Chemistry Issues In-The-News Data Sheet

Name: Lindsay Tholen

CATEGORY: Science Journal

Title of Article: New Materials For better Athletes

General Topic: New materials used in the 2008 Olympics

Source: ChemMatters

Link to the Article:


Author: Jean Thilmany

Issue Date: October 2008

Volume: 1

Page Number(s): 3

ARTICLE SYNOPSIS (minimum 1 paragraph [six sentences]) Explain the main points of the article:

Over the past fifty years many materials such as clothes and equipment have changed in the Olympics. Chemists have been a major part in these many break-throughs. Through extensive research and then development chemists and many others have improved the athletes’ performances. Some of the many things that have improved in the Olympic Games are: the artificial turf that many games are played on, the swimmer wear such as their swimsuits, and the tennis rackets.

The artificial turf was created in the early 1960’s. It was first used in the Astrodome in 1966. One of the many benefits of having this turf is that it does not become worn and rugged. Multiple games can be played on these turf fields without it ever showing signs of being worn or used. In the Olympics it has drastically changed the amount of games played on one field. It has helped the flow of the Olympic Games and made it much easier on the country that is running it.

The swimsuits that are worn in the Olympics have helped the athletes move faster through the fabric that it is made out of. Every year we hear about the latest innovative swimsuit that is best for each swimmer. The less drag that the swimsuit holds lets the swimmer achieve their ultimate time in each race. Another innovation that was just recently made was the XLA fiber. With this fiber the swimsuits can withstand much more exposure to the harsh chlorine.

The tennis rackets that are used in the Olympics have improved remarkably. The original rackets made out of wood are now unheard of, and they are being taken over by the composite materials that all major companies make for their rackets. With these composites you can shape and mix other chemicals to improve each player’s game. This increases each performance and swift movement of the tennis players out on the court.

1. What did you learn from reading the article? (Minimum 3 sentences)

I learned that through these new innovative developments to the game we have truly increased each athlete’s performance. I also learned that Chemistry plays a major role in each individual sport, and without it we would be missing some major break-throughs. On the other side of that though, I realized how talented the previous generations of athletes had to be without these new innovative developments.

2. How is this article related to chemistry? (Minimum 3 sentences)

Chemistry played a major role in seeing the obstacles such as force, and resistance and making them as minimal as possible. With the artificial turf the chemist’s saw the wear and tear that the natural grass was taking and decided to innovate it. They used specific molecules such as polyamides to make the artificial grass as close to regular grass as possible. With these molecules it caused much less resistance, and was able to withstand much more use. The swimsuits that are made help the swimmers persevere through the force and resistance that the water forces on them. The shape and the materials help them move swiftly through the water. The rackets that are made out of composites help increase the motion of the tennis player are immensely reduce the force going against it. Through all the new inventions and improvements the whole level of games has stepped up. Without these improvements through chemistry many athletes would be really lost in this present day of Olympics.

3. Pick out two important points made by this article that you think other people should know about. Why? (2 paragraphs, one for each point)

I think that people should know that through these new improvements we are not only helping the athletes perform, but also we are helping the environment. A perfect example is with these artificial turf fields. The infill that is used within the yarn is made up of rubber which is taken from old tires. On average per year twenty-five million tires are used in these fields. So we are preventing all those tires from sitting in a landfill. So with the chemists and environmentalists working together we can not only improve our sports, but also the world we live in.

I think that people should know that even though we have these improvements that make our athletes lives easier, they still have to work ridiculously hard. The games that we play have been stepped up and changed from the original setup, but just as our materials change so does the level of competition. The materials can help improve the athlete, but the ones that excel in their support truly go beyond the limit of expectations. With these materials you cannot give an athlete quick reflexes, speed, and a will-power to go through these extreme lifestyles of nonstop training and dedication. The ones who win the gold medals and multiple awards are the ones who have talent from deep within. We may be able to alter the equipment and the game, but the ones who can rise to the challenge and exceed everybody around them truly worked for their medals.