Name ______Class______Date______

Ecology Internet Scavenger Hunt

See the class wiki for the RESOURCE LINK. Follow the directions on this link.

#1 Populations

a.  What is population?

b.  Two things that increase a population

c.  Two things that decrease a population

#2 Communities

d.  What is a community?

e.  How are communities distinguished?

#3 Ecosystems

f.  What is an ecosystem?

g.  What do ecosystems include?

h.  What happens if one part of an ecosystem in damaged or destroyed?

#4: Biodiversity

i.  What is biodiversity?

j.  Why is biodiversity important?

k.  What are abiotic factors?

l.  What are biotic factors?

#5: Food Chains

Make a diagram your food chain:

m.  A person is called a ______because theyeat both meat and vegetables.

n.  ______are animals that only eat meat.

o.  ______are animals that only eat plants.

#6 Food Webs

Complete the table

Meadow Food Web / Arctic Food Web / Pond Food Web
p. consumer
q. producer
d. decomposer

#7 Energy in an Ecosystem

a. Summarize what you learned in a complete paragraph:

#8 10% Rule

*correction (link on wiki)

b. What is the 10 percent rule? Where does the unused energy go?

#9 Carbon Cycle


d. Name 2 places on the earth we find carbon

e. Plants pull carbon (in the form of carbon dioxide) from the atmosphere to make food, through a process called ______.

f. Through food chains animals get ______from the plants and other animals they eat.

g. When plants and animals die and ______, carbon goes back into the ground.

h. Some carbon is buried deep in the ground and forms ______.

i. When humans burn fossil fuels, ______is released back into the atmosphere. When humans and animals exhale, they release carbon back into the air by a process called ______.

#10 Nitrogen Cycle

j. What are 2 ways nitrogen becomes useable to plants, humans and animals?

k. How do herbivores obtain the nitrogen they need?

l. How is nitrogen returned to the atmosphere?

m. What are two ways humans impact the nitrogen cycle:

#11 Water Cycle

List 5 facts about the water cycle:

#12 Biomes Around the World

n. How are biomes classified?

o. What are the 6 ‘major’ Biomes of the World?

Do not complete #13 from the resource link. Here is the alternative assignment.

Make corrections to your Type 3 from the video. “How does the impact humans are making on the environment make you feel?” Pretend you are writing to an alien.

Type this using the following guidelines:

Be sure to follow the Focus Correction Areas (FCA’s)

1. Paragraph Structure (15pts)

§  Topic sentence (5pts)

§  5 supporting sentences (10pts/-2)

2. Individual voice (10pts)

3. Correct format (10pts/-2)

§  Title, Name and Class

§  Times New Roman

§  12pt font

§  Double spaced

§  1” margins