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Dr. Larry J. Stout Memorial Scholarship - 2017

The Larry J. Stout Memorial Scholarship is a one-time awardgranted in 2017 by the Louisiana School Psychological Association in honor of one of the most generous and dedicated professors and trainers of school psychology in Louisiana. Dr. Stout generously dedicated his time, effort, and compassion through service to his students and colleagues. His open-handed approach to providing resources and feedback was only outmatched by his desire to see his students’ succeed. He was a professor at Nicholls State University for 30 years and throughout his tenure touched many hearts and minds in the profession of school psychology.

The recipient of this one-time scholarship will receive$500.00 to be used toward educational expenses. The recipient should be present at the LSPA Annual conference luncheon on 11/9/17, at which time the award will be presented. Trainers interested in nominating a student should ensure that the candidate meets the following criteria:

  1. The candidate has shown a concerted interest in attending the LSPA conference to develop knowledge of school psychology and to enhance the field through service.
  2. The candidate is enrolled as a full-time student of school psychology (minimum of 6 graduate hours) in one of the Louisiana school psychology programs offered by our universities.
  3. The trainer must provide a biographical summary that includes the student’s educational background, current professional affiliations, previous accomplishments, and the need for financial assistance. The trainer should also state how the student has and will continue to add value in a professional manner to the field of psychology.
  4. The trainer should provide one letter of recommendation to support the candidate’squalifications for the award.

Home Address:
Phone Number:
University Attending:
Anticipated date of Graduation:

Certification of Trainer Status:

I ______confirm that the above-mentioned student is enrolled at a full-time status in the school Psychology program at ______where I serve as a trainer.


Trainer’s SignatureDate

Please email all materials to Keever Hoffmann atby 10/1/17.

****Don’t Forget:

____Biographical information_____Letter of Recommendation ______Must be postmarked by ______