Horse Shepherd Equine Sanctuary
[Company Address]
[City, ST ZIP Code] /

Adoption agreement between Horse Shepherd Equine Sanctuary and [Client Name]

Date / Horse adopted from: / By:
[Date] / Horse Shepherd Equine Sanctuary
[Company Address]
[City, ST ZIP Code] / [Client Name]
[Client Address]
[City, ST ZIP Code]

This adoption contract is issued pursuant to the Adoption Agreement between [Client Name] (“Adoptee”) and Horse Shepherd Equine Sanctuary (“HSES”), effective [Click to select date] (the “Agreement”). This contract is subject to the terms and conditions contained in the Agreement between the parties and is made a part thereof. Any term not otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning specified in the Agreement. This adoption contract # [000] (hereinafter called the “contract”), effective as of [Click to select date], is entered into by and between HSES and the Adoptee, and is subject to the terms and conditions specified below. The animal subject to this contract will be referred to as the “horse” hereinafter.

Equine details and identification

Name / Breed / Colour / Age & DOB (if known) / Height / Sex / Brands

Please indicate all brands, scars, white marks, and whorls on the above chart.


  1. The Adoptee has requested HSES to allow the Adoptee to have exclusive use of the Horse; and
  2. HSES has agreed to permit the Adoptee to have exclusive possession of the Horse, subject to a lifetime lease agreement for the course of the Horse’s natural life, but subject to the following terms and conditions.

Adoption Agreement/Lifetime Lease Terms

  1. The Adoptee agrees to care for and maintain the Horse and shall have exclusive use of the horse as a lifetime lease arrangement, for the purposes of ______as agreed.
  2. Under no circumstances is the Horse to be used for breeding purposes.
  3. The Horse shall be cared for and maintained by the Adoptee to ensure that the Horse remains in as good, or better, condition than at the time of the commencement of the agreement.
  4. The Adoptee will use good judgement, seeking expert advice as necessary, in order to care for and maintain the health of the Horse.
  5. The Adoptee is responsible for all expenses incurred during the term of the agreement relating to the welfare and maintenance of the Horse.
  6. If the Horse requires veterinary care whilst in in the care of the Adoptee, such care shall be immediately sought, with all costs incurred to be the responsibility of the Adoptee.
  7. If, for whatever reason, the Adoptee is no longer able to care for the Horse, it shall be returned to HSES, and the adoptee will forfeit any costs paid thus far to HSES or any third party relating to the Horse or this Agreement.
  8. HSES shall not be held responsible for any loss, damage, injury, claim, demand, cost and expense (including those of a legal nature) to person or property (including, but not limited to, any accident or injury to any person or animal that has contact with the Horse) arising from, or connected with, the use, stabling or acts of the Horse during the term of this Agreement, and the Adoptee indemnifies HSES of any such claim.
  9. The Adoptee agrees to provide regular written and photographic updates of the Horse’s welfare and condition every three months, or as requested in writing by HSES.
  10. The Adoptee accepts that HSES is entitled to view/inspect the Horse subject to providing 48 hours’ notice in writing
  11. In the event that HSES is not satisfied with the condition of the Horse, or has substantial concerns associated with the Adoptee’s ability to care for the Horse, HSES may issue a breach notice, with the breach to be rectified within 14 days. Such a notice will clearly outline HSES’s concerns, and stipulate where care or condition needs to be immediately improved.
  12. Should the concerns outlined in the breach notice not be remedied within the stipulated timeframe, and to the reasonable satisfaction of HSES, this agreement may be terminated (effective immediately) with possession of the Horse to be returned to HSES within 48 hours thereafter, at the expense of the Adoptee or by other arrangement.
  13. In the event of this Agreement being terminated and the Horse is not returned within the prescribed time period, the Adoptee accepts that HSES is authorized to enter upon any property where the Horse is located in order to seize the Horse, and may use such reasonable force in order to gain access, as necessary. The Adoptee indemnifies HSES from any costs associated with the seizure, and any subsequent action taken by any party.
  14. The Adoptee has rights to the Horse subject to the terms of an exclusive, lifetime lease. Possession of the Horse shall not be granted to any third party without the prior written consent of HSES, which may be withheld at the absolute discretion of HSES
  15. The Horse shall not be given away, sold, leased or leave the possession of the Adoptee without explicit, prior consent in writing from HSES.
  16. The Horse will be kept at ______. If the Adoptee wishes to move the horse, HSES must be notified, in writing, at least 24 hours before the horse is moved.
  17. Should the Horse die or require humane euthanasia, the Adoptee must provide HSES with photographic evidence or a veterinary report to support that the Horse is deceased. Such evidence must clearly show the markings, brands, and other identifying features of the horse.
  18. In the event of the Adoptee’s death, the Horse shall return to HSES
  19. In the event of HSES ceasing operation, HSES reserves the right to transfer ownership to another person or entity of its choice. This agreement will remain in effect, with the nominated party being afforded all the rights and responsibilities of HSES as per this agreement.
  20. The Adoptee agrees to make a tax-deductible adoption donation of ______or ______per month for ______months, as determined by HSES.

I solemnly and sincerely declare that the following in my/our name and signature, and that I/we agree to the terms and conditions set out in this agreement.

Adoptee name (please print):

Adoptee signature:

HSES representative name and position:

HSES representative signature:

Date signed: ______/______/______

HSES Adoptees Code of Conduct

Thank you for choosing a HSES horse to be your new best friend, and welcome to our family of horse lovers who work together to ensure the continuing physical and mental wellbeing of horses in need.

Adoptee responsibilities

  1. Always have the Horse’s best interests and heart, and ensure that they will have access to adequate feed, water, fencing, shelter, and love in order to keep them happy and healthy.
  2. If the Horse falls ill or is injured, you will ensure they receive the necessary veterinary treatment.
  3. Horses need regular care and maintenance. Please ensure that the Horse received hoof care every 6-8 weeks, worming every 6-8 weeks, dental care every 6-12 months, and immunization every 12 months.
  4. Horses are herd animals and need companionship to maintain wellbeing- please keep them with a friend.
  5. You will provide your horse with the handling, attention, and love to encourage a secure attachment between yourself the Horse- to the benefit of both of you!
  6. As mentioned in the agreement, please keep HSES regularly updated on the Horse’s progress, and the Horse is never to be used for breeding purposes!
  7. Sometimes in life, things can change quickly and unexpectedly. If you find yourself in a position where you can no longer care for the horse, please be in touch with HSES immediately.

The HSES Promise

  1. We will always have the best interests of the Horse at heart, and will always help you with advice and information relating to the care of the Horse.
  2. While our Horses are rescue animals, often with unknown histories, we will fully disclose all information we have regarding the Horse to assist you in the selection and proper care of any HSES Horse.
  3. Sometimes, despite best efforts of all involved, Horses and Adoptees may not ‘click’. Please be in touch with HSES if this is not the case. While Adoption and Lease payments are non-refundable unless in extenuating circumstances, monies paid thus far may be apportioned to a more suitable HSES Horse, by negotiation.
  4. To help you on your way with your new friend, we will provide comprehensive information surrounding the health and care regime of the Horse during it’s time in care at HSES.

Thank you!