Monthly Merits for October
Congratulations to our award winners, who were as follows:-
CLASS / PUPIL NAME / MERIT ACHIEVED FORP1 / Euan Wilson / Great counting and lovely number work
P2/1 / Joseph McGinley / Lovely , neat maths work
P2 / Kathryn D’Arcy / Great capital letters and full stops
P3 / Charlie McLernon / Fantastic factfile – excellent research and effort
P4 / Seth Todd / Great effort with multiplication work
P5 / Evelina Chikaya / Wonderful, well –presented work in STEM!
P6/5 / Aodan Brannigan / Super effort with equivalent fractions
P7/6 / Ayesha Azam / Well presented work
CLASS / PUPIL NAME / GENRE/TITLE OF PIECEP1 / Lauren Hasset / Adding her own sentence in Big Writing
P2/1 / Emma Seenan / Good variety of openers in her writing
P2 / Luca Mackie / Great improvement with writing
P3 / Ora Lafferty / Brilliant writing – excellent wow words and verbs
P4 / Tony Hamilton / A great effort- included facts from research
P5 / Kieran Naughton / Wonderful newspaper report
P6/5 / Julia Sebesta / “ Andrew’s Life”- superb paragraph structure and descriptive writing in her story
P7/6 / Hannah Cassidy / Excellent Big Writing “Should children be allowed to buy junk food”
Thank you to 3 of our lovely mums who very kindly spent the day this week, painting the masonry at the front of the school, varnishing our front door and basically completing a much needed transformation of our entrance in preparation for the Jubilee. Thanks to Mrs McFadyen, Mrs Millar and Mrs McBride for all of their hard work and for giving of their time.
If your extended family or neighbours/friends attended Our Lady of the Annunciation Primary School and you have any photographs or interesting items from that time, please send them to the school for our memorabilia display.There will be a box located in the school foyer for you to place items after the October break, or alternatively, your child can pass it to their teacher. Please clearly label on the back of the photograph who is in the
photograph, in which decade it was taken and how that person is related to a current pupil.Please note to whom the photograph should be returned.
Mass will take place in St Gabriel’s Church on Thursday 24th November @ 9.30 am and all parents are welcome to join us.Thereafter,our invited guests will join us at school for some hospitality.
There will be a further planned open evening for all parents and members of the local community to view our school displays and join us for tea and coffee onTuesday 29thNovember from 6-7pm.
Any parents who can further assist with school displays in the lead up to the jubilee celebrations, please contact the school.
P4 / Football / P4 continue to enjoy coaching on a Tuesday morning. They have been joined by Sports Leaders from Holyrood High school (6th Year) who will continue to lead them in ball skills.P6/5 and P5 / Gaelic Football
/ Both classes will take part in a follow up festival (date to be confirmed)
P7/6 / Gaelic Football / P7/6 have commenced Gaelic football which will run until December
P6 / Swimming / Swimming dates for P6 have still to be confirmed
CLASS / EVENTFIRE SAFETY / / The fire service visited P6 and P7 pupils on Friday 4thNovember to ensure all pupils at this stage are aware of safety issues around Bonfire night and fireworks displays.
P1 / Science Centre / Wednesday 9th NovemberAFTER SCHOOL EVENTS IN NOVEMBER
After School Choir / Mondays 3-4pm / The choir are currently rehearsing a lovely piece to perform at our Jubilee Mass, under the direction of Mrs WatsonAfter School Football
/ Mondays 3-4pm / Football (P4 – P7) started on 3rd October and will run for 6 weeks in total
After School Recorder
/ Wednesdays 3-4pm / Mrs McKirdy reports that the recorder group are progressing well, with 2 pupils currently preparing to play at the Glasgow Music Festival which will be on the first 2 weeks of March (TBC)
The school photographer took class photographs for all classes and individual or family groups for all families on Monday 31st October. Copies of photographs should be available for viewing at Parents night.
The photographer will return this session to take a whole school photograph to commemorate Jubilee Year…. more details to follow.
Mr Fisher and the children of P6/5 led us in the celebration of mass to mark the end of term on Thursday 13th October at 10am. My thanks to Mr Fisher for preparing the children so well..
P5 led us in our mass on All Saints day this week and again, my thanks to both Miss Campbell and Mrs Carrigan for their work in preparing the children. /
The Liturgy Group met on 2nd November and under the guidance of Father Michael has written our school prayer. This will be put onto cards, courtesy of Father Michael and the parish, and distributed to all children and visitors at our Jubilee mass.
The prayer will be taught in assembly and in all classrooms and will be a lovely way to begin our school day as we go forward.
My thanks to Mrs Cullen, Mrs Venes, Mrs Semple and Mr Wilson (parent members of the liturgy group) for assisting and collaborating with the children with all of our work for the Jubilee mass.
I am confident that this will be a most joyful and emotional day for the entire school community. / School chaplain-Father Michael
Primary 5 have launched our annual Shoebox Appeal for the Blythswood Trust Foundation to send small gifts to the children of Eastern European Countries.
During the months of October & November, all families will be asked to donate oneshoebox (more if you can) to the annual appeal to support children in Eastern European Countries.
The appeal was launched at Assembly on Monday 10th October and filled shoe boxes should be sent into school by Friday 11th Novemberin order to ensure a Christmas delivery.
We have secured an extension of one week for our pick up in order to
maximise the number of boxes collated. Please support this good cause by filling a shoebox (no matter how small!) and allowing your child to contribute and participate.
Please support this important appeal. /
Thanks to Mrs McFadyen who has volunteered to meet with the school librarians and to lead this group. Mrs McFadyen will also take a lead role in ensuring that our pupils participate well in the First Minister’s Reading Challenge!
Please encourage your child to read for enjoyment and encourge them to complete their reading passport to a high standard.
Active LiteracyThank you to some of our mums who have volunteered to assist with the maintenance of the library. We are still urgently looking for mums or dads to assist with this task, either from 9.45-10.30am each morning or on a Friday from 1-2pm. Please call
Mrs Carrigan at the school if you can assist or pass your details to Mrs Duffy at the school office.
During this year P1 – 4 will be introduced to the North Lanarkshire active phonics programme. This promotes a multi-sensory and interactive approach to phonics and spelling. On November 17th 2016 (Parents’ Evening) Ms Murphy will be hosting a short parental workshop on the new programme. The first workshop will take place in the library between 4.00 and 4.30pm. This same workshop will then be repeated at 7.00pm.
All members of staff have met with their chosen ‘Pupil Voice’ group to set their targets and agenda for the year and this will be on display during parents’ evening in the main corridor.
Please check the school website for details and progress being made by our Pupil groups.
Our groups are being led by the following staff:-
Pupil Council(To include Rights Respecting Schools) Ms Murphy
Eco Group Mrs Gibbon
Science Group Miss McNaught
Health Mrs Carrigan
Liturgy Group Mrs Donati
We have booked a trip to the pantomime “Cinderella” at Eastwood Theatre on Monday 19th December @ 1pm. The cost will be £10 per child. Please hand infinal payments of £5.00to the school by Friday 18thNovember. Please mark envelope with your child’s name and class on it.
For those families who have not paid, please can the full amount be sent into the school by Friday 18th November. Thank you.
The parent council are committed to both working in partnership with the school and to representing the views of the wider parental community.
Having met with Mrs Oliver , Parent council chairperson , I am delighted to hear that there will be a stall at our Parents ‘ evening to showcase the work of the parent council.
My thanks to my parent council members who are working tirelessly to organise a range of events for the benefit of parents and children. Please come along and support them by visiting their stall, by offering your services and assistance where you can and by giving your views and suggestions. It will be much appreciated.
As we go forward, all communication form the parent council will come directly from the parent council secretary, rather than via our school office staff. It is vital therefore that if you wish to receive updates from the parent council that you ensure that your details have been passed on.
The school will happily assist the parent council in collating an extensive e mail group list and therefore I have attached a pro-forma, for this purpose. Please return this to the school and our clerical staff will happily pass your form on to the parent council secretary, Mr McHugh.
Alternatively, visit the Parent Council stall, which will be situated in the ICT suite on Parents’ evening and simply fill in your details.
The Parent council will continue to work in close partnership with school staff to ensure the best outcomes for your children.
Your child should have brought home a slip last week, informing you of the time which we have allocated for your appointment with the class teacher on Thursday 17th November. Apologies for the fact that P6 and P7 did not receive letters on Friday afternoon as we had a printer problem.
These classes will receive their letters today.
All parents have been given a pro- forma to complete to advise us either of any concerns which you may have or of any questions which you wish to raise at parents night.
Please return this form to the class teacher by Friday 11th November. This will allow us to efficiently prepare for your appointment and to ensure that we have all the required information to hand.
Christmas/New Year / Thursday 22 December 2016toWednesday 4 January 2017(inclusive)
* Please note that schools will close at 2.30pm on the last school day before the holiday
2017 Return to School / Thursday 5 January 2017
Second Mid-Term / Friday 10 February, Monday 13 February
and Tuesday 14 February 2017
Good Friday
Spring Holiday (Easter) / Monday 3 April – Monday 17 April 2017 (inclusive)
Good Friday 14 April 2017
Easter Monday 17 April 2017
* Please note that schools will close at 2.30pm on the last school day before the holiday
May Day / Monday 1 May 2017
May Weekend / Friday 26and Monday 29 May 2017
School Close / Tuesday 27 June 2017
* Please note that schools will close at 1pm on the last school day before the holiday
In-Service Days
Day 1 / Thursday 11 August 2016 / All SchoolsDay 2 / Friday 12 August 2016 / All Schools
Day 3 / Friday 14 October 2016 / All Schools
Day 4 / Wednesday 15 February 2017 / All Schools
Day 5 / Thursday 4 May 2017
(To coincide with Election) / All Schools
Our Lady of the Annunciation Primary
Thursday 17th November / Parents’ EveningThursday 24th November / Mass to celebrate 60 years @9.30am in St Gabriel’s Church
Friday 2nd December / Flu Vaccinations- all pupils
Wednesday 14th December / Christmas Concert @1.15pm
Thursday 15th December / Christmas Concert @1.15pm
Monday 19th December / Trip to Eastwood Theatre “Cinderella” 1- 3.30pm
Tuesday 20th December / Movie afternoon & parties
Wednesday 21st December / Mass for end of term @ 10am in St Gabriel’s P7/6 to lead
Thursday 26th January @ 2pm / P6 enrolment mass re Pope Francis Faith Award
Monday 13th–Friday 19th February / Catholic Education Week
Wednesday 1st March / Ash Wednesday. 11 am service in school
Friday 3rd March / World Book Day
Wednesday 8th March / 1.30pm Parents’Meeting Reconciliation
P3 We are the Greatest Service @ 2pm in school
Tuesday 14th March / Mass and Reconciliation P7/6 @1.45 pm
Thursday 16th March / Mass and Reconciliation P6/5 @ 1.45pm
Tuesday 21st March / Mass and Reconciliation P5 @ 1.45pm
Tuesday 21st March / Science Exhibition 5.30-7pm
Thursday 23rd March / Mass and Reconciliation P4 @ 1.30pm
Friday 24th March / 10am Mass to celebrate Feast Day in St Gabriel’s Church
Tuesday 16h May / New Entrant Session 1 1.15-2.45pm-
Saturday 13th May / First Communion @ 11am
Monday 15th May / Report Cards issued
Tuesday 23rd May / New Entrant Session 2. 1.15-2.45pm
Thursday 18th May / Parents Evening
Saturday 20th May @11am / First Communion@11am
Thursday 25th May @ 10am / Thanksgiving Mass & Ascension Thursday P4/whole school
Tues 30th May – Friday 2nd June / Health Week
Friday 2nd June / Sports Day 9.30-11.45am
Thursday 8th June / P7 Leavers Show @ 7pm
Friday 9th June / Head Teacher’s Cream Tea
Thursday 15th June TBC / Summer Trip to Blairdrummond Safari Park whole school
Tuesday 20th June *TBC / Leavers’ Mass @ 10am in St Gabriel’s Church
Tuesday 20th June @7pm / Leavers’ Dance 7-9pm
Ann Watson
Head Teacher