Programme Sciences - IFD

French-Danish Research Collaboration Program

VIPlease read this page carefully

Funds granted by the Institut Français cannot exceed 3000€.

In your budget, funds from Institut Françaisare expected to be matched by equivalent funds of Danish origin.

This grant provides a contribution towards international travel and subsistence costs as well as costs related to workshops and seminars.

Deadline for application:SaturdaySeptember302017

Applications should be submitted via the form which you will find on the web page of the Institut Francais:

This form as well as extra documents should be sent in .pdf format (.doc/docx also accepted).

OBS: Your application is only valid when you have received a confirmation of reception!

This document must be completed in English.

Fonts and layouts can be modified

Skip irrelevant sections and be as concise and pertinent as possible

Section 9, 10 and 11 are requested only for 2nd year applications. A 3rd year funding is not possible.

For more information regarding the aims of this programme, please refer to the dedicated page on our website:

For any question, contact:

Maj DANNEMAND – Assistant to the attaché

Email: - Tel: +45 33 38 47 00

1 – Partners

French Team / Danish Team
Project Leader / Project Leader
Laboratory/Institution / Laboratory/Institution
Affiliation (CNRS, DNRF…)
Full Address
Center of Excellence?

Please, join CVs of both Project leaders to the application email

2 – Project


3 – Project description

A - Describe your project here.

Programme Sciences - IFD

French-Danish Research Collaboration Program

B - Interests of the collaboration and complementarities of the teams

Expertise, facilities and track record or potentials of the Danish and French teams,Level of involvement of young researchers

Programme Sciences - IFD

French-Danish Research Collaboration Program

4 – Budget

Amount Requested (Max. 3000€):


The requested sum should be matched by an equal amount provided by a Danish institution

Detailed provisional budget

Programme Sciences - IFD

French-Danish Research Collaboration Program

Object / Amount

Programme Sciences - IFD

French-Danish Research Collaboration Program

External supports requested/obtained for the project (excluding this application)

Programme Sciences - IFD

French-Danish Research Collaboration Program


5 – Provisional program / calendar



Programme Sciences - IFD

French-Danish Research Collaboration Program

Person / Position / Institution / Host Institution / Date / Length of stay


Person / Position / Institution / Host Institution / Date / Length of stay

Other expenses

(Logistic support, translation of documents, exhibition…)

Programme Sciences - IFD

French-Danish Research Collaboration Program

6 – Team presentation

Team composition (Name, Position, Institution)

Programme Sciences - IFD

French-Danish Research Collaboration Program


Programme Sciences - IFD

French-Danish Research Collaboration Program

Relevant publications related to the project (5 Maximum)

Programme Sciences - IFD

French-Danish Research Collaboration Program


7 – Perspectives

Describe the context and history of the collaboration

Programme Sciences - IFD

French-Danish Research Collaboration Program

Expected results

Existing/considered participation to a European program, L.I.A., patents, H2020 proposals etc…

Programme Sciences - IFD

French-Danish Research Collaboration Program

8 – Signatures

All participants in the project are kindly asked to make a commitment to travel within the frame of the collaboration project described above by signing in the board below:

Name / Projected period / Signature

9 – Appendixes

Along with this form,we invite you send any relevant document that you find important for us to consider.

You can send them as .pdf files together with your application email (.doc/.docx accepted).

10 - Project report (only if this is an application for 2nd year)

Describe briefly, if any:

  • Main scientific results of your collaboration project
  • Its industrial outcomes (patents…)
  • Publications, communications (seminars, posters…)
  • New potential partnerships
  • Considered Participation to a European research program considered

Programme Sciences - IFD

French-Danish Research Collaboration Program

11 - Budget use (idem)


Person / Position (PhD, Post-doc…) / Institution / Host Institution / Dates / Length of stay

Other Expenses

Programme Sciences - IFD

French-Danish Research Collaboration Program

Programme Sciences - IFD

French-Danish Research Collaboration Program

12 – Appendixes (idem)

Programme Sciences - IFD

French-Danish Research Collaboration Program

Please send along with this report any documents you see as relevant for us (Seminar pictures, official reports…)