The Australian Model Rocketry Society Inc.
Australian Rocketry’s Thunda Down Under 2015
If you intend to launch a rocket to an altitude above 18,000’ AMSL (17,000’ AGL),the flight must bereviewed and approved by the AMRS Technical Advisory Group (TAG). This review is not a legal requirement, but is required by the AMRS in order to help fulfil its responsibility to the insurer. Any proposed high altitude flights that have not had a review will not be permitted to fly.
The key items reviewed are:
- Basic aerodynamic design and characteristics of the rocket
- Basic qualities of the recovery, tracking systems and expected flight profile
- Determining whether the flyer has conducted sufficient preparations to satisfy the AMRS TAGof their readiness for what is a complex flight.
TAG is essentially interested in whether it will go up and come down safely, whether it will stay within the cylinder and whether it will be found.
Note that YOU are and will remain responsible for the safetyandsuccess of your flight, but the final word regarding it will remain with the RSO or LaunchDirector.
Do your homework, prepare sufficiently, fly safely!
Please send the following information to by no later than
21 February 2015
- This completed MS WORD document
- At least five good quality photos of airframe and avionics
- At least one good quality photo of the rocket and flyer together
- An accurate Open Rocket simulation file
(Note: that the sim needs to be of the AS-BUILT or NEARLY COMPLETE rocket.
Don’t send us a sim of a rocket that does not yet exist!)
The photos and information will be used for the review and may later be used for the Rockets Magazine article. By providing the photos you give consent for them to be used as mentioned.
You will be notified by return e-mail of the outcome of the review by no later than 2 March 2015
ARTDU 2015
Flight Datasheet – flights above 18,000’ AGL
Tel Number:
E-mail Address:
Certifying Organisation & Membership Number:
Certification Level:
Write these details on your rocket too. That way we can get it back to you if you lost it.
Name of project:
Maximum Diameter
Overall Length
Number of stages
Basic description of construction
(e.g. custom epoxy / fibreglass composite 2mm wall thickness body tube with custom 3mm epoxy / carbon fibre composite fins)
Gross Lift-off Weight (G.L.O.W.)
(If Hybrid or Hybrid EX, provide full details on separate sheet, including details of at least one successful test burn)
Expected Altitude
(as per Open Rocket sim)
Safety going up:
Thrust-to-weight ratio & G’s acceleration
Length of rail / tower
Velocity at top of rail / tower
Stability margin on the pad
Minimum stability margin during flight
Describe flight events up to apogee in a paragraph or two, where applicable.
(e.g. staging events & electronics, expected deceleration after burnout, how you dealt with drag separation etc.)
Safety coming down:
Flight computer/s details
Tracking System details
(Include make, model, power output, your intended frequency & your ground equipment, antennas etc.)
Describe flight events & recovery systems in a paragraph or two, including expected descent rates and the best-guess recovery distance from launch.
Have you looked at (NOAA equivalent) to ascertain typical wind conditions in the area?
Have you looked at the launch site and the expected drift during descent, given the above? Have you included this in your sim?
You are expected to spend time on the above two dot points, as this is common practice for high altitude launches.
Contact us if you need assistance.
Sanity Check:
Have you done this sort of flight before / Do you have relevant experience that makes your attempt feasible?
What are you trying to achieve with this flight?
Has it been done before?
What makes you believe you’ll be successful?
Do your homework, prepare sufficiently, fly safely!
See you out there!
AMRS TAG – ARTDU 2015 High Altitude Flight Review(Rev1.0) 13/01/2015 Page1 of 4