Student-Parent Contract
The Montwood High School SYNERGI 4 program is a small learning community that utilizes a curriculum that is project based, experiential in nature that reflect real world applications which allow students to develop 21st century skills of competency, collaboration, communication, critical and creative thinking while earning college credit and graduating on the Foundation Plan with STEM endorsement. Teachers, students and parents will work cooperatively to develop a community of learners in order to provide a rigorous well-rounded education in preparation for educational and career opportunities beyond high school.
I, ______agree to meet the following standards listed below for the duration of my enrollment in the SYNERGI4 Academy at Montwood High School. I will adhere to maintaining a demeanor and appearance that is of a professional standard on and off campus due to the nature of working with professionals in the respective fields of study. I understand that failure to meet any of the following standards or other criteria deemed necessary for my and/or the program’s success is grounds for review and possible dismissal. These standards include but are not restricted to the following:
- Must be in good academic standing and have no discipline referrals.
- Must commit to four years. No mid-year removals will be allowed.
- Must adhere to the SYNERGI 4 T-STEM Academy course requirements and Program of Study. No exceptions will be made.
- Must meet the state 90% required attendance. Student cannot have Loss of Credit in any classes.
- Must complete an application for the program.
- Must live in the Socorro ISD attendance area.
- Must take a minimum of two Pre-AP/AP courses in the areas of Math and Science each year and take the required AP exam. Students may also partake in Dual Credit courses in the junior and senior years.
- Must maintain a 3.0 GPA. Due to the rigorous nature of the courses, if students should find themselves falling below the 3.0 GPA requirement students, teachers, and administrators will meet to develop an academic action plan for students on an individual basis. Student is expected to comply with ALL academic action plan requirements.
- Must attend three summer sessions during the course of the four year program.
- Must participate in all SYNERGI4 community service projects and complete annual community service hours. The minimum amount for each year is as follows: 9th grade-15 hrs, 10th grade-20 hrs, 11th grade-25 hrs, 12th grade 30 hrs.
- Must participate in one or more math and science extracurricular activities. Examples include Science Fair, Robotics team, UIL Math, UIL Science or Destination Imagination.
- Must complete a comprehensive senior project and present to a panel of judges.
We understand and recognize that acceptance into the SYNERGI4 T-STEM Magnet program is a privilege and not a right; therefore, we agree to maintain high levels of participation in instruction. Students who are not in compliance with SYNERGI4 standards will be referred to the program administrator. The student may be allowed to continue with the SYNERGI4 program with provisions as determined by the program administrator.
Student Name (Print) / Student Signature / DateParent Name (Print) / Parent Signature / Date
SYNERGI 4 is designed for creative students that are motivated by academic success, aspire to obtain college and career readiness skills and prepare for the professional challenges of a global community with an interest and aptitude in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.