RUPS students are working hard this term and teachers have been busy assessing their achievement levels. The first Progress Report (grades 1-5) will be sent to parents on November 7th. Parent-teacher interviews for all students, including Kindergartens, will take place the evening of November 13th and the morning of November 14th, so please mark your calendars. This first interview period is an important time for you, your child, and our teachers to communicate student progress and to establish goals/next steps for improvement.

Thank you to the parents who attended our first School Council meeting. Listed below are your School Council members for 2014-2015. The next School Council meeting will take place on Wednesday, November 5th at 7:00 p.m. Additional meeting dates for this school year will be January 14th, February 4th, April 1st and May 6th. A babysitting service will be offered for parents who want to attend but need to bring their child(ren) along.

Co-chairs: J. Robertson and J. Zado

Co-secretaries: A. Rana and T. Thananayagam

Treasurer: C. Hawke

We have some staffing changes to announce. Mrs. Verma has been hired to teach our new kindergarten class (KF4). She joins Miss Morrison, the new ECE in Room 10, and will continue the excellent work of Mrs. Barbosa, who was the interim teacher in KF4. Mrs. Hiscock returned from maternity leave the last week of October, replacing Mrs. Halfyard, who was the supply Teaching Assistant in KF1 during Mrs. Hiscock’s absence. We also welcome Ms. Scurti, who is a newly hired planning time teacher (one day per cycle) at Ray Underhill.


Our learning community encourages academic excellence and

personal growth. Students, staff, parents and the community work

in partnership to provide a safe and caring environment. This will

prepare students to be respectful citizens and life-long learners.


Parents are reminded not to leave their children at school unsupervised prior to 8:45 a.m.


Congratulations to the following students who received the “Award for Respect” at our October Student Recognition assembly:

KF1 Damian E., Leeland S.

KF2 Cameron C., Nimra O.

KF3 Luca A., Tucker M.

KF4 Matthew C., Ria J., Jasmin S.

1-D Brynn R., Sydney W.

1-W Danielle C., Gracie R.

2-C Sophia A., Blake M.

2-S Kristian B., Ilaria L.

23K Vincent K.

3-B Daniel J., Rameen K.

3-E Malory M., Mustafa Y.

4-W Madelyn B., Joseph B., Phoenix T.

45C Sarah Y.

45G Matteo D., Lauryn D., Aliah T.

45R Harkirat D.

5-D Nolan B., Ibuki I., Jayden P.

At our next assembly on November 18th at 9:10 a.m., some students from each class will receive the Award for Inclusion. November 18th is also Moustache Day ... so let’s have fun ... and support “MOVEMBER” ... by wearing moustaches to school!!

Special thanks to Mrs. Paiva, who has volunteered to create our Awards Bulletin Board each month. The staff and students always look forward to seeing a new bulletin board at each Awards Assembly. We really appreciate Mrs. Paiva’s time and creative efforts!


Parents are reminded to send a spoon or fork from home if one is required in your child’s lunch.

If a child does not bring his/her lunch to school, we will try to contact a parent to drop it off. A light lunch will be provided by the school in emergency situations only.


Retake Day for student photos is Wednesday, November 5, 2014. Retakes are available for students who were absent on picture day and who are new to the school. Also, retakes will be done for students whose parents were dissatisfied with the original photos and who have returned the original proofs, indicating very clearly that a retake is requested.


We would like to acknowledge and thank our dedicated grade 4 and 5 bus patrollers: Phi T., Sierra D., Connor S., Phoebe N., Sham Z., Evelyn O., Jayden P., David J., Jonathan B., Zayne L., Apryl B., Katie O., Beulah O., Razak A., Ibuki I., Abby C., and Aliah T. These students attended the Peel Safety Village in October and have put their knowledge to good use to ensure the safe travel of RUPS students. Thank you, bus patrollers, for the great job you do!!


Our Remembrance Day Assembly will take place on November 11th at 10:50 a.m. in the gym. Parents are welcome to attend. Poppies will be given to all students. Children may bring a small donation to the Royal Canadian Legion Poppy Fund.


Students are reminded to label all belongings they bring to school and to check the Lost and Found for any lost items. The contents of our Lost and Found Box will be displayed on tables the week of November 10h, which will coincide with parent-teacher interviews. Any items not claimed by November 14th will be donated to charity.


…of the students who represented our school at three inter-school events in October: soccer tournament at Dixie P.S. (October 3)

cross-country meet at Oscar Peterson P.S. (October 22)

soccer tournament at Ray Lawson P.S. (October 29)

Our soccer players and cross-country runners demonstrated such determination and perseverance and they deserve a huge congratulations!! Thank you to the parents who came to cheer on our athletes. A BIG thanks, also, to the teachers who coached our students: Mrs. Cole, Mrs. Dickinson, Miss Gaspini and Miss Reitman.