Excel 2010 Chapter 3

Answer Key for Matching and Multiple Choice


J Pie chart 1. A chart that shows the relationship of each part to a whole.

H General Fund 2. The term used to describe money set aside for the normal operating activities of a government entity such as a city.

L Relative cell reference 3. In a formula, the address of a cell based on the relative position of the cell that contains the formula and the cell referred to.

F Data marker 4. A column, bar, area, dot, pie slice, or other symbol in a chart that represents a single data point.

E Chart sheet 5. A workbook sheet that contains only a chart.

B Bevel 6. A shape effect that uses shading and shadows to make the edges of a shape appear to be curved or angled.

D Chart area 7. The entire chart and all of its elements.

O What-if analysis 8. The process of changing the values in cells to see how those changes affect the outcome of formulas in a worksheet.

K Rate=amount of increase/base 9. The mathematical formula to calculate a rate of increase.

I Order of operations 10. The mathematical rules for performing multiple calculations within a formula.

G Format as you type 11. The Excel feature by which a cell takes on the formatting of the number typed into the cell.

A Axis 12. A line that serves as a frame of reference for measurement and that borders the chart plot area.

C Category axis 13. The area along the bottom of a chart that identifies the categories of data; also referred to as the x-axis.

N Value axis14. A numerical scale on the left side of a chart that shows the range of numbers for the data points; also referred to as the y-axis.

M Tick marks 15. The short lines that display on an axis at regular intervals.

Multiple Choice

1. A sum of money set aside for a specific purpose is a: B. fund

2. A cell reference that refers to a cell by its fixed position in a worksheet is referred to as being: A. absolute

3. A value that originates in a worksheet cell and that is represented in a chart by a data marker is a data: A. point

4. Related data points represented by data markers are referred to as the data: C. series

5. The action of pulling out a pie slice from a pie chart is called: B. explode

6. A gallery of text styles with which you can create decorative effects, such as shadowed or mirrored text is: A. WordArt

7. The percent by which one number increases over another number is the percentage rate of: C. increase

8. A chart type that displays trends over time is a: B. line chart

9. The area bounded by the axes of a chart, including all the data series, is the: B. plot area

10. The x-axis is also known as the: A. category axis