Example Rewards and Fines for Room C250

Example Rewards and Fines for Room C250

September News


Mrs. Boundy’s Class

Hello and welcome to William Street School! Thank you for making our start of the school year successful by sending your child to school well-rested and prepared for school. This newsletter is a summary of important things going on in our classroom. Please hold on to this letter, as you may wish to refer to it throughout the school year. If you have any additional questions, do not hesitate to contact me. I am looking forward to a wonderful year working with your child!

Mrs. Boundy

ABSENCE – If your child is absent, please send in a written excuse upon his/her return to school.

ASSIGNMENT NOTEBOOK – Your child will write each night’s homework into his or her assignment notebook/agenda. Please initial each night’s assignment after checking that it has been completed.

BEHAVIOR PLAN – Your child will use a classroom economy. The fourth graders are given a variety of opportunities to earn classroom dollars. Each quarter we have a SWAP day that allows students to buy and sell items from each other. More information will be sent home about SWAP day when it is scheduled in November or December. Here are some examples of classroom rewards and fines:

Example Rewards and Fines for Room C250

+Random Rewards for proper behavior- amount will vary

+$5.00 per day for attendance/ =$10 after January

+$5.00 for each homework assignment handed in

+Double the rewards for any other teacher compliment

+$50.00 for a tidy desk (random checks)

-$5.00 a day for missing homework per assignment per daymissing

-$25.00 for arguing with anyone

-$5.00 for (repeatedly) returning to locker for needed supplies

-$2.00 for each missing supply

-$50.00 for messy desk

Modifications may be made to this plan as they are needed throughout the year. A student who frequently disrupts class may be sent to the Principal’s Office.

Students are also given many opportunities to earn praise or rewards throughout the day. They may earn praise for a good job, or a treat from the class treasure chest.

BIRTHDAYS - Parents are welcome to send in a nut-free treatfrom the approved list for their child’s birthday. Please let me know the day you would like your child to celebrate his or her birthday a few days in advance. Also, please provide whatever might be necessary to serve the treat that you are sending such as napkins or spoons if they are necessary. Thank you!

BOOK CLUBS – Each month you will have the opportunity to purchase books from a book club. Each book purchased earns points for our class to get free books. Receiving books is exciting and helps foster a love for reading. Orders can be made online or by sending the order summary portion to school with your child. If you do not order online, please remember to pay by check, and make the check payable to Scholastic. Due dates will be noted in your child’s agenda planner.

COMMUNICATION – Please feel free to send an email, note, or call me at school whenever you have a question or concern. I always try to respond as quickly as possible. .

COMPUTERS – Your child will be using computers on a regular basis. We will work with the following programs: FASTT Math Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Math IXL, and teacher-selected websites. All of the computers in the district use a filtering program which ensures that your child will only view age-appropriate websites.

FIELD TRIPS – We will go on several field trips this year. I will send home a permission slip and a note asking for chaperones before every trip. We often get an overwhelming number of volunteers, so we will choose names at random to be as fair as possible.

HOLIDAY PARTIES – We will have several holiday parties during the course of the year. ALL treats must be nut free.

HOME FOLDERS – Home folders are to be taken home each day and returned to school the next morning. This will include mail, homework, and work that is not being displayed in the classroom or put into your child’s portfolio. Please review the contents with your child every night.

HOMEWORK – Homework is generally given Monday through Thursday evenings. It must be returned to school the very next day unless otherwise noted. Spelling packets are due on Fridays, so students have the words at home to study for the test. Each student will have a planner to write assignments in. Please check your child’s planner every night. Students who have not completed assignments during class, may have assignments to complete on the weekend.

LIBRARY – Your child will visit the library every week. Our library time has not yet been determined. The students will also have the opportunity to work on small group projects in the library throughout the school year.

LOCKERS – Students will be given lockers to keep their personal possessions. Rolling backpacks do not fit in the lockers.

LUNCH – 10:30am

PARENT VOLUNTEERS –There will be several opportunities to volunteer in the classroom. These may include banking for our class-wide behavior plan, fluency practice, class parties, or other activities. In addition, our field trips tend to be scheduled for May and June.

SNACK – Please send your child to school with a fruit or vegetable for snack each day.




Art (First Semester)

Creative Writing (Second Semester)

WednesdayArt (First Semester)

Creative Writing (Second Semester)



FridayArt (First Semester)

Creative Writing (Second Semester)

TRANSPORTATION – Students will always take their regular bus home unless the school is notified otherwise. If your child will not be riding his/her bus home a note is needed.