COURSE / 7242 Health Science II / Unit A / Healthcare foundation standards, safety, and infection control
ESSENTIAL STANDARD / 2.00 / B2 / 14% / Understand safety and infection control procedures.
OBJECTIVE / 2.01 / B2 / 7% / Understand safety procedures.
  • What considerations are necessary for patient, healthcare professional and environmental safety?
  • What are some safety guidelines for illness and injury prevention?
  • How do some regulatory agencies function as providers of healthcare and as healthcare regulatory agencies?

Unpacked Content

I.Safety considerations

A.Patient safety

B.Healthcare professionalsafety

1.General guidelines


3.Body mechanics

C.Environmental safety

1.General guidelines

2.Hazardous materials

3.Basic emergency response

4.Fire safety

5.Other emergency procedures

II.Safety guidelines

A.Illness and injury prevention

B.Regulatory agencies review

1.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

2.Occupational Safety Health Administration (OSHA)

3.International and National Joint Commission on Safety

4.Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

5.Food and Drug Administration(FDA)

Current EventsReview
  • Distribute the handout.
  • Students will read a current news article related to safety issues in healthcare andcomplete the handout.
  • Students willpresent the information in the article to the class.
  • Facilitate discussion of the articles as an introduction to the unit.
  • Possible topics for discussion include but are not limited to
  • Work related injuries and the primary causes of these injuries
  • Costs of work related injuries
  • Top sentinel events
  • Costs of patient injuries
  • How can safety impact these issues?
  • Facilitate discussion on the impact of safety on healthcare.
/ Student willUNDERSTAND(B2) the impact of safety on healthcare. / Internet
Suggested sources:
  • Joint Commission Journal on Quality
  • Patient Safety Quality and Safety in Health Care
2.01 Current Events Review Handout
Patient Safety Considerations
  • Distributethe handout.
  • Present the PowerPoint Presentation.
  • Facilitate discussion on patient safety.
  • Students will record notes and class discussion on the handout.
/ StudentswillUNDERSTAND (B2)safety concerns related to patientsafety considerations. / 2.01 Safety ConsiderationsPowerPoint Presentation
2.01 Patient and Healthcare Professional Safety Considerations Handout (Note: this handout will be used for Activity # 3.)
Healthcare ProfessionalSafety Considerations
  • Distribute the handout.
  • Present the PowerPoint Presentation.
  • Facilitate discussion on healthcare professional safety.
  • Students will record notes and class discussion on the handout.
/ StudentswillUNDERSTAND (B2) safety concerns related to healthcare professional safety considerations. / 2.01 Healthcare Professional Safety PowerPoint Presentation
2.01 Patient and Healthcare Professional Safety Considerations Handout and KEY
Body Mechanics
  • Present PowerPoint Presentation.
  • Facilitate discussion about body mechanics.
  • Distribute the handout.
1- review the handout
2-demonstrate the skill
3-provide for guided practice
4-provide for independent practice
5-verify student passing / Students will APPLY (C3)the importance of proper body mechanics for the healthcare professional. / 2.01 Body Mechanics PowerPoint Presentation
2.01 Body Mechanics
Body Mechanics Rules!
  • Distribute the handout.
  • Students will complete the table with the correct placement of Body MechanicsRules!
/ Students will UNDERSTAND(B2) the proper safety procedures related to body mechanics. / 2.01 Body Mechanics Rules!
Handout and KEY
Environmental Safety
  • Distribute the handout.
  • Present the PowerPointPresentation.
  • Facilitate discussion on general guidelines and signs and symbols of hazardous materials.
  • Students will record notes and class discussion on the handout.
/ Students will UNDERSTAND(B2) the proper safety procedures related to hazardous materials, signs and symbols, and Material Safety Data Sheets. / 2.01 Environmental Safety PowerPoint Presentation
2.0 Environmental Safety Considerations Handout
Signs and Symbols Matching
  • Distributethe handout.
  • Students will complete the handout by following the directions on the handout.
  • This activity may be used for class review or as a quiz.
  • Grade as indicated.
/ Students will UNDERSTAND(B2) the correct use of safety signs and symbols. / 2.01 Signs and Symbols Matching Handout and KEY
MSDS Information
  • Explain the MSDS Activity as per the Teacher Resource.
  • Distribute the handout.
  • Students will choose an item from the list provided or as approved by the teacher. Using the MSDS information, the student willcomplete the information requested on the handout.
  • Students will briefly present and compare the information gathered.
  • Facilitate discussion.
/ Students willUNDERSTAND(B2)the components of the Material Safety Data Sheets. /

2.01 MSDS Activity - Teacher Resource List

2.01 MSDS Information Handout
Basic Emergency Response
  • Present the PowerPoint Presentation.
  • Facilitate discussion about basic emergency response, providing students with examples of appropriate responses.
  • Students will record notes and class discussion in their notebooks.
/ Students will UNDERSTAND (B2) basic emergency response guidelines. /

2.01 Basic Emergency Response PowerPoint Presentation

Student notebooks
Fire Safety
  • Distribute the handout.
  • Present the PowerPoint Presentation.
  • Facilitate discussion.
  • Students will record notes and class discussion on the handout.
/ Students will UNDERSTAND(B2) the proper safety procedures to use in case of a fire. / 2.01 Fire SafetyPowerPoint Presentation
2.01 Fire Safety Handout
Use of Fire Extinguisher Skill
  • Present PowerPoint Presentation.
  • Facilitate discussion about using a fire extinguisher.
  • Distribute the handout.
1- review the handout
2-demonstrate the skill
3-provide for guided practice
4-provide for independent practice
5-verify student passing / Students will APPLY (C1) the proper safety procedures to use a fire extinguisher. / 2.01 Use of Fire Extinguisher Handout
  1. Key
/ Guest Speaker
  • Invite a guest speaker from the local fire department to discuss local fire safety issues.
  • Prior to the visit, distributethe handout.
  • In preparation for the guest speaker, the students will reflect as described on the handout.
  • When the guest arrives, the students will use the handout to record notes and class discussion.
/ Students will UNDERSTAND (B2) the importance of fire safety within the community. / 2.01 Guest Speaker Form
Other Emergency Procedures
  • Distribute the handout.
  • Present the PowerPoint Presentation.
  • Facilitate discussion related to other emergency procedures.
  • Students will record their notes and class discussion on the handout.
/ Students will UNDERSTAND (B2) other emergency procedures. / 2.01 Other Emergency ProceduresPowerPoint Presentation
2.01 Other Emergency ProceduresHandout
Safety Scenarios
  • Distribute the handout.
  • Present the first scenario to the students and discuss the safety violations.
  • Students will evaluate the other scenarios to identify the safety violations in the healthcare setting.
  • Upon completion of the activity, review each scenario with the students.
  • Allow students to present their answers and discuss options.
/ StudentswillUNDERSTAND (B2) the different patient, healthcare professional and environmental safety considerations. / 2.01 Safety ScenariosHandout
Regulatory Agencies
  • Present the PowerPoint Presentation.
  • Facilitate discussion about how some of these agencies have more than one function, both as providers of healthcare and as healthcare regulatory agencies.
  • Students will record class discussion in their notebooks.
/ Students will UNDERSTAND (B2) the specific roles of regulatory agencies. / 2.01 Safety GuidelinesRegulatory Agencies Review PowerPoint Presentation
Student notebooks
National Patient Safety Goals
  • Distribute or show digitally both handouts.
  • Show the Universal Protocol Video at the site listed in the Resources.
  • Facilitate discussion of the 2011 National Patient Safety Goals in both an ambulatory and hospital setting.
  • Students will compare the goals in their notebooks.
/ Studentswill UNDERSTAND (B2) the impact of regulatory agencies on the safety of healthcare facilities. / 2011Ambulatory Care National Patient Safety Goals Handout
2011Hospital National Patient Safety Goals Handout
Universal Protocol Video
9.26 min

2.01 Current Events Review Name ______

Handout Date ______

Directions: Select an article from an approved source. Read the entire article carefully. Answer the following questions related to your findings in the article.

  1. Write the complete title. ______


  1. Write three (3) key sentences from the article.


4. What is the article about? ______

5. Copy one sentence from your selection that gives the main idea or “punch line” of the article. ______



6. What were the work related injuries cited in this article? ______


7. What were the costs of these injuries? Who paid these costs? ______

8. How can the practice of safety measures impact these costs? ______



9. What information about health care will society learn from the article? ______



10. Please attach a copy of the article.

2.01 Patient and Healthcare ProfessionalName ______

Safety ConsiderationsDate ______


Directions: Record notes and class discussion related to patient and healthcare professional safety considerations.

Patient Safety

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______

Healthcare Professional Safety

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______
  6. ______
  7. ______


Ergonomics ______


Personal components:

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______

Workplace design:

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______

2.01 Patient and Healthcare ProfessionalName ______

Safety ConsiderationsDate ______

Handout KEYExamples will vary

Directions:Record notes and class discussion related to patient, and healthcare professional safety considerations.

Patient Safety

  1. Perform only procedures for which you have been trained______
  2. Always identify patient______
  3. Explain procedures and make sure patient understands______
  4. Observe patient for response to treatment______
  5. Make sure patient is safe before leaving them______

Healthcare Professional Safety

1. Walk, don’t run______

2.Report injury, accident or unsafe situation______

3.Wash hands frequently______

4.Wear safety glasses when risk of eye injury______

5. Avoid “horseplay”______

6.Always follow instructions carefully______

7. Use correct posture and good body mechanics______

Body mechanics is the efficient movement and balance of the body______

Ergonomics __The study of workplace design and equipment used by employees that contribute tocomfort, efficiency, safety, and ease of use______

Personal components include:

  1. _comfort______
  2. _good posture______
  3. _exercise to prevent stiffness and soreness______
  4. _body mechanics______

Workplace design:


2.__placement of furniture for ease of work______

3.__avoidance of repetitive motions______

4.__awareness of hazards in the environment______

2.01 Body MechanicsName ______


1. Demonstrates broad base of support:

a. Keeps feet 6"-8" apart ____

b. Puts one foot slightly forward ____

c. Points toes in direction of movement ____

2. Picks up heavy object:

a. Gets close to object ____

b. Maintains broad base of support ____

c. Bends from hips and knees ____

d. Uses strongest muscles ____

3. Carries heavy object:

a. Keeps object close to the body ____

b. Uses strongest muscles ____

4. Changes direction:

a. Maintains broad base of support ____

b. Turns with feet and entire body ____

5. Places heavy object:

a. Keeps close to body ____

b. Maintains broad base of support ____

c. Bends from hips and knees ____

d. Keeps back straight ____

e. Uses strongest muscles ____

6. Pushes heavy object:

a. Gets close to object ____

b. Maintains broad base of support ____

c. Uses weight of body ____

d. Keeps back straight ____

Students must safely complete 90% of the steps to pass.

Passing date ______

Evaluator ______


Body MechanicsRules!Name ______

Handout Date ______

Directions: Complete the table below with the Body Mechanics rules placed in the correct category from the list below. Read the options carefully.

Correct Technique / Incorrect Technique

Twist the body to change directionLift with your back muscles

Pivot feet to change directionBend at the hips and knees

Bend at waistUse two hands to lift

Carry objects close to bodyHold objects away from body

Keep feet togetherPoint toes in direction of movement

Push object with one handLook straight ahead while pulling object

Lean into push with whole bodyPush with your arms straight

Lift Heavy Items aloneKeep shoulders back and chin up

Body Mechanics Rules!Name ______

Handout KEYDate ______

Directions: Complete the table below with the Body Mechanics rules placed in the correct category from the list below. Read the options carefully.

Correct Technique / Incorrect Technique
Pivot feet to change direction / Twist the body to change direction
Carry objects close to body / Bend at waist
Lean into push with whole body / Keep feet together
Bend at the hips and knees / Push object with one hand
Use two hands to lift / Lift Heavy Items alone
Point toes in direction of movement / Lift with your back muscles
Look straight ahead while pulling object / Hold objects away from body
Keep shoulders back and chin up / Push with your arms straight

Twist the body to change directionLift with your back muscles

Pivot feet to change directionBend at the hips and knees

Bend at waistUse two hands to lift

Carry objects close to bodyHold objects away from body

Keep feet togetherPoint toes in direction of movement

Push object with one handLook straight ahead while pulling object

Lean into push with whole bodyPush with your arms straight

Lift heavy items aloneKeep shoulders back and chin up

2.01 Environmental SafetyGeneral GuidelinesName ______

Handout Date ______

Directions: Record notes and examples about environmental safety considerations while viewing the PowerPoint presentation. Illustrate signs and symbols on the back of the handout.

Environmental Safety


  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______
  6. ______

Hazardous Materials

Handling Liquids

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______
  6. ______

2.01 Environmental Safety General GuidelinesName ______

Handout KEYExamples will varyDate ______

Directions: Record notes and examples about environmental safety considerations while viewing the PowerPoint presentation. Illustrate signs and symbols on the back of the handout.

Environmental Safety

  1. Read and understand Policy and Procedure manuals______
  2. Never operate equipment unless trained to do so______
  3. Never use electrical equipment near water______
  4. Observe all safety precautions______
  5. Maintain a safe, clean and orderly work environment______
  6. Frequently check for safety hazards in patient and visitor areas______
  7. Report unsafe situations______

Hazardous Materials

Handling Liquids

  1. Read label at least three times______
  2. Never mix solutions______
  3. Store solutions in a locked cabinet______

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)

1.Required by OSHA______

2.Identify product______

3.List precautions______

4.Give instructions for use______

5.Procedures for cleanup and disposal, if spilled______

6.Emergency care instructions, if injured______

2.01 Signs and Symbols Matching Name ______

Handout Date ______

Directions: Match the scenario given below with the sign that is appropriate for the situation described. Some scenarios may require more than one sign. Signs will be used more than once.

7242 Health Science II Summer 2011Page 1







7242 Health Science II Summer 2011Page 1

A.Frank was admitted to the hospital with fever, night sweats and productive sputum. He is placed in an isolation room.

  1. Lisa received multiple injuries in an automobile accident. She was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit following the surgery to repair her injuries.
  1. Jason works in the hospital’s housekeeping department. He regularly processes contaminated items. Which sign would Jason see?
  1. Molly found the exam room door closed. She was unable to enter the room because she did not have the proper apron to protect herself.
  1. If equipment is broken or damaged, Libby should find this sign attached.
  1. Brian needed to get Mr. Smith out of bed. Mr. Smith has a Staphylococcal infection of his lower leg. Brian found this sign on Mr. Smith’s door.

2.01 Signs and Symbols MatchingName ______

HandoutKEYDate ______

Directions: Match the scenario given below with the sign that is appropriate for the situation described. Some scenarios may require more than one sign. Signs will be used more than once.

7242 Health Science II Summer 2011 Page1







7242 Health Science II Summer 2011 Page1

A.Frank was admitted to the hospital with fever, night sweats and productive sputum. He is placed in an isolation room.

B.Lisa received multiple injuries in an automobile accident. She was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit following the surgery to repair her injuries.

C.Jason works in the hospital’s housekeeping department. He regularly processes contaminated items. Which sign would Jason see?

D.Molly found the exam room door closed. She was unable to enter the room because she did not have the proper apron to protect herself.

E.If equipment is broken or damaged, Libby should find this sign attached.

F.Brian needed to get Mr. Smith out of bed. Mr. Smith has a Staphylococcal infection of his lower leg. Brian found this sign on Mr. Smith’s door.

2.01 MSDS Activity Teacher Resource List

Students may choose a specific product from this list or a company, from which they will choose a product. Students may choose a household product. All products should be approved by the teacher prior to completing the Material Safety Data Sheet activity.

7242 Health Science II Summer 2011 Page1



Diethyl ether


Isopropyl Alcohol



Proctor and Gamble

Dow Chemical

Bristol-Myers Squibb


Eastman Kodak

7242 Health Science II Summer 2011 Page1

2.01 MSDS Information Name ______

Handout Date ______

Directions: Choose an item from the list provided or as approved by your teacher. Using the MSDS, identify the following information:

  1. Product Description ______
  2. Potential Health Hazards ______
  3. Precautions ______
  4. Clean up procedure ______
  5. Disposal ______
  6. Emergency Care (if injured) ______

2.01 MSDS Information Name ______

Handout SAMPLE KEYDate ______

Answers will vary. This information refers to Clorox.

Directions: Choose an item from the list provided or as approved by your teacher. Using the MSDS, identify the following information:

1.Product Description:

Clorox Regular Bleach; Clear, light yellow liquid with a characteristic chlorine odor.

2.Potential Health Hazards

May cause severe irritation or damage to eyes and skin. Vapor may irritate. Harmful if swallowed. Keep out of reach of children.


No special protections or precautions have been identified for using this product under directed consumer use conditions. Hygienic Practices: Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Wash hands after direct contact. Use general ventilation.

4.Clean up procedure

Control spill. Containerize liquid and use absorbents on residual liquid; dispose appropriately. Wash area and let dry.


Dispose of in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local regulations.

6.Emergency Care if injured

Eye Contact: Hold eye open and rinse with water for 15-20 minutes. Call a physician. Skin Contact: Wash skin with water for 15-20 minutes. If irritation develops, call a physician. Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting. Drink a glassful of water. If irritation develops, call a physician. Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. If breathing is affected, call a physician.