During football practice on Nov. 8 you see an athlete go down. Upon arrival at the scene you notice that he is grabbing his left ankle, he is unable to move his ankle and you notice extreme discoloration and inflammation starting to occur. He is unable to put any weight on it and complains of pain on the lateral maleoli. While trying to catch a ball he was tackled and was forced down on his ankle, toe first. He has a positive talar tilt, and anterior drawer test. Tell me what other tests that you would perform and the ligaments that he ahs injured. Also, where appropriate fill in the rest of the SOAP notes including S/S, TX and rehab.

Don’t forget to tell me all palpations and ROM’s and MMT’s.

Tracy Trackster was warming up for the pole vault. When she went to plant her pile, she missed her spot, causing her to crash into the pole plant area. She caught her right foot, causing it to stay planted against the side of the pit while the rest of her body continued on her momentum. She felt a pop on the outside of her ankle and shooting pains up her leg. She can’t put any weight on her foot. She is point tender over the lateral side of her foot and ankle. No deformity is visible. Her ROM is non existent because of the extreme pain when she tries to move her foot. Her lateral malleolus is swollen and turning black and blue. When you squeeze her leg near her knee, pain shoots down to the lateral ankle. He 1st and 2nd tows are numb. You are able find the pedal pulse. She has never hurt her right ankle before.

Don’t forget to tell me all palpations, tests, ROM’s and MMT’s.

Erica, a senior on the women’s basketball team came limping into the training room yesterday during their practice. She is complaining about pain n her left ankle. She tells you that during their defensive drill she came down on someone’s foot turning it in. She didn’t hear a pop but it hurts really bad. After further investigation you find that she is point tender over the anterior talofibular ligament but has no joint pain. Tell me what tests you would do and which ones would affect the anterior talofibular ligament causing pain. Also, where appropriate fill in the rest of the SOAP note including S/S, TX and Rehab.

Don’t forget to tell me all palpations, tests, ROM’s and MMT’s