Education Support South Network

Professional Learning Group

Minutes: Friday 14th November2014 @11.30

Venue:Canning River Eco Centre

Apologies:Malliga Nallu, Dianne Harper, Carey Buttfield, Jarna Wright

Absent:Michelle Heffernan,

Attendance:Marion Wright (chair), Sandra Boyd, Sheena Paterson, Kaye Blackburn, Ros Hamling, Keran Davies

Minutes:Sheena Paterson

Item / Discussion / Actions/Recommendations / Timeline
Welcome / Everyone
Celebrations and Acknowledgements / Congratulations to Marion and her staff at Koorana ESC for winning the top school WAESPAA award. Congratulations to all WAESPAA Award recipients.
Business Arising from previous minutes
Previous Minutes / Sandra accepted minutes. Kaye seconded – all carried.
New Business
Item / Discussion / Actions/Recommendations / Timeline
Business arising from previous minutes
Conference / Conference helpers
Venues confirmed:
Registrars at Canning Eco Centre
K-2 EAs at Christian Life Centre
3-6 EAs at Success PS
7-12 EAs at Sevenoaks
Primary Teachers at Carson St
Secondary Teachers at Malibu
Sponsors – possible list:
Teachers Mutual
Office Max
General conference / Sandra will set up ESSN PL Connect group to store Conference information
Sheena to resend request for information re volunteers who were willing to help at Conference 2015
Keran working alone on her group – Senior Teachers - will ask for support from Evelyn and also someone from Malibu
Not yet finalised – please try to lock in before the end of the year
Dolly Bhargava is available – liaise with Ros for session with your group if interested
Angela Guise – Jiggle Jam - a possibility to explore
Marion to send letter to all ESSN Principals to get expected numbers in each category
Each group to organise own - $50.00 per head
All principals will be asked to register their staff
Thanks to Ros for volunteering to organise sponsors. Please email her your requests
Request at next ESSN Leaders group for sponsors contributing to have their logo on our website for 12 months
Include one networking session at each groupeg extended lunch or last bracket
EA groups may want to have Bev Dainton – chairperson from WAATA - to describe how her association works. Membership is $40.00 per year
Marion to organise registration preference sheets after Feb 28 when Agendas are finalised
Feedback sheets with raffle at the end very popular and to be included next year
Approach Promotions Group at ESSN Leaders meeting for ideas for gifts for presenters
Meeting Closed / 1.00pm
Next Meeting : / TBA


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