Friday – December 1st – Evening with the Elves/Book Fair – 6:30 p.m.

Friday - December 15th – 5th Grade Holiday Concert – Gym – 6:30 p.m.

Friday – December 22nd – Holiday Room Parties – 2:30 p.m.

Monday – December 25th through Monday Janaury 1st –


We will have outdoor recess during the winter months as long as it’s not wet, snowing, or icy, and the wind chill is at least above 25 degrees. Students need to dress accordingly with boots, gloves, hats, snow pants, scarves, etc. Please make sure all of your child’s items are labeled with their name, so if items are lost or misplaced we can get them back to your child so they don’t end up in the “LOST and FOUND”.

You May Now Email the attendance officeif your child is going to be late or absent. Please use the following address and provide your child’s name, teacher, and reason for being out.

A hand written or medical excuse is still required when

your child returns to school. You are still welcome to call

Continued on back

814-836-6110if that is more convenient for you.

Please use this phone number (836-6110) for all dismissal changes.

Make-up work may be requested after the 3rd consecutive absence and

picked up after 3:30 p.m. on the counter near the office window.

Please Note: Anytime a student arrives after 10:55 a.m., they will be marked half day absent. If a student leaves before 1:55 p.m., this will also be a half day absence.


Important Phone Numbers

Please Post on your Refrigerator, make a copy for work, car,

and enter the attendance number in your cell phone.


Please call this number for all calls pertaining to your child/ren (absent, late, leaving early, change in dismissal, etc.). If you are changing the dismissal of your child after they have arrived at school, you must call before 2:45 p.m. that day to insure that we are able to get the message to your child in time before dismissal. Thank you

CAFETERIA/KITCHEN - ……….836-6120

LIBRARY - ……….836-6114 –No voice mail

NURSE –……….836-6108

COUNSELOR –……….836-6113

ISA/IST –……….836-6112


GYM –Teacher……….836-6119


MAIN OFFICE……….836-6100


Any inquiries for the Child Development Program-Pre-K, etc please call……….836-6090

All of the above numbers have voice mail except where noted

Please leave a message if there isn’t an answer