Genoa Track & Field

Code of Conduct & Rules

It is important for the members of the Genoa Jaguar Track team to recognize that they represent the school and the Westerville community. “We” shall remember the rules and proper etiquette of the sport of track and set an example for those that follow. All members of the track team are expected to observe the Code of Conduct. Failure to observe these guidelines could lead to disciplinary action and/or disqualification from team events

Please initial each line after reading

1. _____ Follow all school guidelines. Your behavior in class will have an

impact on your status on the track team.

2. _____Conduct oneself with a positive attitude and show good sportsmanship at all times. {No swearing, abusing track equipment, stomping off after bad result, or demoralizing teammates}

3. _____ Follow coaches’ directions the first time you are told. Some events

involve equipment or procedures that could be dangerous to you or

others if directions are not followed.

4. _____ Jaguar team members are expected to attend track meets and practices. These sessions build team unity, provide opportunity for improvement, and go toward determining who participates in which events. Three unexcused absences are grounds for dismissal from the team.

5. _____ If you are not at practice, you may not be on the school grounds after

school is dismissed.

6. _____ You are expected to be dressed and ready to warm up at your

designated areas no later than 3:00pm.

7. _____ Practice ends promptly at 4:30pm unless the coaches specify

differently. You must leave the school grounds immediately after

the end of practice.

8. _____ If you are absent from school the day of a meet, you cannot participate in that afternoon’s meet.

9. _____Realize that you are not guaranteed to participate in the exact event in

which you desire, although we will try to accommodate your requests.

10. ____ At away meets, if you do not ride home on the bus, you MUST sign out

with a coach before leaving with a parent. If you are not leaving with

your parents, you must bring a signed permission note from your


12. ____ You MUST have fun and SMILE each day!

Coaches Stacey Dettwiller, Emily Minney, Al Russell Matthew Yingling

Athlete’s Signature ______

Parent/Guardian Signature ______