document the Google Earth Coordinates.


In order to gauge student comprehension and understanding of the vocabulary the teacher discussed during the lesson, the students will independently complete the Google Earth Activity. After these worksheets are completed independently, students will work with a partner on a computer and open Google Earth, and search the city of Barnaul. Students will complete the Google Earth Coordinates column worksheets. All worksheets will be collected in order to check for completion as well as an understanding and to gauge the success of the lesson. Students will be graded on completion of the worksheets, and correct identification of the vocabulary.

Closure 10 minutes

Students will write a brief reflection on their continued success/struggle in learning how to use the Russian alphabet to read and type. The students will be expected to give an opinion as to which strategy worked best for their personal understanding of learning how to use the Google Earth Software.


The lesson has been designed for a class of diverse learners. Students learn in a variety of different ways, and this lesson provides students with visual, written, and oral information. Students will have the opportunity to work individually, in pairs, and together as a class. The lesson provides students with an opportunity to work with text and video.


The lesson has been developed to improve the academic success of students with disabilities and mental health difficulties including but not limited to ADHD and anxiety. To accommodate these students, oral directions will be supplemented by written directions. During the Hook/Warm Up, students will analyze a news clip by answering guiding questions that will be orally and visually administered. The lesson is highly structured with directions and instructions listed on each worksheet. To assist students during transitions, the teacher will prepare students by telling them the amount of time for each assignment and signal them to move on. Whatever worksheet students are completing or reading will simultaneously be displayed on the board by the projector to improve task management. At the end of class, students with accommodations that require back up notes, copies of oral instruction, and completed worksheets will receive them. To assist students with special needs, attention will be given to the success of cooperative pairs. Students will be rearranged based on observed academic strengths and weakness.

Accommodations relevant to the instruction of this lesson

•Preferential seating conducive to academic progress

•Extra class periods to complete assignments and homework

•Positive reinforcement should be implemented by the instructor

•Students who become frustrated may leave the classroom for several minutes or complete their work in another classroom or space that prevents them from becoming anxious or distracted.

•Teacher will provide additional study guides and class notes

•An extra set of books will be issued during class if available.

Adventures in English/Russian Advertising

Overview: In this lesson, students will participate in an activity designed to

draw on their knowledge of language to make connections between English and Russian advertising. By participating in the lesson students will become more familiar with the Russian Language, the Russian city of Barnaul, and advertising trends in the city of Barnaul.


Thelessonisdesignedforamulti-ageclasscomposedof ninth/tenthgraders.



Background information: Before teaching this lesson, the teacher should familiarize him/herself with advertising trends in both Russian and American markets. The teacher should be able to use the Russian keyboard and Google translation (Russian to English and English to Russian).

NewYorkStateCommonCoreReadingStandardsfor Information

RlICitestrongand thoroughtextual evidencetosupport analysisofwhatthetextsaysexplicitlyaswellasinferencesdrawnfromthetext

RI 2 Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text.

RI 3 Analyze how the author unfolds an analysis or series of ideas or events, including the order in which the points are made, how they are introduced and developed, and the connections that are drawn between them.


RI 5 Analyze in detail how an author’s ideas or claims are developed and refined by particular sentences, paragraphs, or larger portions of a text


RI 7 Analyze various accounts of a subject told in different mediums (e.g., a person’s life story in both print and multimedia), determining which details are emphasized in each account.

RI 8 Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing whether the reasoning is valid and the evidence is relevant and sufficient; identify false statements and fallacious reasoning.

New York State Common Writing Standards

W1Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence. Explore and inquire into areas of interest to formulate an argument.

W 1b Develop claim(s) and counterclaims fairly, supplying evidence for each while pointing out the strengths and limitations of both in a manner that anticipates the audience’s knowledge level and concerns.

W1c Use words, phrases, and clauses to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationships between claim(s) and reasons, between reasons and evidence, and between claim(s) and counterclaims.

W2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.

W2a Introduce a topic; organize complex ideas, concepts, and information to make important connections and distinctions; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., figures, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension.

W2b.Develop the topic with well-chosen, relevant, and sufficient facts, extended definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples appropriate to the audience’s knowledge of the topic.

W2d Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to manage the complexity of the topic.

W3Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.

W3a Engage and orient the reader by setting out a problem, situation, or observation, establishing one or multiple point(s) of view, and introducing a narrator and/or characters; create a smooth progression of experiences or events.

W3d Use precise words and phrases, telling details, and sensory language to convey a vivid picture of the experiences, events, setting, and/or characters.

W4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

W6 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products, taking advantage of technology’s capacity to link to other information and to display information flexibly and dynamically.

W8 Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively; assess the usefulness of each source in answering the research question; integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation.


SL I Initiate and participate effectively in a range ofcollaborative discussions (one-on-one,in groups,and teacher-led) with diversepartners on

buildingonothers'ideasand expressingtheirownclearlyandpersuasively.

SLIbWork with peers tosetrules forcollegial discussions anddecision-making,cleargoalsanddeadlines,and individual roles asneeded.

SL IcPropel conversations by posing and responding toquestionsthat relate thecurrentdiscussion to broader themes orlarger ideas;actively

incorporateothersintothediscussion;andclarify,verify,orchallengeideas andconclusions.

SL1d.Respondthoughtfullytodiverse perspectives,summarizepoints ofagreementanddisagreement,and,whenwarranted,qualifyorjustify

theirownviewsandunderstandingandmakenewconnectionsinlightoftheevidenceandreasoningpresented .

SLIe.Seektounderstandotherperspectivesandculturesandcommunicateeffectivelywithaudiencesorindividualsfromvariedbackgrounds. SL2Integratemultiplesourcesofinformationpresented indiversemediaorformats(e.g., visually,quantitatively,orally)evaluatingthecredibilityandaccuracyofeachsource.

SL4Presentinformation,findings,andsupportingevidenceclearly,concisely,andlogicallysuchthatlisteners canfollowthelineofreasoning

andtheorganization,development,substance, andstyleareappropriateto purpose,audience, andtask.

SL5Makestrategicuseofdigitalmedia(e.g.,textual, graphical,audio,visual,andinteractiveelements)inpresentationstoenhanceunderstandingoffindings,reasoning,andevidenceandto addinterest.

SL6Adaptspeechtoavarietyofcontextsand tasks,demonstratingcommandof formalEnglishwhenindicatedorappropriate.


LI Demonstratecommand oftheconventionsofstandardEnglish grammarandusagewhenwritingorspeaking.

L3Applyknowledgeof languagetounderstand howlanguagefunctionsindifferentcontexts,tomakeeffectivechoicesformeaningorstyle,


L4 Determineorclaritythe meaningofunknownandmultiple-meaningwordsandphrases,choosingflexiblyfromarange ofstrategies.L4a.Usecontextasa cluetothemeaningofawordorphrase.


L4c.Consultgeneralandspecializedreferencematerialsbothprintanddigital,tofindthepronunciation ofawordordetermineorclarity itsprecisemeaning,itspartofspeech,oritsetymology.


Resources for lesson:

  • Examples Of Russian Advertising PowerPoint
  • International Advertising Mission worksheet
  • Russian Alphabet Cheat Sheet

Also Available At:

Technical Resources:

  • Available web browser for image search
  • Russian Advertising Images files
  • Google Translate – English to Russian:
  • Google Translate – Russian To English:
  • Image design and manipulation software such as:
  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator
  • (Free for Windows)
  • Microsoft Paint (Free for Windows)
  • GIMP/GIMPshop (Free for Windows and Mac)

Additional Resources:

  • GIMP Image Manipulation Software:
  • GIMP tutorials:
  • Paint.Net Manipulation Software:
  • Paint.Net tutorials:

Lesson Procedures

The Hook 10 minutes

To engage students in the lesson and activate their prior knowledge the teacher will have a mandatory bell ringer for students to complete during the first ten minutes of class. For this bell ringer, the students will look at advertisements from Russian magazines. Students will be given a couple minutes to look at the advertisements and then discuss the advertisements with their table partners.

Stating the Objectives:

Following the Hook/Warm Up Activity, teacher willbrief the students about the lesson. Teacher will read aloud the lesson objectives on the first slide of the Powerpoint so that the students know what they are expected to be able to do by the lesson