September 28, 2011 -7:00 PM

Meeting called to order at 7:04 p.m.

“Pledge of Allegiance” recited.

Roll Call. Present: Visceglia, Hallowich, Loughridge, Simard, Cerasoli, Fostle, Windish, Ondish. Absent: Absalon, Foley, Wilson, vandenHende, Nelson.

Motion for approval of meeting minutes from July 20, 2011. Motion by Cerasoli second by Loughridge. Yes: Visceglia, Hallowich, Loughridge, Simard, Cerasoli, Fostle, Windish, Ondish. Motion approved.

7:06 p.m. – vandenHende arrives

Motion for approval of vouchers. Motion by Simard second by Cerasoli. Yes: Visceglia, Hallowich, Loughridge, Simard, Cerasoli, Fostle, vandenHende, Windish, Ondish. Motion approved.

7:10 p.m. – Wilson arrives

Memorialization of Resolution:

United Water – Jersey Inc. – Block 72, Lot 1.01 and Block 61, Lot 42.03 – Dawes Way. Request for one year extension for preliminary and final site plan approval with variances memorialized on June 24, 2009.

Motion by Simard, second by Cerasoli. Yes: Hallowich, Loughridge, Simard, Cerasoli, Fostle, vandenHende, Windish, Ondish. Motion approved.

Public Hearing:

Valley Road Redevelopment Area – Block 61, Lots 42.01 and 42.02. Investigation to determine the need to name the property “an area in need of redevelopment.”

Prior Notice was deficient per NJ Redevelopment Statute.

The current meeting is to comply with above stated Statute.

Mr. Selvaggi presents flowcharts regarding the redevelopment process. Responsibilities of parties involved are explained.

The charts are entered into record as new exhibits for current project.

George Ritter, Board Planner, is sworn in and provides credentials.

Mr. Ritter states that the purpose of this meeting is only to determine that Valley Road Redevelopment Area complies with all statutes and standards to be considered “an area in need of redevelopment.”

Mr. Ritter presents his report from July 8, 2011 and explains requirements for a qualifying redevelopment zone.

Mr. Selvaggi states that although a previous meeting discussed all issues, due to deficient notice the meeting will be disregarded and current meeting will be for public record/knowledge.

Mr. Ritter concludes that the site meets the criteria to be deemed “an area in need of redevelopment” and recommends that the Land Use Board consider the presented information.

The board questions why Mr. Ritter recommends to include Block 73, Lot 1?

Mr. Ritter explains Block 73, Lot 1 was included due to its location and ownership.

7:47 p.m. – Open to Public

Alfred Walters, resident at Seasons Glen, would like to know what kind of units will be built.

Mr. Selvaggi states that the applicant proposed apartments, however no determination can be made at this point in the process.

Clinton Hill, 352 Howard Boulevard, would like to know that if the property meets the requirements for a redevelopment zone, will the Land Use Board still have input on the development?

Mr. Selvaggi states that if the property is found to meet the requirements, the Land Use Board would still be involved in the development approval process.

Mr. Hill questions why the area needs to be rezoned?

Mr. Ritter states that the property currently has prior site plan approval for office buildings, and if current action is abandoned, development of any other type will require Board approval again.

Zoning is unnecessary for current determination of a redevelopment zone. At this time, the actual redevelopment plan is unknown. Once determined, it will be available for public review and comment.

This meeting is only to determine if the properties meet the criteria of “an area in need of redevelopment.”

If a resolution is passed, a report will be sent to the council for their review and final determination with regard to a redevelopment plan.

Steven Sadow, 124 Ondish Court, How was the oversight in legal notice discovered, and who made the recommendation to clear up the situation?

Mr. Selvaggi realized the error.

7:57 p.m. – Closed to Public

Motion to approve Block 61, Lots 42.01 and 42.02 as “an area in need of redevelopment” by Cerasoli, second by Wilson. Yes: Visceglia, Hallowich, Loughridge, Simard, Wilson, Cerasoli, Fostle, vandenHende, Windish, Ondish. Motion approved.

Motion to memorialize the resolution for the above referenced approval. By Cerasoli, second by Wilson. Yes: Visceglia, Hallowich, Loughridge, Simard, Wilson, Cerasoli, Fostle, vandenHende, Windish, Ondish. Motion approved

Motion to adjourn at 8:03 p.m. All in favor.

Reyna M. Burger

Clerk/Secretary to the Board