Fire Services Sports & Athletics Association

Sunday 12th August 2012

“Salisbury 5-4-3-2-1”

Circular Walks Trail Marathon


A Classic summer’s Walk, or Run in WESSEX

Choose from: 3, 6, 13, 19, 26.2 or 31 Miles apx
(= 5k, 10k, 20k, 30k, 42k/Marathon, or 50k apx)

UK Athletics Licence 2012- TBC

BWF98/E1/12 ~ LDWA ~ FSSAA
Fire Services organised Challenge Walk, or Trail Run Chip Timing Salisbury 5-4-3-2-1 * UK Athletics Licence 2012-TBC

Sunday 12th August 2012

The Salisbury 5-4-3-2-1 walk, or trail run is an event suited to all the family, with a choice of distances from 5km to the more demanding 42k/Marathon, or 50k Ultra. The routes will be over footpaths, bridleways and quiet country roads in the Salisbury Wessex area. The walk/trail runs, will take you past a variety of sites of historical and scientific interest and through country estates not usually open to the general public

(this has been made possible by the kind permission of several landowners along the route and including English Heritage).

NB. As the event takes place during the harvest season, participants are asked to enjoy the Countryside but to take great care with respect to Fire risks.

Circular Walks or Runs Start / Finish at Salisbury Fire Station OS184 MR 140308

Choice of Distance: (5k walk only) > 10k 20k 30k, 42k (MARATHON) and 50k Ultra.

Entry Fees; Walkers £7m Discounts (U16= £3.50) (Fire LDWA members £5)

BWF members (£2) If walking and accepting IVV stamp only.

Trail Runners £17 >Unattached runners. Discount to £15 >if a member of a UK Club

Includes a Medal, or Badge and (available upon request at finish HQ), a commemorative certificate of a classic summers walk/Trail run in Historic Wessex.

+For runners, Chip timing Results, a small Trophy each Distance 1st male & female

Also On-line Entry or

Late Entry fee: Add £3 if entering on the day


5 Rivers = Avon / Bourne / Ebble / Nadder / Wylye.

4 Hills = Old Sarum / King Manor / Clearbury Hill Fort / Salisbury Race Course

3 Large Country Estates = Clarendon / Longford / Wilton.

2 Castles = Old Sarum / Longford.

1 Cathedral = Salisbury Cathedral with a 404ft spire.

Start Times: (No Runners before allocated starts /May be Disqualified)

08:00 ~ 08:45 = Walk 50k & 42k Marathon, Important to allow Results to be truly

09:00 ~ 09:45 = Walk 30k or 20k representative & Check Points to open

11:00 ~ 11:30 = Walk 10k & 5k ~ short route

09:00 ~ Trail Run (massed start) 50k Ultra

09:30 ~ Trail Run (massed start) 42k/Marathon

10:00 ~ Trail Run (massed start) 30k ALL ENTRANTS

10:30 ~ Trail Run (massed start) 20k SHOULD AIM TO

11:00 ~ Trail Run (massed start) 10k FINISH BY 18:00

Entries can be accepted on the form overleaf, or at the Start Venue.

Please return Entry Form by post, with an A5/SAE to;

Ludo Macaulay FFC Salisbury Fire Station Ashley Road Salisbury Wiltshire SP2 7TN

Cheques payable to ‘Salisbury 54321’ Entry fees once paid cannot be refunded

For participants who have not entered by the 10th August 2012 there will be an additional administration NB. late entry fee of £3 and medals, or certificates may have to be forwarded at a later date.

On-line Entry also @

The Routes have been carefully chosen and some slightly revised for August 2012 but will be well ‘Way marked’ with participants following scenic paths and quiet country roads, between staffed Checkpoints in order. A Route description and trace overlay map will be issued at the Start, but to add to enjoyment an OS Map 184 is recommended, to check and follow your progress.

·  Runners must wear their issued Race numbers on their chests, however walkers may carry their number but ALL to show the number at Checkpoints and complete important health declaration and next of kin details, on reverse of number prior to the start.

·  Walkers and runners may only retire at checkpoints, reporting to and giving staff their issued number. An emergency telephone number will be made available at registration. (Please keep a note of it)

·  Take appropriate clothing for likely changes in the weather

·  Refreshments in simple form, of Water will be available at 12+ checkpoints and most of the routes will lead you past Public Houses and other premises with basic facilities.

·  Entrants under the age of 18 must have parental, or guardian consent and if *(under13 Walk only) must also be accompanied by a responsible person, *see min ages for runners of chosen distance.

·  All dogs if taken must be kept under control all times and on a lead by fields with livestock and when in the vicinity of the large Country Estate Houses, where landowner’s dogs are often allowed to roam.

·  Follow the Highway and Country Codes. Do not alter or move route markings. Walkers leaving litter, causing damage, or failing to comply with event rules, will be disqualified.

·  An Award will be presented to groups/teams of 5 or more, who have entered by the 10th of August 2012 and there will be other ‘Spot Prizes’ and a Raffle in aid of Charity.

·  Although this is not a Sponsored Walk, the organisers have no objection to the event being used by participants to raise money for Charity, with a special plea and certain incentives available for the official event Charity The Fire Fighters Charity

Every effort will be made to make this a safe, enjoyable and memorable event, but participants enter at their own risk. We do appreciate any help with advertising this Walking Challenge. For other local or national walks please visit: or

For more entry forms or details please contact the organisers.

Ludo Macaulay FFC Salisbury Fire Station Ashley Road Salisbury Wiltshire SP2 7TN

01722 332211 or Fax 01722 504503 or E-mail

Fire Services Walking & Mountaineering Section.

Visit Web sites

Also On-line Entry @

Entry Form: for the Salisbury 5-4-3-2-1

Sunday 12th August 2012 Walk or Trail Run

From Salisbury Fire Station SP2 7TN UK Licence 2012-TBC

Please State Chosen Distance For Walk ( ) or Run ( )

Walks Start (8 – 8:45am = 50 & 42K), (9 - 9:45am = 30K & 20k), (11 - 11:30 =10K & 5K* short walk)

Runs Start (9:00am = 50K), (9.30am = 42K/Marathon), (10am = 30K), (10.30am 20K), (11am = 10K)

UK Athletics Min ages for Runners 10k=15, 20k=17, 30k=18, Marathon=18, Ultra=20+

Mr/Mrs/Miss (Surname)………………………………………………………………………………….………………….………………..……………...

First Name ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………..……………….………………...

Address …………...………………………………………………………………………………………....……………………………...….……………….



Date of Birth…………...... ……………Age on Event Day ( )years Refer to min ages

1) Are you a Member of a UK Affiliated Running Club? *Yes *No

2) If so, Club name?

3) Your England Athletics Competition Licence

4) If a member of a Fire Service, which ……………

Runners Entry Fees; Unattached Runners £17 Discount UK Club Runners £15

Walkers £7 (Discounts U16 = £3:50) (Fire LDWA £5) (BWF £2 No………………………………....)

Event T-Shirt @ £6 size Book Post event massage @ £5

Cheques payable to: The Fire Fighters Charity Add £3 if entering on the Day

Now Please Return, with correctly Stamped A5~SAE to;

Ludo Macaulay 54321 Race Director Salisbury Fire StationAshley Road Salisbury Wiltshire SP2 7TN

I accept the England Athletic rules and declare that I will compete on foot and at my own risk and no way hold the organisers responsible for any injury, illness, or accident (including death) to my person and property.
*We are unable to accept entries from anyone who does not want their name and race number entered on a computer.

Parental or Guardian Permission required for participants less than 18.


Are you willing to support the Fire Fighters Charity?

By taking a Sponsor form; *Special prizes for fundraisers