Year 7
Activity / Time of Year / Responsibility / Budget
Information and data from primary school and teachers looked at- CATS / September- October / LMC/ HOY/ / N/A
Associate KS3 supporting the department through raising awareness, implementing subject intervention where appropriate / October- based on data collection point and meetings with teachers
Liaise with MMC / KS3 post holders/ / AP
Careers workshops - All PP students to attend a university trip- Kings college / May for 6 weeks in tutor periods / JPE to run sessions/ LMC to book university trip. / N/A
Year 8
Data and information gathered from data collection points, tutors and HOY / Data collection points / N/A
KS3 Intervention lead to liaise with KS3 post holders – supporting the department through raising awareness, implementing subject intervention where appropriate / Based on data collection points / To liaise with MMC and with KS3 post holders / As above
JPE to give work with PP group based on ability and do two sessions each about careers/ aspirations- to use 6th formers to give talks and follow up university trip / June summer term for 6 weeks in tutor period / JPE to run workshops and to book university trip / N/A
Year 9
1:1 interviews to be carried out- any issues or concerns addressed / September / AKA and LMC to do this / LMC Salary from PP
KS3 Intervention lead to liaise with KS3 post holders – supporting the department through raising awareness, implementing subject intervention where appropriate / Data collection points- work with KS3 post holders to implement intervention / KS3 post holders
Liaise with MMC / As above
JPE to give work with PP group based on ability and do two sessions each about careers/ aspirations- to use 6th formers to give talks- focus on Options
All PP students to attend a university trip / Starting in January in tutor period / JPE to run sessions and book university trip
JPE to liaise with MBA about 6th formers / N/A
Young Happy Minds / Start in September for 10 weeks with 30 students / AKA to liaise with company and then intervention lead to target students and organise / £10,000 for 6 months
Year 10
1:1 interviews to be carried out- any issues or concerns addressed / September / AKA to LMC to do
AKA to liaise with EBACC subjects on underachieving students, specifically focusing on PP students- to meet departments when new data has been analysed by MMC and go through what intervention department intends to implement / September – ongoing throughout the year / TSM to liaise with SL or KS4 post holders- share best practice- data and interventions / AP
JPE and PRA to interview targeted students BCC-CDE target range students 1:1 interviews with follow up where relevant / Start in April/ May 2017 / AKA to provide list and agenda / N/A
6th form mentoring – subject specific where identified either by student or department – English, maths and science / To start training 6th formers and pairing students In January / AKA to liaise with KS4 post holders / £7 per session for a 6th form tutor
LMC to run workshops for PP students on Motivation, Revision, Data and Careers x8 sessions throughout the year in tutor periods / September- for the whole year / LMC to liaise with HOY
Motivational talk by AKE / September 2017 / LMC to arrange with AKE and AHE
Aspirational 1:1 meetings with NHU for high ability students / September 2017
Year 11
1:1 interviews to be carried out- any issues or concerns addressed / June and July / AKA
TSM to liaise with EBACC subjects on underachieving students, specifically focusing on PP students- to meet departments when new data has been analysed by MMC and go through what intervention department intends to implement / To start in June and continue to update data- look at the mock data and who is underachieving in 3 or more subjects / AKA to work with TSM and MMC / As above
JPE and PRA to interview targeted students BCC-CDE target range students 1:1 interviews with follow up where relevant / May 2016 / AKA to provide list and agenda / N/A
6th form mentoring – subject specific where identified either by student or department / To start in May-June and update in September with new 6th formers / AKA and 6th form Leadership / £8 per session for a 6th form tutor
Justin Craig revision sessions for targeted students for PP students in particular
Tutoring for core subjects for PP students based on department data and individual need / As and when required throughout the year / AKA to pass on information to SL and KS4 post holders / Cost depends on demand and subject take up
For top students 1:1 interviews with NHU / Sept 2016. / AKA to run disposition workshops and liaise with HOY- HRA to continue these once a month from November
Study Group- afterschool support for PP students / September start for the whole year / HMA to run these sessions
LMC to run workshops for PP students on Motivation, Revision, Data and Careers x8 sessions throughout the year in tutor periods / To start in September – coordinate with year 10
Two workshops to complete are:
Speed networking / AKA to liaise with LMC

For any year group trips if HOY want to target PP students in particular please email Lizzie and ask her to chase students directly to support you. This is a real focus and will help them develop their cultural capital.