/ UK Power Networks / DSR 01 005

Work On Customer HV Systems

Name / Peter Vujanic
Title / Head of Health, Safety and Environment
Date / 01 May 2016
Name / Dudley Sparks
Title / Operational Safety Manager
Date / 01 May 2016

This document forms part of the UK Power Networks Integrated Management System and compliance with its requirements is mandatory. Departure from these requirements may only be taken with the written approval of the above authoriser.

Revision Record
Version number / 4.0 / What has changed?
Owner name changed, change of name of the HV Consumers Plant Authority formto HV Consumers Apparatus Authority. Introduction and Purpose and the Scope have been changed to highlight control functions. Additional paragraph in section 9.2 highlighting when testing is required by a customer on their network. Removal of references to regional variations in Introduction and Purpose
Why has it changed?
Full review for the new 2016 DSRs.
Date published / 01/05/2016
Next review date / 07/03/2019
Prepared by / D Daintree
Revision Record
Version number / 3.0 / What has changed?
Added appendices 11 and 12 (example forms) and reference to unregulated form number
Why has it changed?
Additional information for staff.
Date published / 09/10/2015
Next review date / 21/06/2018
Prepared by / N. Saunders
Version number / 2.0 / What has changed?
Change of authoriser
Why has it changed?
Previous authoriser left company.
Date published / 16/07/2015
Next review date / 21/06/2018
Prepared by / D. Daintree
Who needs to know?
☐All UK Power Networks Staff
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☒In Business HSS
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Network Operators)
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☒MUJV / Allenby
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☐Others (specify)


1.0Introduction and Purpose







8.0General Provisions

9.0Ownership/work Scenarios

10.0Superseded Documents

11.0Appendix A – Example of Consumer’s Apparatus Authority

12.0Appendix B Example of HV Operational Isolation and Earthing Certificate

13.0Appendix C – Forms in Use and Availability

1.0Introduction and Purpose

This document details the procedures to be followed when work and/or operations are undertaken by UK Power Networks’ staff on a network not controlled by UK Power Networks.

It also covers situations where a Customer requires isolation of the supply from the UK Power Networks system to enable them to carry out work on their own apparatus.


This Procedure details the actions to be taken under the following circumstances:

  • Work and/or operations are to be carried out on a Customer’s HV equipment by UK Power Networks personnel or Contractors, at the Customer’s request.
  • Isolation and Earthing of UK Power Networks equipment is required to enable the Customer to carry out work on their own equipment.
  • Isolation and Earthing of the Customer’s HV equipment is required to enable work on equipment owned by UK Power Networks.

The arrangements for the operation of the Customer’s HV equipment and for the operation of UK Power Networks’ equipment at the interface is set out in the Site Responsibility Schedule (SRS) that should be in place for all HV Customer supplies.

Where a contract exists for UK Power Networks personnel toundertake control,operate and maintain the Customer’s HV Network on their behalf, this procedure does not apply.


The objective of this procedure is to ensure that all operations and work on, or adjacent to, a high voltage interface, or on the Customer’s private HV network are undertaken in line with current Distribution Safety Rules and relevant legislation.


DSRs / Distribution Safety Rules
Ofgem / Distribution Code
Electricity at Work Regulations
Electricity Safety, Quality and Continuity Regulations 2002, as amended (2006)
National Grid / Grid Code
NOP 10 015 / HV Site Responsibility Schedules
HSS 01 061 / Task Risk Assessment
HSS 01 062 / Undertaking On-site (Point of Work) Assessment
HSS 01 069 / Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
GOP 13 / Generic Task Risk Assessment HV & EHV Switching – Ground Mounted
GOP 17 / Generic Task Risk Assessment HV Switching - Overhead


UK Power Networks network / The electricity network owned by UK Power Networks and normally operated by UK Power Networks authorised personnel
Customers Network / An HV electricity network not owned by a Distribution Network Operator (DNO) and receives an HV supply from a DNO
Site Responsibility Schedule / A document defining the ownership of equipment and apparatus at the boundary between a DNO and other networks. It also specifies which party is responsible for controlling & operating switchgear, maintenance and issuing documents
Operation & Maintenance Agreement / A contractual agreement in place with a customer where UK Power Networks agrees to operate and maintain their electrical HV/LV distribution network
HV ConsumerApparatus Authority(CAA) / A document signed by the customer which gives authority to a nominated authorised person to carry out operations, work/and or control on consumer’sapparatus
HV Operational Isolation and Earthing (OIE) Certificate / A certificate designed to provide written confirmation of isolation and/or earthing where:
(i)UK Power Networks authorised personnel request the Customer’s authorised personnel to carry out switching operations on Customer’s switchgear to isolate and/or earth equipment to be worked on;
(ii)the Customer’s authorised personnel request UK Power Networks authorised personnel to carry out switching operations on UK Power Networks equipment or Customer’s switchgear to isolate and/or earth apparatus.
The OIE Certificate includes sections for either party to request the isolation and earthing operations and receive written confirmation of completion, before accepting the circuit. The relevant sections of the certificate must be completed and the certificate cleared and cancelled before the equipment is returned to service.
The OIE Certificate is not an authority for UK Power Networks to operate the customer’s HV equipment, or vice-versa, other than to operate earth switches to facilitate testing. All other operations require a written agreement as set out in Section 8.2 of this procedure


The ownership of any system, plant or equipment generally determines the responsibility for its control. This will normally be defined in the Site Responsibility Schedule required by the Distribution Code, which should be in place for all Customer HV supplies (refer to
NOP 10 015).

It is the responsibility of the DNO to ensure that a written agreement has been prepared and signed by each party involved for each site where work or operations are to be carried out by UK Power Networks personnel on a Customer’s HV electricity network (see section 8.2 below).

The agreement shall include the Site Responsibility Schedule and a diagram showing the relationship between the Customers HV Network and the local DNO’s network. All points of isolation shall be shown, irrespective of voltage. The Schedule and diagram shall be checked and confirmed by the relevant UK Power Networks Senior Authorised Person as up to date before any operations or work are carried out on the equipment.

This agreement shall define the extent of any authority of UK Power Networks personnel to carry out work or operations on the Customer’s HV electricity network.

The customer should provide sufficient records for the safe operation of the equipment such as network drawings and maintenance records.

Where UK Power Networks are requested, in un-planned or fault situations, to carry out work on Customer-owned equipment the above mentioned agreement (see Para. 6.2) may not exist or may not be available. In this case, the UK Power Networks representative shall collect and physically check information about the network to enable the later completion and signing of an agreement. A CustomerApparatus Authority form (or equivalent) shall be signed by the Customer, who shall also provide a written indemnity for UK Power Networks personnel to operate the Customer’s equipment (see Appendix A).


UK Power Networks shall provide a Substation Log Book at HV substations that provide a supply to HV Customers, in which all instances of entry into, operations and work in the UK Power Networks substation shall be recorded.

A Site Responsibility Schedule is provided for all relevant sites, as described above.

8.0General Provisions

8.1Authorisation from UKPN for UKPN staff to work on or operate Customers’ Equipment

8.1.1Due to the additional risks involving customers’ equipment, the person carrying out switching operations, or receiving or issuing an HV Operational Isolation and Earthing Certificate, or receiving an HV Consumer’s Apparatus Authority (CAA) safety document shall be a Senior Authorised Person (SAP).

8.1.2UKPN staff appointed as Competent, Authorised or Senior Authorised may carry out the same (but not extend) their permitted activities/duties on a customer’s system, except for the limitation stated in 8.1.1 above.

8.1.3Staff appointed as Competent or Authorised shall only work on a Customer’s system under safety documentation issued by a UKPN appointed Senior Authorised Person.

8.2Authority from the Customer for UKPN staff to work on or operate Customer’s Equipment

Before UK Power Networks’ staff can begin operations or work on Customer-ownedapparatusand equipment, the customer’s written authority shall be obtained.

Such an authority may be given in various forms, for example

  • The schedule of Operation and Maintenance Agreement
  • Specific contract
  • HV Consumer’s Apparatus Authority (CAA)

The customer must also indemnify UKPN staff against accidental damage or injury, in writing (see Appendix A).


Work and operations undertaken by UKPN personnel on a Customer’s HV system, must as far as is reasonably practical, be in accordance with UK Power Network’s Distribution Safety Rules and all other applicable UKPN operating procedures, unless agreed otherwise in writing.

In circumstances where UK Power Networks staff are required to work in accordance with any other companies' safety rules/procedures the requirements are listed in the DSRs under section 1.2.


The UK Power Networks SAP shall have the final decision on whether to operate the Customer’sswitchgear. In the absence of adequate knowledge or proof of adequate maintenance, additional precautions shall be taken before operating the Customer’sswitchgear. These may include using a Remote Operating Device (ROD) if the customer consents, or requiring the switchgear to be made dead before operation.

8.5Inspection of Safety Standards

When operations are carried out on equipment controlled by the customer, the UK Power Networks’ SAP must accompany the customer’s Authorised Person and satisfy himself that the isolation and earthing of the equipment has been carried out to the standards required by UKPN Distribution Safety Rules.

When operations are carried out on equipment controlled by UKPN for the customer, the customer’s authorised person should be invited to accompany the UK Power Networks’ SAP during the switching operations.

8.6Use of Switchgear Locks and Safety Locks

  • On equipment operated by the customer, the customer’s authorised person will apply his safety locks at each point of isolation from supply.
  • On equipment operated by UK Power Networks, the UK Power Networks’ SAP will apply his safety locks at each point of isolation from supply.
  • In both cases, the safety lock keys shall be secured in a joint key safe if provided or available. One unique key safe locking key shall be held by the Customer’s AP and another shall be held by the UK Power Networks SAP. Alternatively, a similarly secure system shall be used to ensure that the points of isolation cannot be removed without the knowledge and consent of both parties.
  • The keys to locks securing Circuit Main Earth points shall normally be retained by the person who is to supervise the work.

8.7Before Work is commenced by UKPN staff

In addition to the requirements above, the following are also required before starting work on customer’s equipment

  • Written instruction from the customer
  • Risk assessments in accordance with HSS 01 061 and HSS 01 062
  • The right PPE for the work being undertaken (HSS 01 069)

9.0Ownership/work Scenarios

9.1Work on Customer’s Equipment by UKPN Personnel

Where a current Operation and Maintenance (O&M) agreement is in place for a piece of apparatus, all work and operations shall be carried out as if the apparatus were part of UK Power Networks’ network.

Where work is taking place under a specific contract orCAA (i.e. there is no O&M agreement), the operations and work carried out does not need to be recorded by Network Control, however shall be recorded on an HV Switching Schedule which will be prepared prior to commencing the works (see appendix A).

If work is taking place in the UK Power Networks area, Network Control will be informed before work starts.

9.1.1Customer-controlled Switchgear to be operated by the Customer

  • The UKPN Senior Authorised Person (SAP) shall complete the relevant parts of the OIE Certificate and return it to the Customer’s Authorised Person (AP).
  • The Customer’s AP shall then proceed with the isolation and earthing of their HV equipment. The UKPN SAP shall accompany the Customer’s AP and satisfy himself that the isolation and earthing of the equipment has been carried out in a manner commensurate with the UK Power Networks Distribution Safety Rules.
  • The Customer’s AP shall then apply his own safety locks at each point of Isolation. The safety lock keys will be secured as detailed in section 8.6 above.
  • The UK Power Networks SAP shall ensure suitable Caution and Danger notices are applied in accordance with the UK Power Networks Distribution Safety Rules.
  • The Customer’s AP shall then complete the relevant sections of the OIE Certificate to confirm the requested operations have been completed, and return it to the UK Power Networks’ SAP, who shall acknowledge receipt by signing the form in the appropriate place.
  • The UK Power Networks SAP shall then issue the appropriate UK Power Networks safety document(s) in accordance with the UK Power Networks Distribution Safety Rules. If all other requirements of this procedure have been met, work may then proceed.
  • On completion of the work, the safety document(s) shall be cleared and cancelled in accordance with the UK Power Networks Distribution Safety Rules.
  • After the safety documents have been cleared and cancelled, the UK Power Networks SAP shall complete the sectionof the OIE Certificate which confirms cancellation of the certificate and return it to the Customer’s AP, along with any appropriate operational keys.

9.1.2Customer-controlled Switchgear to be operated by UKPN personnel

  • The SAP must ensure that all the requirements of section 8 of this document are satisfied.
  • The UK Power Networks SAP shall then operate the Customer’s switchgear and apply his own Safety Locks and Caution/Danger notices in accordance with the UK Power Networks Distribution Safety Rules and Procedures. An OIE Certificate is not required under these circumstances.
  • Work on the equipment shall then proceed under the UK Power Networks Distribution Safety Rules, using the appropriate UK Power Networks safety document(s).

9.2Work by the Customer requiring operation of UK Power Networks equipment

  • Where a Customer wants to carry out work on their own equipment, which can be energised from equipment controlled by UK Power Networks, the Customer shall request isolation and earthing using an OIE certificateand return it to the UK Power Networks SAP.
  • The UK Power Networks SAP shall then proceed with the isolation and earthing of the UK Power Networks owned equipment. The Customer’s AP shall be invited to accompany the UK Power Networks SAP during the switching operations.
  • The UK Power Networks SAP shall apply his Safety Locks at each point of Isolation on the UK Power Networks switchgear in the normal manner. Unless otherwise agreed in the Site Responsibility Schedule there shall be no dual locking of UK Power Networks switchgear. The safety lock keys will be secured as detailed in section 8.6 above.
  • The UK Power Networks SAP shall then confirm completion of the request using the OIE Certificate and return it to the Customer’s AP who shall acknowledge receipt by signing the form in the appropriate place. The Customer may then proceed with the work on their own equipment, using their own safety rules and documentation.
  • When testing is required by a customer on their network the Earth may be removed/re-applied under the supervision of an UK Power Networks SAP as per section 2B of the OI&E document
  • On completion of the work, the Customer’s AP shall complete the sectionof the OIE Certificate which confirms cancellation of the certificate and return it to the UK Power Networks SAP, along with any appropriate operational keys.

9.3Equipment which requires isolation from both UK Power Networks switchgear, and from switchgear owned by the Customer.

  • Where the equipment to be worked on requires isolation both from UK Power Networks controlled switchgear, and from switchgear controlled by the Customer, the UK Power Networks SAP and the Customer’s AP must work in close liaison to isolate and earth their respective equipment in accordance with Sections 9.1 and 9.2 of this procedure.
  • HV Operational Isolation and Earthing Certificates shall be issued by either the Customer’s AP or the UK Power Networks SAP, depending on which party is to carry out the work. If work is to be carried out by both UK Power Networks and the Customer then all OIE Certificates shall be cross-referenced by both parties.

9.4As detailed in Section 8.5, the UK Power Networks SAP shall satisfy himself that the Customer’s HV switchgear has been isolated and earthed in the correct manner. The safety lock keys will be stored as described in section 8.6 above.

  • It is essential that the UK Power Networks SAP and the Customer’s AP continue to liaise closely during the works, and discuss and agree the vital operational points in the procedure. All OIE Certificates shall be completed and cancelled before any equipment is returned to service.

10.0Superseded Documents


OI G10/- Work on Customer’s High Voltage Equipment

V12/S3/14 Work by Engineers on HV Systems not owned by Eastern Electricity

11.0Appendix A – Example of Consumer’s Apparatus Authority
