Gilded Age Book Group Project

Group guidelines for writing and illustrating a book on Reconstruction.

·  Groups of three or four students will produce one group book

·  Each student is responsible for 3 (minimum) or 4 complete pages

·  Each page MJST have one EDITED paragraph (5 -7 sentences)

·  Each page must have a student made illustration with bylines on each page.

·  Include required pages (8) and optional pages in chronological order

·  Pages must be word processed, numbered and edited collaboratively

·  Cover of book must have title, student names, no plastic or cardboard covers

·  Collaborative editing is essential to promote clarity and quality of project

·  Pages 1-8 are required pages for every book project and may NOT be in chronological order. ( book pages must be put in chronological order)

·  Individual accountability worksheets are required with completed book project

·  Every student must include two required pages in the three page topics selected

Page 1 – Write a paragraph about problems of the gilded age. Create an illustration that represents the difficulties faced after Reconstruction in America. Write one paragraph to describe your illustration. This is your introduction page (page 1 in book)

Page 2 – Research the immigrant experience in American in the gilded age. What did immigrants do in America, where did they live, how did they learn English and how were they treated in the workplace? You may select an ethnic group, year or city to describe how they assimilated into America when they came here. Create an illustration and paragraph.

Page 3 -- Explain why the Gilded Age is described as a time of contrasts. Explore how immigrants lived and the robber barons lived. Contrast their lifestyles, homes and daily lives. Draw an image and write a paragraph explaining the differences between both extremes.

Page 4 – Explain how railroads impacted farmers who needed to ship their crops to market. Mention how railroads gouged farmers who needed to use railroad services.

Page 5 – Explore the role of an immigrant’s achievements in the United States. Create a paragraph and image for one of the following: Carl Schurz, Andrew Hallidie, Samuel Gompers, Mary “Mother” Jones, Jacob Riis, Joseph Pulitzer, John Roebling or Nikola TeslaExplain how city bosses operated. You may use one of the political cartoons from Thomas Nast of Boss Tweed as your image for this page then describe what the job was of this notorious boss.

Page 6 – Create an illustration of Tamany Hall and explain the Tamany machine that William Marcy Tweed operated. Explain how hundreds of millions of dollars diverted from NYC while he was a city boss?

Page 7 – Create an illustration and paragraph that describes the Populist Party ideas, members and goals. Did the robber barons support this political party? Compare and contrast the ideas of both groups on this page. An illustration and paragraph are required for this page.

Page 8 – Write about the AFL, American Federation of Labor, and describe the purpose, group members, goals and accomplishments of this organization. An illustration is required for this page.

Page 9 – Explain one of the following Acts for one page. Create a paragraph and illustration that includes a link between the Act you research and today:

A.  Civil Service Act of 1888

B.  Interstate Commerce Act of 1887

C.  Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890

OPTIONAL PAGE CHOICES – must ALSO be placed in chronological order in book

Page ? - Show your knowledge of Garfield’s assassination by creating a paragraph and an illustration about this tragic event in American history.

Page ? -- Find a quote from a historical figure who was influential in the development of federal civil rights during the Gilded Age. Analyze the quote clearly in a complete paragraph and draw an illustration related to the issues this quote pertains to.

Page ?-- Analyze and respond to the court’s decision from ONE of the following cases.An image and paragraph are required for this page.

Plessy vs Ferguson

Brown vs. Board of Education

Regents of the Univ. of CA. vs Bakke

Page ? – Create a page about women during the Gilded Age. What were women busy doing, working on or accomplishing? Create a paragraph and illustration to show your understanding.

WRITING GUIDELINES: All paragraphs must be 5 to 7 complete edited sentences. Collaborative editing effort is required. Bylines are required on each page, individual accountability worksheets and work not done in class due to absences must be made up at home. Every illustration must be original, hand drawn, final artwork in ink, not copied and pasted from the internet. Discuss the order of pages, a book title and keep quality of text, font style, type and size consistent.