/ Fees & Expenses Claim Form
Higher Examinations / Form: HDOC
UPS1 Amended

Please type into this form, then print, sign and attach receipts (where appropriate). An electronic version is available at:

Return this completed form to the Degree Committee that has appointed you for authorisation. Payment will be made by the Fees Funding Team upon receipt of the authorised form from the Degree Committee.

All examiners, whether teaching officers of the University of Cambridge or not, are eligible to receive a fee for examination of a research degree: PhD, MSc, MLitt, BD, EngD, VetMD, MD, certain MPhils, Graduate Diplomas (thesis and oral only), and Higher Doctorates. For all other examinations, no payment can be paid to University Teaching Officers other than to an Associate Lecturer who receives no stipend from the University.


Surname* / House Name
Forename 1* / Number/Street*
Title* / Local Area
Date of Birth*
(DD/MM/YYYY) / Town*
NI Number* / Post Code
Gender (circle)* / Male Female Undisclosed / Country
Email Address*


Name of candidate/course of study*:
Dept. of candidate/course of study*:
Date(s) of Examination: / Examination conducted (delete as appropriate): / University of Cambridge elsewhere

* indicates mandatory fields

Indicate the Fee(s) you wish to claim in the right-hand column. If you would like the Degree Committee which appointed you to complete the Fee(s) section, leave this column blank.

Ph.D, Eng.D, Ed.D., M.D. MLitt, M.Sc., Ph.D by special regulations
1st year Registration Examiner(non-UTO) / £70
Examiner / £135
Independent Chair / £50
Assessor for prima facie stage / £42
Examiner of resubmitted thesis (no viva) / £100
Higher Doctorates: D.D., L.L.D, Sc.D, LittD, Mus.D, Med.Sc.D.
Assessor for prima facie stage / £42
Referee / £175
M.Phil (by thesis only)
Examiner / £110

If you wish to ‘waive’ your fee and have it paid to your employing University, complete the ‘Fee Waiver’ form, which can be found at enclose it with this form.

------EXPENSES ------

Please ensure your expense claims are within allowable limits (see Section 2 of attached guidance).

Description / Cost
Total Expenses

------PAYMENT DETAILS ------

University of Cambridge Payroll

If you are paid via University of Cambridge payroll, provide the Employee Number from the centre of your payslip. You will be paid with your monthly salary. Do not complete the bank details section below. Note that your fee payment is subject to tax and NI.
Please provide the last 4 digits of your bank account number used by payroll.

Employee Signature: ______Date______

Bank Details (non-UK bank accounts only)

Please attach bank details required to make international payments as supplied by your bank. This should include IBAN and BIC/SWIFT numbers for EU accounts and a SWIFT and Routing Number for US accounts. This information can also be found on statements or through on-line banking which you can print or scan and attach to this form. Hand written details cannot be accepted.

Bank Details (UK bank accounts only)

Bank Name* / Branch
Sort Code* / Account Number*
Roll Number (if applicable)

Self Employment Declaration for ‘Higher’ degree examiners who are not members of Cambridge University staff

I acknowledge and declare that:

  • I will be wholly responsible for any liability and payment of tax arising from these payments.
  • I will abide by university policies including but not limited to those governing health and safety and dignity at work and comply with reasonable requests as regards compliance with such policies. I consent to the holding and processing, both electronically and manually, of my personal data for the purposes of the administration purposes and for compliance with applicable laws.
  • I have obtained any licences or consents required for the use of third party materials in the provision of the Services.
  • I will keep confidential now and in the future all matters relating to the University, its research, its students and its business except insofar as those matters are already in the public domain.
  • This appointment for services does not confer on me any right to sick pay or holiday pay, or any other employment or workers’ rights.
  • This appointment is terminable by the University on seven days written notice.

Claimant Signature: ______Date______

Return this form to the Degree Committee that has appointed you for authorisation.


For office use only:

Dept/ Degree Committee Authorisation – this section must be completed before returning to the Student Registry
Degree Committee/ Department Name:
Confirm total fee amount £
Name of Contact (Block Capitals): / Email of contact:
Signature: / Date Approved:

Notes for completing Payment of Fees & Expenses Application Form

  1. Eligibility for payment of fees

All examiners, whether teaching officers of the University of Cambridge or not, are eligible to receive a fee for a research degree examined by thesis and oral examination only and to claim allowable expenses as outlined below.

2.Guidelines for the Repayment of Expenses

Expenses within guidelines are repaid in full. Examiners are asked to cover and reclaim expenses, providing receipts with this form. Reimbursements for expenses above the limits set out below or submitted without receipts are not guaranteed without prior approval.

a)Travel Expenses

Examiners are required to use the most cost effective form of transport.

External Examiners may claim travel expenses to cover their transport between their normal place of residence and Cambridge (or, if the examination is held elsewhere, the location of the examination) as outlined below.

Internal Examiners required to travel from Cambridge, when the oral examination is held elsewhere, may claim travel expenses as outlined below.

Rail: Claims may not exceed the return fare at the best pre-booked standard rate available between the Examiner's normal place of residence and Cambridge (or the examination location, if held elsewhere). Tickets should be for second class travel.

Car: Travel expenses may be claimed at the rate of 45p per mile up to 10,000 miles and 25p per mile thereafter.

Taxi: Long distance taxi fares from airports (ie Stansted, Heathrow) cannot be claimed from central resources.

Air: External Examiners from outside the UK and those from certain parts of the UK may claim return economy airfares. It is the responsibility of the Degree Committee to seek pre-authorisation for Overseas (non EU) travel from Catherine Maxwell at the Student Registry. Her permission must be attached to the claim.


Subsistence expenses may be claimed at the rates below. No payment may be made in respect of a day or night on which an Examiner's absence from his or her normal place of residence is unnecessary. All claims must be supported by a receipt.

The current maximum rates to cover expenses actually incurred are as follows:

For part of a day including lunch / £ 8.75 / or the amount
For part of a day including dinner / £21.00 / actually
For part of a day including lunch and dinner / £29.75 / spent, whichever
For bed and breakfast / £99.00 / is less

NB: Internal Examiners:

  • Expenses cannot be claimed for entertaining students or supervisors, under any circumstances.
  • Entertainment expenses cannot be claimed for members of an MPhil Examination Committee except for the personal expenses of the External Examiner
  • If the Internal Examiner entertains the External Examiner over a meal, this may be claimed at the ‘dinner’ rate of £21 per examiner. When submitting a claim for entertainment expenses for another Examiner, please give details of persons included in the claim and make an appropriate reduction for any part of the bill not eligible to be reimbursed.

External Examiners requiring overnight accommodation are advised to consult the Head of the appropriate Department/Faculty as it may be possible to arrange accommodation in a College or at certain hotels at which the University has negotiated a preferential rate. Accommodation costs should not exceed one night in normal circumstances.

c)Other Expenses

Claims may be made for any reasonable expenses incurred by an Examiner in the undertaking of their duties; e.g. costs of postage, printing and the typing of reports.

If you require advice about the nature and level of fees and expenses to be claimed, please contact the Student Registry:

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