St. Ann’s Catholic School
Parent-Student Handbook
2000 W. Texas
Midland, Texas 79701
(432) 684-4563
Fax (432) 687-2468
Web Site:
St. Ann’s Catholic School joins with families to form
students’ faith, knowledge and character.
Welcome! St. Ann’s Catholic School was made possible because of the vision, dedication, generosity, and hard work of many people in the Midland community. St. Ann’s, St. Stephen’s, Our Lady of Guadalupe and San Miguel and their parishioners support our school community. Without them, we would not be here today! This handbook contains information, rules, and regulations for our students to know in order to be successful at St. Ann’s Catholic School. Teachers and staff will be glad to help parents and students with any questions or concerns. Have a terrific year!
St. Ann’s Catholic School does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, or national origin in the enrollment and participation of students or the employment of personnel. St. Ann’s School reserves the right to amend this handbook. Parents and students will be notified of any changes.
St. Ann's School Parent-Student Handbook
Table of Contents
Letter to Parents and Students 4
History, Mission, Vision, Core Purpose & Accreditation 5
Goals & Objectives 6
Admission 7
After School 7
Attendance 8
Birthday 10
Communication 10
Drop Off/Pick-up/Parking Policy 10
Electronic Devices 11
Finance 11
Graduation-8th Grade 12
Grievance Policy/Procedure 12
Health 14
Lockers 15
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) 15
Release of Records 15
Phone Usage 16
Testing Program 16
Uniform 16
Visitors 20
Volunteers 21
Assignment Book (Planner) 21
Athletics 21
Curriculum 21
Computer Ethics 22
Drug Education 22
Eligibility-Athletics & Extracurricular 22
Field Trips 22
Home Assignments 22
House System-Middle School 23
Library 23
Make-Up Work 23
Physical Education 23
Promotion and Retention 23
Safe Environment Programs 24
School Hours 24
Student Progress Reports 24
Success in School 25
Behavioral Expectations 26
Drugs/Alcohol/Tobacco 27
Infractions/Rules 27
Procedure for Handling Conduct Issues/Problems 27
Suspension and Expulsion 29
Safe Environment Diocesan Policy 29
Textbooks 31
Extra-Curricular Activities 31
Fire/Tornado/Lockdown Drills 32
Guidance 33
Lunch Services 34
Weapons on Campus 34
Athletic Handbook Table of Contents 39
Introduction 40
Philosophy 40
Academics 40
Conduct 40
Responsibilities 41
Transportation 41
Dress Code 42
Participation 42
Parent and Spectator Expectations 44
Weather Policy 45
Fees 45
Dear Parents and Students:
This handbook has been prepared to be a source of information in the philosophy, purpose and operational procedures of St. Ann’s Catholic School.
Our most important concern is for your child as an individual. In all that we do, we strive to further the total educational development of each child. Because we are a Catholic institution of learning, we are committed to strive for excellence, and above all, to provide a Christian environment where Christian ideals are developed and lived. Our primary goal is to “teach as Jesus did” by word and example, the Good News of Jesus. However, the school can only supplement, not replace, the religious education provided by the family, who as the Church teaches, has the primary responsibility for the child’s Christian formation.
We feel that your choice of St. Ann’s Catholic School for your child’s formal education is an indication of your special interest in the total development of your child. We accept the confidence you show in us by asking us to join with you as partners in your child’s education. The task of preparing today’s young people for the challenges of adult life is not easy, but it is certainly rewarding. We must work together to achieve our goals. A school’s strength vitally depends on the cooperation of parents and teachers in the educational process. Only in working together may we hope for success in the task before us.
May God give us His strength as we begin each school year and each day. May He work through each of us and help us grow in His wisdom and grace.
Sincerely in Christ,
Ms. Joan Wilmes Mr. Fernando Ochoa
Principal Assistant Principal
St. Ann’s Catholic School joins with families to form students’ faith, knowledge and character.
Educating the Saints
To help in leading all souls to heaven
St. Ann’s School is accredited by the Texas Catholic Conference Education Department (TCCED) and AdvancED. TCCED oversees the accreditation of Catholic schools in Texas with the assistance of the Texas Catholic Conference Accreditation Commission (TCCAC) and is a part of the state-approved Texas Private School Accreditation Commission that carries the Texas Education Agency (TEA) endorsement.
St. Ann’s School opened in August, 1950 as a branch of Midland’s newly established St. Ann’s Church. The original schoolhouse was one story, and also served as a convent. In its first year of operation,
St. Ann’s School had 175 students in kindergarten through sixth grades. The first eighth grade class (of only nine students) graduated in 1953. The junior high grades were discontinued in the seventies.
In 1956, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McClintic donated a half block of land west of St. Ann's School, which is now known as "McClintic Field." This land is now used as a playground. The school gymnasium was built in 1960 and the cafeteria was added in 1965. With the help of parents and parishioners, the gymnasium was later renovated with new flooring and other amenities to meet ADA requirements. The Early Childhood Center was built in 1994 for our three and four-year old preschool program. With the added space, the enrollment in the Early Childhood program has grown. In 2000, seventh grade was added and a year later, eighth grade. The campus now includes four buildings and two play-areas for students.
At the school's dedication ceremony in 1950, Most Reverend John L. Morkovsky, Bishop of Amarillo, said: "This school is a monument to the Catholic faith in Midland. It reveals a high state of development. Congratulations are due for the sacrifices that have been made and have to be made for this contribution to Catholic Christian civilization. This school is your gift - a legacy to this generation and the generations to come. It is a monument of your faith, and Almighty God will bless you for your children - an institution wherein they may seek the Good, the True, and the Beautiful in Almighty God - wherein they may learn to love God, His Church, and the Sacraments. May this school be a blessing for generations to come." No truer words can be said.
St. Ann’s Catholic School will foster Spiritual Development in children by promoting a community of engaged believers, learners and members in the family of Jesus Christ.
1. Children will participate in daily prayer, religious instruction and weekly Mass.
2. Students will participate in acts of service for one another, church, local and global communities.
St. Ann’s Catholic School will promote the Intellectual Development of students by providing a supportive and challenging environment, which encourages each child to think critically and intelligently.
1. Critical thinking and problem-solving skills will be developed through a challenging curriculum.
2. Students’ academic achievement will be measured by teacher assessment and annual standardized testing.
St. Ann’s Catholic School will direct the Personal Development of each child by collaborating with parents to help each child realize his/her spiritual, academic, and creative gifts.
1. Teachers communicate with parents periodically to share information and encourage progress.
2. A value-based human sexuality course is integrated into the religion curriculum in all grade levels.
3. The counseling program guides students in developing self-esteem, personal confidence, and goal setting.
St. Ann’s Catholic School promotes the Social Development of each child through the curriculum and modeled Christian values.
1. Classroom rules are centered on respect for each person.
2. Students are involved in leadership development opportunities such as Mass Lectors, Midland Junior Leadership, oral speaking, and student ambassadorship.
St. Ann’s Catholic School helps the Physical Development of each child by providing a program of health and physical education centered on Christian respect for themselves and others.
1. The Physical Education curriculum offers each child opportunities to increase fitness through a variety of rhythmic and aerobic activities.
2. Students participate in directed and non-directed physical activities which foster Christian sportsmanship.
3. Students in physical education classes learn organized sports that can be used during life for leisure.
The following requirements must be met in order to gain admission to St. Ann’s Catholic School:
A. The procedure for registration begins with the re-enrollment of currently enrolled students followed by the registration of new students. Registration occurs in the spring. Exact dates are announced through school and parish communications.
B. A student entering 3 or 4 year old Preschool must be three/four (3/4) years old respectively, by September 1 of that school year and fully potty trained.
C. A student entering Kindergarten must be five (5) years old by September 1 of that school year. If a family moves to Texas from out of state and the child has been admitted at another accredited school according to that school’s requirements, but does not meet St. Ann’s requirements, then admission may be considered on a case by case basis.
D. Before a student is accepted, it is necessary to submit the following:
1. A Baptismal certificate (if applicable)
2. An official birth certificate
3. Copy of Social Security card
4. Current immunization record
5. Former school records including the most recent report card(s) and
standardized test scores
6. Copy of any formal evaluation explaining identified exceptionality
7. Completed registration and health cards.
8. Non-refundable registration fee
9. Signed financial agreement
10. Signed Parent-Student Handbook form
E. An interview with the principal may be scheduled to discuss any educational issues, special abilities or difficulties which might influence your child’s progress at St. Ann’s School.
F. Transfer from St. Ann’s Catholic School requires the following steps:
1. Notification to principal by parent at least one week in advance.
2. Return all materials on loan to student in good condition.
3. Completion of all required payments as agreed upon at admission.
4. Child’s records will be transferred to the next school upon receiving the written request from said school and approval by parent or guardian upon completion of requirements stated above.
G. St. Ann’s Catholic School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic policies, admission policies and other school administered programs.
The St. Ann’s After School Program is designed to help working parents whose children need supervision between school and work dismissal. The After School program is for students in 4PK-8th grade. The program is structured around activities involving homework, computers, gym/play time and snack time. Children are grouped according to age and grade so that groups may interact with materials and children at their own level. Please be aware of the schedule when arriving prior to 5:00 PM and sign out your child. If a child is picked up early, it is vital that the child is signed out so records are accurate. Do not call the office to have your child meet you in an unsupervised area. Parents must come in the building to pick up children. The children will be by the front door at 5:05 PM for regular parent pick-up.
Children are expected to behave and follow all school rules during After School. The staff encourages the development of good values such as cooperation, sportsmanship and respect for peers, adults and property. Parents will be notified for consistent misbehavior and/or any major problems with behavior. If a behavior problem cannot be resolved, parents will be asked to make other arrangements for their child’s after school care. After School staff will not be responsible for any disciplinary action against a child for behavior that occurs a part from After School hours. The staff is dedicated to making the After School time a positive experience.
There will be no after school on holidays, early dismissals or special days. These dates are listed on the school calendar or sent home in the Tuesday Folder.
Payments for After School Rates may be made weekly or monthly. Payments can be given to the staff during After School or in the office at any time. When sending a payment, be sure to write “After School” on the memo line. The office will send a statement weekly in the Tuesday Folder. If there is a discrepancy, please contact the After School Director for resolution.
Per Child Loading Zone Tardy/Per Child
3:10-3:30 $1.00 3:30-3:44 $1.00
3:31-3:44 $2.00 3:45-4:00 $3.00
3:45-4:00 $3.00 4:01-5:30 $6.00
4:01-5:30 $6.00
*After 4:00, each additional sibling will be an additional $2.00.
After 5:30 PM there will be a charge of $1.00 PER MINUTE per child. Additional charges will be incurred according to the time on the school clock. If a child cannot be picked up before 5:30 PM, child care arrangements should be made elsewhere.
Prompt and regular attendance is essential for each child’s daily school performance. Absences or tardies interfere greatly with student progress. It is the responsibility of the parents to make sure students attend school and are on time. In order to receive school credit, the student must have attended 90% of the days the class is offered. Excessive absences or tardies may jeopardize re-enrollment status for the following year. Absences for health-related reasons, family emergencies, and medical appointments do not apply. Individual consequences for repetitive absences will be evaluated on a situational basis. Missed assignments are the student’s responsibility.
A. Absence
A student who has been absent must present the teacher with a written excuse from a parent or guardian. Parents are asked to call the school office (684-4563) before 9:00 AM if their child is absent. Homework request can be given at that time. A child that leaves before 12:00 AM will receive an absence equivalent to a half-day. Taking children out of school for an extended vacation during the year is strongly discouraged.