Online Learning Module Implementation

Activity 1: Online Communication

Students actively participated in the class forum by following the rubric provided in the lesson.

Content Objectives:

Students will be able to

1.  Appreciate popular Japanese folktales by comparing and discussing the differences and similarities between the Japanese tales and the folktales that are familiar to them.

2.  Students will be able to internalize Japanese folktales by making connections between the Japanese tales and their geographic and cultural knowledge about Japan.

3.  As a result of online communication, students will be able to decide on a Japanese folktale to which s/he will write a sequel story.

Technology Objectives:

Students will be able to

1.  Communicate in the online forum in edu20 by following safety rules and practicing netiquette.

2.  Understand the importance of online safety and netiquette.

3.  Submit his/her assignment electronically by using edu20’s assignment feature.

Student’s Product

Please go to the class forum titled “Japanese Folktales.” Students’ discussions are posted under “After reading” and “After Power Point Presentations.” The codes “1st” and “3rd” after the students’ names indicate their class periods. You will be able to identify which class each student is from and see if these two classes were interacting online.

Evidence of Support

I posted my responses and feedback to students in the class forum. A rubric was used to provide the discussion expectations and guidelines, and it was also used to grade participation. This rubric can be found under the March 23 lesson.

Activity 2: Online Research

Students conducted their online research on the Japanese tale of their choice and edited the class wiki to share their finding.

Content Objective

Students will be able to deepen their knowledge about the Japanese tale of their choice by exploring the backgrounds of the tale.

Technology Objectives

Students will be able to:

1.  Conduct online research using alternative keywords for a specific topic.

2.  Collect acceptable information by evaluating types of information sources and by locating multiple resources.

3.  Collect acceptable information from a translated web page with the understanding of the nature of translated materials.

4.  Save their findings and web site URLs in their storage sections in edu2.0.

5.  Share findings by editing the class wiki in the edu2.0.

6.  Hyperlink references in the class wiki by following an instruction and a video tutorial.

Student’s Product

Please go to the wiki in the LMS (edu2.0) and find the class wiki titled “Japanese Folktale.”

Evidence of Support

I provided written instructions for online research and wiki editing including a multimedia tutorial on how to hyperlink. You can find these instructions under the March 24 lesson. I provided feedback to the students when I returned their graded wiki assignment. Please see the example of my feedback.

Activity 3: Student’s Project (VoiceThread Project)

Students spent the second week creating storyboards for their VoiceThread project. They spent the final days in the third week editing their VoiceThreads.

Content Objectives

Students will be able to

1.  Write a short sequel story to the tale of their choice by synthesizing their language skills and knowledge about their selected tales.

2.  Orally tell their story by reading out their scripts.

3.  Express the context of their story with images.

Technology Objectives

Students will be able to

1.  Create audio-visual presentation by uploading images and recording their voice in VoiceThread.

2.  Apply their understanding of copyright and intellectual property of others by citing properly the sources of information and images they use.

Student’s Product

Storyboard---Please see the example of students’ storyboards.

VoiceThread----Please go to the forum titled “VoiceThread Project.” Students’ products are posted under “VoiceThread Review.”

Evidence of Support

The lessons under March 29 and 30 provide instructions and resources for storyboard making. The lesson under April 12 includes instructions and multimedia tutorials for VoiceThread editing. I also provided my feedback to each student when I returned graded assignments.

Additional Evidence of Support

During the online learning experience sessions, I maintained my presence online everyday. Please go to the chat section and see conversations between my students and me. Most of our chats have been deleted. You may be able to see the recent ones.


It was a very exciting moment when I first saw the students interacting with their peers from the different class period in the forum. To me this online reunion was a meaningful use of the LMS. My online class was also to replace the regular class hours with the online learning experience. The students were using media center computers for this project without the regular teachers’ supervision. For this reason, I was pressured to include lessons and instructions to keep them on task every day. I tried to be selective about what to include in the everyday lessons. However, my LMS looked “crammed” with information and resources. I was worried that it might discourage students to read and they may overlook some important instructions. It may have done the negative effect. Some of the students had trouble submitting assignments through the edu2.0 system. I had to redirect them to the orientation lesson where they could find the tutorial for assignment submission. I noticed much later the fact that I did not mention how to submit assignment in the quiz for the review of the initial lesson. I think I learned a lesson. I need to double check if a quiz covers everything important.

As I expected, 14 days was not long enough for some of the students. I offered to extend the deadline for the final assignment and students took the offer. My students thanked me for my flexibility but it is really this new learning environment that allows us to work extra days. To complete their project, which is the VoiceThead project, it does not require the students to use the media center anymore. At this moment, two students have completed and turned in their projects.

Another thing I liked about online learning and teaching is that I could monitor students’ activities and give feedback privately and timely. I had my students to share two VoiceThread accounts and I was able to monitor their progress and give advice when necessary.

Overall I think it went really well and I truly enjoyed my first online teaching experience. I would like to have more online teaching opportunities in the future.

Sample Wiki Assignment Feedback

Submitted: Mar 26, 8:28 am
Attempts: 1 | Maximum attempts: | Allow late submissions:

Excuse assignment

I have made my contribution to the class wiki page. (under Urashima Tarou) -Andria


Score: 100/100 (100%)

Grade: A+

Teacher comment:
I can see you have done a nice job editing the wiki. It looks like you have hit some good information sources. I didn't know that turtle is a symbol of good fortune and longevity. Maybe that is why Urashima Taro wanted to save the turtle. Nice job!

Student’s Graded Storyboard

Story template/story board

You can insert more sections if you want to. This template shows the minimum requirement.

(Write your script in Japanese except for the Summary section.)
* Use only grammars and expressions you learned in Chapters 1-7.
*New nouns, proverbs, verbs are OK. / Image
(You need at least three images that fit your script. You can search appropriate images or draw your own. For details please refer to the instruction in the lesson.
If the image is not available at the time you submit your rough draft assignment, just provide a description on what the image is like. However, ALL the images are due at the time you submit your final draft. ) / Rationale based on your knowledge and research about your script and images
(In the appropriate section, explain to the audience how you have come up with the content of the section such as the script and/or image. Share the basis, facts, and findings from your research that you used to create your story.)
1. Title section
うらしまたろう / うらしまたろう
2. Summary of the original story section
In a small fishing city on the sea, a man was walking along the beach where he came upon a group of children who seemed strangely excited. He found them playing with and torturing a sea turtle. The man had saved the turtle and set it free. A few days later, the man, encountered a large sea turtle that thanked the man for saving the little turtle and invited him to their underwater palace. There, he met a princess and stayed with her in her castle for. Then, the man became homesick so the princess arranged for him to return and gave him a special box, which he was told never to open. Once he came to the surface, everything changed and he recognized no one. Being confused, he opened the box the princess gave him and turned old instantly. / / I drew this picture in MS Paint. It represents the main idea behind the story and symbolizes good fortune and longevity.
3. Introduction Section
A long time ago, there was an old man by the name of
うらしまたろう。He lived in a small village right on the sea. He was very sad and lonely, and spent much time staring at the sea. It was as if he belonged there, and wanted to go back. / / I drew this on MS Paint. This shows the main character sitting on the beach, staring into the ocean, which he misses.

4. Action Section
うらしまたろうmisses the underwater palace so much from his first visit, that he jumps in the sea to go find it. In his journey, he comes across many creatures that help him find the palace. / Your image here
/ See the sample storyboard and the sample voice thread.
5. Conclusion Section
Tell/describe how the story ends.
/ Your image here

. / See the sample storyboard and the sample voice thread.
6. Credit and reference Section
Unless you draw all the pictures yourself, list all the images and its sources. (See the details in the instruction in the lesson. / Credit
Image of a lake
Add information of the source
Cite sources for information you used