1. Elements of design are “tools”. Just like the carpenter has a hammer and saw, the designer has the elements. The 4 elements of design are:

A. ______B. ______C. ______D. ______

2. Color is a property of ______. A color spectrum is produced by a beam of light as it passes through a prism.

3. The color wheel system, based on three primary colors, is known as the ______


It is also called the ______System. Each color on the color wheel is a true ______.

4. ______colors are

those that cannot be mixing two other

colors together (red, blue, yellow).

A ______is color from a

biological source, which for the purposes

of housing and interior design can be

derived from synthetic or natural sources.

5. ______colors

are those that can be made by mixing two

primary colors together (orange, violet,


6. ______or intermediate colors are those made by mixing a primary with a secondary color. The primary color is always named first. The number of these colors can go on indefinitely.

7. ______colors include black, white, and brown, as well as all tints and shades of those colors. They can be made using 3 different methods:

A. ______

B. ______

C. ______

8. Black is the absence of ______; white is the absence of ______.

9. Neutrals include glass, stone such as: ______

and metallics such as : ______.

10. ______colors are colors opposite each other on the color wheel.

11. ______refers to the brightness or dullness of color. ______

is another word for this.

The degree of brightness is called ______.

To make a hue bright: ______

To make a hue dull: ______

12. ______is the lightness or darkness of a hue.

A ______is a hue with black added.

A ______is a hue with white added.

A ______is a hue with some black and some white added.

13. Colors on rough textures appear ______.

14. When painting a wall, the color will dry ______.

15. Artificial incandescent or fluorescent ______may affect the appearance of color.

16. Color ______or harmonies are groups of colors that work well together.

17. A color scheme can include: A. ______

B. ______

C. ______

D. ______

18. Adjoining rooms may need to be ______, if not matched.

19. ______is defined as a cultured appreciation for aesthetic quality or sensibility.

The designer uses this when deciding which hues, values, intensities, and neutrals go together.

20. A ______color scheme uses just one hue, along with its values,

intensities, and neutrals.

21. An ______scheme includes 3 or more neighboring colors on the wheel.

22. A ______scheme uses colors that are opposite each other on the wheel.

23. A ______scheme uses two complementary sets of color.

24. A ______scheme uses one hue, and the colors on either

side of its complement.

25. A ______scheme uses 3 colors equal distance from each other on the wheel.

26. A ______scheme uses only whites, blacks, and browns. It can be “accented”

with small amounts of another hue if desired. If too much of the accent hue is used, however, it

becomes a monochromatic scheme.

27. A ______scheme is when the designer uses a theme to decorate a room rather than a prescribed color scheme. A theme would need to suit the personality and the preferences of the client. Examples of “themes” might include:


28. List examples of items found in many rooms that can be excluded when determining color schemes:


28. Warm colors are best used in rooms with a ______exposure. Warm colors include:


29. Cool colors are best used in rooms with a ______exposure. Cool colors include:


30. Light colors ______, meaning they move “away from you”. That means they make a ceiling appear higher and a room appear larger.

31. Dark colors ______, meaning they move “closer to you”. That means they make a ceiling seem lower and a room seem smaller.

32. Large or busy prints may make a room appear ______.

33. Color schemes look better when just ______color dominates.

Your dominant color should cover about ______of the room area. An equal split between

dominant and subordinate colors is less pleasing.

34. Start your color scheme plan by evaluating what parts of the room cannot be ______.

35. Color can cause ______effects, actually causing a change in the body. This might include:


36. ______effects of color are those sensed in the mind.

______Elegance, humility, respect, reverence, stability, subtlety, timelessness, wisdom OR boredom, decay, decrepitude, dullness, dust, pollution, urban sprawl

______Reverence, purity, snow, peace, innocence, cleanliness, simplicity, security, humility, marriage, sterility, winter OR coldness, sterility, surrender, cowardice, fearfulness, winter, unimaginative

______Modernity, power, sophistication, formality, elegance, wealth, mystery, style OR evil, death, fear, anonymity, anger, sadness, remorse, mourning, unhappiness, mystery

______Passion, strength, energy, fire, love, sex, excitement, speed, heat, leadership, masculinity, power OR danger, fire, gaudiness, blood, war, anger, revolution, radicalism, aggression, stop

______Seas, skies, peace, unity, harmony, tranquility, calmness, coolness, confidence, water, ice, loyalty, conservatism, dependability, cleanliness, technology, winter OR depression, coldness, idealism, obscenity, ice, tackiness, winter

______Nature, spring, fertility, youth, environment, wealth, money (US), good luck, vigor, generosity, go, grass OR aggression, inexperience, envy, misfortune, jealousy, money, illness, greed

______Sunlight, joy, happiness, optimism, idealism, wealth (gold), summer, hope, air OR cowardice, illness (quarantine), hazards, dishonesty, avarice, sissification, weakness

______Sensuality, spirituality, creativity, wealth, royalty, nobility, ceremony, mystery, wisdom, enlightenment OR arrogance, flamboyance, gaudiness, mourning, profanity, exaggeration

______Buddhism, energy, balance, heat, fire, enthusiasm, flamboyance, playfulness OR Aggression, arrogance, flamboyance, gaudiness, over-emotion, warning, danger, fire

______Calm, depth, natural organisms, nature, richness, rusticism, stability, tradition OR boorishness, dirt, dullness, filth, heaviness, poverty, roughness